@nonameslefttouse: A Self Righteous Post About Posts Set To Go Viral and a Few Other Things

in #life8 years ago

Maybe you don't like my ways, words or me personally... but I'm doing my part.


Have You Heard?

There's a funny guy on Steemit who actually writes his own material!

That's right! I don't hit up google for a one liner so I can swindle the system out of a cool, crisp twenty. I'll google to make sure I'm not copying someone though! I won't just strip images and memes from other websites and pass them off as my own! I will check though, to make sure the images I've made are unique. If I discover later my creations and words come close to something in existence, I'm sure glad the context is different! I would feel terrible if I copied someone. You see, in the comedy world, you will get your ass kicked if you're caught stealing jokes.

Isn't that something, eh?

The dumb fuck who swears actually does research. The guy who "doesn't bring anything of value" to Steemit. The guy who, on a daily basis, brings tears of joy, makes people piss themselves laughing or least makes them think, "what, the fuck."

Many of my followers know what's up. They get it.

Moments after I post, the comment section quickly turns into some sort of improvised comedy show. Damn, you guys are good sports! I fucking love engaging with the fans... but I'd sooner call many of you, friends.

I don't just do this for them though. I don't sit here making a complete fucking ass out of myself for a small group of people to enjoy alone. No sir and or ma'am(it, these, those and them over there), I'm on the grand stage and that is not being delusional.

Alright, okay, so maybe I'm just slowly walking up the steps to the grand stage. Oh who am I kidding! I'm still in the damn hallway trying to collect my nerves. The truth though, it doesn't matter where I am, I know where I'm headed.


Many of you following my account are probably getting sick of hearing this by now. I think a few of you also realize I've been struggling to get the word out. I have to bring it up again though. Yes, this is partially about those few old articles of mine which keep picking up steam. For some reason (I know the reason) I feel it's important.

Not everything I do is gold. Some articles are floating face down in the water. Oh well, can't win them all. I guess a few elements need to be present along with a bit of good ole fashioned luck. I've yet to perfect my magic but I know damn well I'm doing it right, sometimes.

Two days ago, after much hype, I revealed one of my methods to keep your old articles alive along with a few steps to take which I think are important if you view your blog as part of your business, like I do. Within the two part series I included some honesty as well. I've never been the type to bite my tongue around the boss and be a yes man. It's my philosophy, a person won't get anywhere in life as a puppet, and yes unfortunately, it's true, I feel ass kissers are scum.


If you're running a business and your intelligent employees never offer any form of truth or constructive criticism because they fear their master, the entire business goes down the shitter. Also, if you're in charge of something and think everything is on the up and up because nobody ever complains or sheds light on the issues, you are in for one hell of a shit storm.

Within the atmosphere of a fearful workplace, those who do speak the truth are often shunned by their colleagues. The proof is in the pudding (I've been using that term too much lately). If someone blindly praises all things Steemit, the votes pour in! Everyone wants to be like them! If someone speaks a little bit of truth, even if they conduct themselves in a professional manner, it's shunned. People steer clear. Nobody wants a part of it, they fear being even in slight agreeance may interfere with their own future success. Things spiral out of control in a fearful workplace.

I have this strange feeling I'm being punished. There was a time my work would shoot straight up to the hot spots nearly every time I published something and I was getting accustomed to receiving rewards on a regular basis. I did not publish with those expectations in mind, it just happened. I felt like people here were enjoying my work and even, me. That felt really good. I didn't feel like I was handed this reputation level, I felt like I was earning it. I felt like I had a future here doing what I do.

Sorry Steemit!

While you're all busy thinking up new ways to draw people to Steemit, some of my work has started circulating around the internet. The view counter was a blessing for someone like me. I've been watching a few of my old articles take off ever since the view counter was put in place. The viewers are majority outsiders, the non-steemit types, they are finding my work now.

Progress. The first time I shared this screenshot, we had 23 views. I was excited. This was captured seven days ago and yes I do have proof of that claim.

You see, 23 views. Keep in mind these all occurred after the view counter was put in place. Don't forget, the view counter has been broken since then as well. This next number is inaccurate. It should be higher.

It's the same article. This screenshot was taken today while writing this. Why it dropped from twelve cents down to a whopping dime is beyond me. I have enough evidence in place to prove my claims. Eighty views.

No, I'm not Bragging!

