You There! How Would You Like to Buy My Flag?

in #life7 years ago

Does some random perv keep leaving odd comments on your blog?
Are you new and feeling powerless?
Does flagging make you feel dirty?

Favorite Flag2 - Copy.jpeg

If you answered yes within your mind...
You've Come to the Right Place!

We here at Shove One Up Their Ass flag services are dedicated to your needs.

From the very low introductory offer of 1 SBD for 10% power flag, all the way up to our famous Kick him while he's down 100% powered flag for 10 SBD, we feel satisfied that your needs will be met every step of the way.

No more bullshit guarantee!

Has it Really Come Down to This?


I'm joking.

After spending much of last night murdering my voting power to flag a spammer who felt it was necessary to abuse this great thing we have going on here, I honestly felt like I should be getting paid for my efforts.


Monotonous work. It felt like I was working in a factory and it was my job to push the button all day. It was me versus a robot. The same post was being published every five minutes, for hours. People were actually voting from time to time, but I made sure to flag those rewards away. The spammer doesn't deserve it.

Who Am I to Say Who Deserves What?

Someone who feels it's necessary to protect my investment. I don't want to see this place overrun by spam bots. Those behind these things don't care if they get two cents per spam post, or two dollars. It all adds up in the end and took very little effort to achieve.

Are you new? How hard do you work on your posts? Some of you put everything you have into each and every offering. You want to succeed.

The reward pool is limited, we share it. There's only so much to go around. That $2 earned by a spammer can't go to you or your hard work. A flag or two takes the money away from the spammer and returns it to the reward pool, for you, or me, or any other legitimate, hard working blogger.

In the end, my flagging efforts were actually paying you, as well as me.

"But That's Censorship! What About Freedom of Speech!"

...says the whiner who does not grasp the concept of freedom of speech.
Do robots talk? Am I obligated, as a human, to remain passive and respect a robot's freedoms and emotions?

Think about that. The people who fear robots taking over the world are the same ones who will sit on their hands and let it happen. Or maybe they just read too much science fiction. Either way, acting on something before it gets out of hand does far more than sitting around arguing about nonsense.

I refuse to let the robots take over. I don't even want to use one for voting. I don't care if it gives you an advantage in the curation reward department. While you're busy elsewhere, allowing a bot to work for you, there are hundreds of people here, myself included, struggling to get actual eyes on their work.

People quit, because nobody is around to look. What happens to our investment when everyone quits and people stop coming to the site? What will you do with rewards that hold no value? If you're using a bot to vote, look at the entire picture, look at the future, use it wisely and responsibly.

Follow for Follow

The worst case scenario.
It seems innocent enough on the surface, correct? You're new, a large following is precisely what you need. Maybe having a large number of followers makes you feel important. Do you have that many eyes coming to your blog every post? Does 200 followers mean 200 votes?

It doesn't even work that way for me. I've been here nine months, my reputation level puts me in the top 90(ranked 85th) of all of Steemit. I'm struggling to get eyes on my work. There's a difference between a follower as a statistic and a true fan of your work. Friends and fans, very important. Followers is just another f-word.

As my following gets larger, my views have either remained the same or have actually gone down in some cases. It's devastating. Not only for me, but for everyone else who's having the same experience. Robotic votes play a role in this as well.

So Who Might Actually Benefit?

Those who are here, busy, day in and day out, farming for followers. When they sell those accounts to advertisers and spammers, and your feed becomes full of junk, then you'll realize what a few of these folks are actually up to. Some people defend it because they don't see the dark side.

Paranoid? No. I treat my blog like a business. In business, if you turn a blind eye to any potential worst case scenario, you will go under faster than you can say, "Fuck my life."

I prefer to stay on guard, protect my investment, and run a tight ship.

With my own eyes, I recently came across a new account created this month. Over 2500 followers. Nearly every comment they leave is, "Followed." That's it. One simple word spammed countless times. They write up a few blog posts, see one or two views, a small handful of votes, and see pennies on their work. Clearly, that member is not here to find success as a blogger, because they are not trying, they have nothing of value to offer. 2500 followers, going nowhere. If you're on that list, you may get sold someday.

The spammer who I flagged had a following of 14 people, yet the spammer could have earned well over $30 had I not stepped in. Do the math. Imagine how much a spammer could rob from us with a massive following. It would take a lot of voting power and many people working together to be able to flag it all down and return that money to the reward pool.

Tread Carefully

Protect your investment, use your flags to combat spam, ignore those who simply want you to follow them, especially now that you hopefully realize where this is all going.

If this is a social network, anti-social behavior is unacceptable. You're not a piece of meat. You're not a statistic. Respect yourself and your blog. Aim to produce quality content and only reward those doing the same. This place isn't about participation awards. There are no free rides. Make people earn your follow. These ones who don't try, they don't care about you. That should go both ways.

Have a nice day.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"...It's too bad spammers and bots can't read."
[email protected]

© 2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


The use of bots is def an interesting one! I had a nightmare last night that one of Google deepminds AI was unleashed on Steemit and was so good at posting and commenting that it just dominated the reward pool. I woke up sweating. hehe. too much steeming for me.

