
I won't, but who gives a flying fuck. Eleven views. Nobody reads this shit. I was handed a million votes and a few bucks... nothing will change. They don't even know what the hell they voted for.

How do you feel now? 17 more views. It's sort of like, the problem with the internet, right? How does anyone get noticed amongst the noise? Shoot, I've got theoretical answers, but if I really knew the answer to that, I wouldn't be broke as hell.

I don't know, man. I wrote this one up, things changed, but the views are still lower than I'd like them to be when compared to the votes. Whatever though. We get the fast rewards, we move on with our lives. Add 100 views to view count on the bottom screenshot of this article... that's where it stands now. I have another one creeping up to 220 views. A few more are on the rise. I'm doing alright.

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