Those images are only showing the progress of one of my older articles. There are a few more following the same trend. I'm not bragging. I'm not saying my stuff is better than the next Steemit member's work.

I'm saying, my work is getting passed around. Each time, it's not only a free advertisement for me, it's a hit for Steemit. It's safe to say, I've shown Steemit to a few thousand people, at least, all on my own, through the quality and entertainment value of a few of my articles and a little bit of know-how.

We were told to go viral. Well, I'm working on it. I'm sorry Steemit. Sorry that a few think what I do doesn't bring value to platform. Sorry about how one of my better articles getting passed around only shows a dime to those hundreds of people viewing it. I didn't mean to. I know the platform likes to market itself as a place where people can write and get paid. This was beyond my control. Sorry I'm not good enough to be one of those famous faces you'd like to see here. Someone who could create content and drive the eyes of their outside audience here, sorry I'm not that.

End Sarcasm

I know what I am, what I'm capable of and most of all, I know I'm worth a lot to this platform. Therefore, I'm not giving up.

Sure, I can explain some of my thought process clear as day and help guide people down the same path as me. Sure, when others do that they'll get sometimes up to $100.00 for their efforts only offering an idea that might work. So what, I nearly made a buck and the I doubt the highest value votes even read the articles. A few people got in on the action, I'm happy for them and wish them all the best.

My plan here is to build up my Steem Power by providing quality content that has the potential to go viral. Then, I'd like to read, look at pictures, be entertained and manually upvote along the way, in my free time of course. I do not care if so many of you would prefer to sacrifice the future of the platform by setting up robots to vote for the easy curation rewards and leave the majority of users out in the cold. If saying this means you will punish me further, so be it.

When people start leaving because they don't stand a chance and can't understand why, the value of the money you wanted in your wallet so badly today begins to plummet. Maybe then you'll realize how you enjoy taking it up the ass for pennies while everyone else watches.

Honesty, Integrity, Team Work and Open Communication

The basic principles to building any business you wish to see flourish are just that. If we're a team, I'd like to see the article where someone mentions how terrible they feel when they receive 300 votes and $50.00 within minutes of publishing while the views trickle in. Some of us are smart enough to know what favoritism is and can see how you're being aided by robots. Robots guided by those looking for easy curation rewards. It's not the quality or content of the work driving your success here. You're simply one of the chosen few. The more people to go for the easy robotic curation rewards, the higher your rewards.

I've been here nearly three months. I've been watching.

Now I'll be punished further for saying this. Deemed as a bad influence for being honest. Viewed as negative, while always writing jokes and giving people a laugh which is one of the most genuine reactions any viewer of all forms of media can experience. I might even again be told I bring nothing of value to this platform, while my stuff gets ready to go viral and each hit is a free advertisement for Steemit. Maybe my language will even be censored, while everyone embraces the T 'n' A.

So, What's Next?

I'm flat-lining, going backwards, yet my view counts on nearly everything new are somewhat inline with the votes. I still have a small amount of auto votes which will trickle in. I'm not against that, those few remaining votes are not voting for me because I'll surely pad their wallets. I'm still allowed to feel like people enjoy my work. Everything feels honest, except for those pennies, that seems a bit strange to me, especially when I look around and can see what's truly going on.

I'm not bitter, I don't have certain expectations, I don't expect to be treated better than anyone else. I don't want to leave a sour taste in anyone's mouth either.

Please enjoy one of my grandest efforts to date. This "article" took me an entire weekend to produce. There are no swears, it's politically correct, I don't want you to vote for it, it's old. This is the type of thing I've been doing while everyone is busy enjoying themselves, finding "success", and avoiding the struggles some of us here are facing today.

Entertainers are people too. Steemit was a dream come true for someone like me. Enjoy this.

"My stuff is better than tits!"
Follow @nonameslefttouse
[email protected]

©2016 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.


I love you. Appreciate your honesty and how candid you are. I enjoy your humor and off-color posts and responses. I believe that should be heralded....and I cannot believe there are no cuss words here! ;)

Dolly, the Llama

Hi, I am just a Regular Llama. Thank you very much for your kind words. I feel like a fucking asshole now, but I'll get over it.

Hey nonames. Keep it up.
Don't bow down.

I won't, but who gives a flying fuck. Eleven views. Nobody reads this shit. I was handed a million votes and a few bucks... nothing will change. They don't even know what the hell they voted for.

