The Story About How I Tried to Make $1000 With One Post

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I'd seen it done before and I knew I could do it too.

It was just a matter of time.

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I woke up that day. From my sleep of course, but that's not all. I had been in a trance for many months. Working hard, doing things my way, getting shit done, succeeding.

It was never enough though. Something needed to be pushed aside to make room for that of which is much better.

I saw how well they had been treated. Sure, they started up just like everyone else. Played the game on the same field. Some paid their way, giving themselves an advantage, but even they had to find a following and work hard enough to maintain the interest in their work.

People would line up to leave a comment. They were given advice beforehand. Their intentions were pure enough. Get noticed by the ones getting noticed.

I never did that. Maybe I was being held back because of it. Always busy working on my own thing, trying to improve and always being there for my own audience. Still doesn't feel selfish. Feels about right. I had gained a lot of attention through my posting efforts anyway.

When I did comment somewhere else, I wanted it to be a rare treat. I wanted them to know I was there and genuinely interested because sometimes the vote isn't enough. Besides, they knew I was a busy guy.

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A storm was brewing. A few outsiders showed up from time to time. They heard about easy money online and wanted some like right now.

Many wanted to skip the steps required to move up. They would see something someone else did, try doing the same thing, then get angry and claim the place was a scam when their meme didn't make $100 like that other meme.

They would shoot everyone down when their post about bananas was overlooked. Some even tried to trick everyone with fake art. Others would share Alex Jones videos, then not be able to figure out why they are not instantly becoming the next high paid conspiracy theorist.

"Circle Jerkers! The only way to get anywhere here is by sucking massive whale dick," they'd cry.

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So Those Were the First To Go

I grabbed my favorite axe and began chopping their heads off, one by one. Things got messy, but I wore a rain coat.

One of the heads still managed to speak and complain while it rolled around on the floor. It even got louder as it bounced down the steps after I gave it a nudge with my foot.

I was lonely and needed a friend so I placed this special head on a broomstick and propped the whole thing up against a wall.

"You call this a post! This is shit! A shit post! Waste of my time!"

We didn't stay friends for very long.

Finally, Peace and Quiet

While everyone else had their backs turned, busy working on their next post, I realized it was time to go into stealth mode.

I grabbed a piece of blue cloth, cut two holes in it for my eyes, and tied that around my head.

After a quick slice of pizza, I located my two favorite swords, which I had named The Twins back in 1994, and headed out.

I sliced them all up faster than you can say, "Will it blend?" Forgot my damn rain coat though. I hate when I make that mistake.

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The Job Was Done

When I finally got home, it was late. That didn't matter though. I was no longer in a rush.

The blood came off easier than I thought. Dish soap and a scrub brush was all I needed.

I then began to write. This is what came out.

Since nobody else is around, the moment I hit the post button and vote up my work, I should see about $1000.

Fingers Crossed!
I hope it's more.

All images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Relax! It's fiction! You're not dead!"
[email protected]

©2017 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


I tend to feel, it's not really about the money, it's more about what would be nice to see on the trending page. I would love to see a lot of your posts hit trending simply so that new people, or especially people considering joining, would see humor and diversity there.

I truly don't know what to say about that anymore. I try really hard to focus on my thing, try to make it worthwhile. Never seems to be enough.

It is possible that the fact that your work is all original with obvious effort and time put in, that it would make some of them look bad.

But on the other side of that is a whole bunch of people that have been here a long time and almost completely overlooked.

I would say that there are those of higher sp who do have integrity, that truly care about quality and they are voting on your posts and the posts of others who deserve it. I appreciate them.

I certainly don't take any of this for granted, and people are free to do whatever the hell they want. I don't have an attitude problem, as in, I don't think I'm better than anyone. What bothers me though has more to do with my personality than anything else. I want to be great. I'll accept second place, because I know I tried hard, but I like winning more, so I'll keep pushing. Yeah, it's frustrating at times, but that frustration does not stem from some sort of entitlement issues.

If I finally get there, at least the trail I leave behind will prove that I'm only there because I worked hard, and nobody will be able to take that away from me by saying it's not what I did, but who I knew, or something along those lines.

That is absolutely true. You have always set yourself to a high standard, not only in your work, but also in your voting practices. I know for a fact that you have never tried to get ahead with any form of dishonesty. You care about quality of work, whether it's yours or someone else's, you care about steemit showcasing quality of work. And there is definitely a trail that proves that.

Well, with this post, I've been wanting to do one like this again for a long time. The crazy twist stuff halfway through what seems like a normal blog post is always fun. Some of the comments made me feel like people either didn't read it, or stopped reading halfway through. I could be wrong, which is fine, my mistake. Oh well....

I'm still waiting on making my first $10 post let alone $100 or $1000. Best of luck. At this point id be happy with $1 lol

Don't wait for it, work for it. My account is worth over $32000 today because when I'd earn a dollar awhile ago, I saw the future value of it. I didn't look at the next post with $20 and become jealous to the point of rage quit. It all adds up.

I am trying my best. I was going to invest a large sum of money into to steem when it was $1, but sadly the bit coin dealer I was dealing with ran off with my money. Now steemit is almost $3 and I missed out big time .

Wow thats amazing . You made more in one comment then i did after 40 hours lol. Keep up the good work. Yours word must mean something

That rarely happens to me. I was quite impressed myself when I saw it. This post got a lot more views in a day than average as well. I guess I just had a good day. Still trying to do better though. I hope I never run out of ideas. Seems to get harder as each day passes, but that's partially what motivates me.

I think when you start dropping lines like my account is worth 32k people start open their eyes . Congrats man.

You have inspired me again - I'm going to start doing posts with links to Alex Jones videos because he is a god and I want to be a conspiracy theorist...

I do hope that works out for you!

Alex Jones has a body guard because people keep trying to steal his pies

Does he hide the pies in that beard?

Take him into custardy

Amazing post I hope you get what you deserve on this post. I myself would be happy just making 100$ ;)

Thanks. I'm not unhappy about rewards. I was happy with $10 back when Steem was valued low. Even five was fine. Earning 50 or 100 today is no different than 5 then. 5 you earn today might be worth 50 next week...

For a long time I was reading your name as @nonameslefttolose which I thought was pretty cool. But then I realized that it was @nonameslefttouse...which is ..alright, not as cool though...You are still pretty cool though, in an uncool way, cool?

Cool. The name is all about those times when, "that name is already in use," pops up when one tries to sign up for something.

I am with you @nonameslefttouse, and 500 upvotes for my comment. I am joking, i saw on youtube a lot of dumb coments requesting likes for comments. I think any memeber of steem is dreaming about 1000$ / post, and some of them do even more. It is like fishing, one day you will catch the big one. Cheers.

... This was fiction.

@nonameslefttouse, I heard the advice of commenting to get seen. I wanted to follow it, but could not. Because I take time to read post, understand stand it before I comment. So I couldn't comment on so many post in one day.

As trying to do what someone else did, I don't do that. But I can draw inspirations from what they did.
Nice post.

Inspiration and copying are certainly two different things. I wasn't really take shots at anything or anyone though. This was fiction. Some parts were exaggerated intentionally.

You are right. Nice post.

Very good :) I like it :)

You get all the best comments @nonamesleftouse


Very good this publication all information is welcome to those like to have knowledge.

Did you read it?

Your story is quite interesting, giving me important insights@nonameslefttouse

quite interesting....

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