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RE: Luciferian agendas: Part 1 - The sustainability movement, smart everything, and UN Agenda 2030

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Thanks a lot. It's a total scam and we are being herded like sheep to the slaughter. The technology to turn this world into a relative utopia has been available for almost a century already, but we'll never get it without some serious leaks of the technology by insiders that have had enough. What they will give us instead is a consumerism-obsessed, electronic prison / human farm / eugenics project sold to us as a utopia. Ultimately, I believe they want to create a transhumanist and technocratic prison planet where they can hand our spirits over to demonic entities and harvest our souls. At the pace we are at, their big move where they take off the velvet gloves and use the iron fist / mark of the beast cannot be far off unfortunately.


This Is linked to the Alien Abduction phenomenon and David Jacobs work and also Nigel Kerners books. I think the wireless grid, AI agenda Is our biggest danger.

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