How do you feel now? 17 more views. It's sort of like, the problem with the internet, right? How does anyone get noticed amongst the noise? Shoot, I've got theoretical answers, but if I really knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be broke as hell.

I don't know, man. I wrote this one up, things changed, but the views are still lower than I'd like them to be when compared to the votes. Whatever though. We get the fast rewards, we move on with our lives. Add 100 views to view count on the bottom screenshot of this article... that's where it stands now. I have another one creeping up to 220 views. A few more are on the rise. I'm doing alright.

It is sad that people aren't taking the time to open articles, but as far as the decline in money, from what I can tell that's a result of the hard fork. When they decided to make steempower worth about 70% less, they took away the incentive for a great many of the voters whose votes are worth something as well as those who were all over the place hoping to cash in on curation. So what we're left with are the people who actually care about what we have to say and a few bots. I'll keep writing because I enjoy doing it, and for those that enjoy reading it. It is wise to look for other avenues, such as you gave, nothing is a sure bet so more exposure is key.

Rewards for certain folks are higher than they've been in a long time, and rising, along with the amount of votes they'd typically receive. I know why, I'll keep it quiet though and let everyone fuck the place up. It's not up to me to change things.

I've been trying to get a feel for how everything is working here, and there has definitely been a huge change in the last week as compared to the first ten days I jumped aboard this train. Energy is a lot lower, you're just expressing in posts how a lot of people are feeling.
I haven't been here long enough to know who you're referring to or what the motivation would be.

Well, I shouldn't have to feel like a downer for speaking the truth, but that's the way of the world. I'm leaving it alone. What's been said has been said and won't be read so I'm not dead.

So the post I put up seems to be proving my theory correct. My votes and views are almost dead even, only in the upper twenties, and it has remained on the front page of new in all three categories I listed for hours. Meaning people have seriously dropped away. Whimsical voting has basically stopped since the curation rewards are worth next to nothing. At least now you know it isn't anything personal :) I wonder if this will change? Something will have to or the steemit boat will most assuredly sink. By the way, yours.org? It has a similar platform, but it's based on bitcoin and not some new cryptocurrency. That alone makes it more likely to be successful, so keep your eye on it.

3 hours later.......
Any questions?

80 views in the article screen shot, 88 views in this screenshot, 96 views as of this writing.

I hope you don't mind me asking here, but should I also "like" other web pages I read so that I might get "followers" on that platform? It seems the answer should be yes, but I'm too new to it to be sure.

I probably had about 2000 likes on the account I'm using before I ever started adding my own work to it, I didn't earn a follower the entire time. It won't hurt to make your account more appealing. I didn't get any followers until I started liking my own work though. I think people are discovering the fact they are connecting with the actual author instead of just liking a corporate style or mass media websites latest hit. I don't really know what to tell you. All I'm doing is testing the waters. I've only been at this for a couple of months. Before this I was a media consumer. I'm learning as I go about what it's like to be on the other side.

Well, I'll experiment too. I don't even know that we need followers. If enough of our pages are out there and enough random clicks bring readers to us, that's good enough for me.

The article that ties in with this screenshot is now up to 126 views. I'm not sure having followers helps, but I know once you get one, they have a better chance of seeing your future contributions and in turn possibly "liking" it.

It involves a lot of randomness indeed. These hits don't necessarily mean someone is reading it either. They might just click to the next page. Knowing this, I'm developing a certain format that draws people in. In time I'll have this down to an art form... and the more people I attract in the mean time, the better it is for me down the road if I intend to make some decent money doing this. I've written about it before, vaguely. Some people know their target audience, some create it.

I'm thinking tags are very very important to the process. And like you say below, opening lines.

Apparently, one must use the stumble button and like other content along the way otherwise the system assumes you're a spammer. @kiwideb just showed me an issue report that contained this solution. That's why my recent additions were not receiving hits. They want a balance of additions and regular usage. Keep this in mind.

Oh! Good idea on their part. I better do some stumbling...

This post has been ranked within the top 80 most undervalued posts in the second half of Dec 14. We estimate that this post is undervalued by $6.48 as compared to a scenario in which every voter had an equal say.

See the full rankings and details in The Daily Tribune: Dec 14 - Part II. You can also read about some of our methodology, data analysis and technical details in our initial post.

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