But for real tho, good on you for flagging. I lol'd at the service offering!

They say robots make life easy, then others say we lose too many jobs. I don't want to lose this gig and life wasn't meant to be easy. I want a challenge and I don't think I'm the only one left.

As for that joke... thanks for laughing! Thought I'd start things off with a joke, loosen everyone up.

Thank you for taking the time to fight that spammer. I work hard to succeed here and it makes me mad seeing people cashing in on spam with very little work. It definitely is a huge problem. Any time someone just tells me to follow I ignore the person. Finding true followers is hard in a sea of people looking for easy money for no effort.

About 90% of my following hasn't even told me about how they've followed. They just show up and follow and I assume it's because they enjoyed it and look forward to more. Seems legit. I don't mind if the next person has 1000 more than me. Their votes and views follow a similar pattern. ...and why do people think this is about easy money? I've poured thousands of hours into this blog. That was not easy. I don't want to feel like a sucker for working so hard, and I don't. Feels more like an achievement. Something to be proud of.

Hmm how I followed...I ended up on steemit after being invited by a friend who had been here a year. I was checking out her work and saw a comment from you. It was a great comment so I checked out your work. I think you were the first kind person with conversational comments I met. I also meant easy money to a beginner/outsider. The longer you are here the more you realize it's hard work.

Hey... what's with only one picture and a bunch of words??? The bot thing, I've never liked. I don't upvote anything I haven't read and liked... nobody gets a free ride (or vote). I haven't flagged anybody yet, but I've got a "Mute" list as long as your arm!

I didn't want to distract anyone. Words worked in books for hundreds of years. Remember how people would think you were of lesser intellect if your books required pictures? LOL. Things sure have changed...

As for muting, when it comes to a spammer. To me, that's like seeing a friend get beat on by three guys and deciding to turn your back and walk away. I've muted a few nuisances though. If asking someone to go away or be quiet multiple times isn't enough, time to pull out the duct tape.

Amen on the duct tape! My library burned last week... I lost both books (and I hadn't even colored in one of them)!!!

I have two books... The Bible and the Complete Works of Machiavelli (go figure!)

This is a seriously important post. We are all determining the worth of this thing.

Thanks for your flagging efforts!

Thank you. Months ago, when I signed up, we had a culture of quality. Everyone seemed in on it. Now that culture seems to be getting pushed aside and there's not enough of us holding on to it. Becoming impossible to maintain. Doesn't have to be that way. This place was awesome before. No need to turn a blind eye to that fact.

I've been here for a week and I'm jumping in and holding on! I am only sharing things I hope will add value.

That was one hell of a speech.
My mind started accelerating in the middle of the post trying to read more. Gimme moooarr!!

Well, thanks for reading! I edited out a few chunks thinking people would want less. Now I know better!

It would be amazing if this concept became a reality but I can see it getting abused pretty badly haha.
It is annoying that you have these spammers who only seem to upvote themselves and I've seen some people on my posts leaving comments like ':)))))))))' and say it is justified as they are 'having fun'.
It's just ridiculous

Contract killings. Hire a hitman! Probably not a good idea.

As for these junk comments. There's no effort involved, but look at their list of comments. People vote it up, it adds up... while some new member spent hours on a post and didn't even earn a dime. I don't think that's fair. Even beggars on the street have to work harder.

I am resteeming this to check my theory...

I appreciate that. I think I reached that invisible wall at about the time you left this comment though. We'll see how it goes.

Ha ha ha...I'm the invisible man

I guess that's my theme song now. I've been thinking about this too much. It would be nice if people would at least stop in to tell me what I've done wrong, so I could improve. This silence is sending me a strong message.

I don't think you did anything wrong though....same with me ...too many people here and people switched off their bots. It is rather irritating...let's check it for the next week and then we make a plan together.

Brilliant post @nonameslefttouse. I'm new here, and what you have written has never crossed my mind. It sure makes sense that this stuff goes on and it's pretty pathetic. But, you are absolutely spot on. Cheers

I speak from experience. What I believe in, I've put to the test. Been around the internet for many years. I know this game. When we come here, the money can be a distraction, people forget a few things or decide to look the other way. They want to gain something. Better to earn it.

You know I never thought of it that way that someone might be farming followers too then sell their account to spammers/advertiser's. Totally agree with your work here!

It's an old trick. Dates all the way back to those annoying automated phone calls nobody likes. They find a way to get you on a list, then it's show time. "Enter you email address to subscribe to our newsletter." Then your spam box starts to fill up a day later.

this is interesting. i've only recently just tried the flagging feature. on some spammer, but it didn't really affect him. he was spamming the same meme image on every single post.

Higher reputation and the amount of steempower come into play. Just like one of my upvotes has more power than yours, so does my downvote(flag). Any flag is enough to send a message though.

nah. i flagged like 5 of his comments where he spammed the same meme. i checked his profile again today and he's still doing the same thing lol. worst part is he's getting rewarded for it. i guess spam works sometimes, right?

Social network. Think about hanging out with friends. How annoyed do become with the person who always tells the same story. The radio. How annoyed do you become with a song that gets played over and over and over? Does it work? No, unless you strive to be a one hit wonder. Not much of a future there....

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