Luciferian agendas: Part 1 - The sustainability movement, smart everything, and UN Agenda 2030

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Some honest context to the sustainability movement is in order. It's not just some nice movement about saving the earth as many would like you to believe. It's actually a Luciferian movement intended to take people down a garden path to techno- / smart city-imprisonment. And just like Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World", the intent is for people to love and demand their own imprisonment, but this time because it's oh so good for the planet and everyone on it as well as being so convenient.

Saving the planet or further empowering existing psychopaths

If you've been reading my recent posts on Luciferian symbolism in the cryptocurrencies, then you've likely seen my post on the 2030 project and it's Pillar token sub-project. (If not, please do have a read of it to understand some of the context that I'll be discussing here.) After posting this previous writeup on Pillar, I received far too many comments where I noticed that people really didn't seem to understand how the Pillar token could fit to the UN 2030 Agenda. Now it's time for me to clarify this and a whole lot more.

The stated goal of the UN 2030 Agenda is sustainability to save everything, from the whales to the snails. You name the topic, 2030 is going to fix it and save us all from our own demise in the process. (Just see the 17 development goals above to understand the full gamut they are trying to cover.) Now if you don't already know that the UN has been funded and developed according to deep Luciferian principles by the Rockefeller family along with many other Luciferians, then I highly suggest you first check out a few interesting resources beforehand:

  1. A very short summary on the UN that calls out a number of salient points about the UN and its NWO and Luciferian connections

  2. A short selection of clips from a must watch, longer Aaron Russo interview about his relationship with Jay Rockefeller and the NWO plan to have the whole world chipped to regularly access their data from a global database (read "global blockchain" now)

  3. A brilliant web site that summarizes the green agenda, its connections to the UN, the Club of Rome, the Lucis Trust (read "Lucifer Trust"), and lots more interesting stuff on that you must know.

Just by digging into these above resources, you should get a better feeling of where the UN and the sustainability agenda are coming from.

What does the 2030 target state look like

Under the guise of protecting everything from the whales to the snails, UN Agenda 2030 along with all their sustainability cohorts are creating "a technocratic utopia".. Or at least this is what they want you to believe so that you buy into it hook, line, and sinker. A more accurate picture of this "utopia" is probably the best way to reveal its ultimate plan and goals, so that's what I'll attempt to do below:

  • We must save energy and resources to save the environment and humanity
    The sustainable energy and resources model is based upon the idea that energy and resources are scarce and that we don't have enough. It's also based upon the idea that we can't distribute them everywhere without destroying the planet with carbon emissions. This is total horseshit. There are so many free energy technologies and patents out there that it would make your head spin if they were made broadly available. Carbon emissions are a total joke relative to what the earth itself produces. Regarding water, 70% of the planet surface is water and desalination is easily applicable with enough energy and new desalination technology. Food is another easy one to resolve with both free energy and water availability. The real reason this is being sold to you can be easily understood in a single Henry Kissinger quote: "Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls the money can control the world." This is why you are constantly being told there isn't enough energy and resources.. so that it can be controlled centrally across the globe.

  • The Internet of Things (IOT) and the Smart Grid will help us save resources and run everything
    The IOT and Smart Grid is for one purpose and one purpose only, total surveillance and control of society. It's sold as a way to save energy and resources while making everything oh so convenient. How nice to have a smart home where the appliances save energy and are controlled by the grid. How nice to have a refrigerator with chipped milk bottles that orders more milk when it's low. What?? We need to build out a massive global IOT infrastructure because people are too f**king lazy to manage some stuff at home and elsewhere? This makes no sense at all unless you realize that the infrastructure is not for you, but to control everything, including you. It also allows major corporations to continue to run everything by them providing the infrastructure for this. However, they will also control the software in your products and therefore you won't truly own your products anymore because you won't buy a product, you'll buy a service - think the latest Microsoft Office "service" model. This will be the case for most everything you buy, whether it has a physical component or not.

  • You can share everything and don't need to own anything
    This is no joke, even Forbes published this article on the idea. Also notice there is an accompanying WEF session referenced in the article called "What If: Privacy Becomes a Luxury Good?" This should tell you very clearly what is being targeted. Watch the excellent video above from Aaron and Melissa Dykes as well for much more detail. The point is clear, if you have no resources and own nothing you can't revolt. You are a total serf for good. Add in universal basic income, the tiny house movement, the sharing economy, and you're not only going to own nothing, you will have no money except what is doled out as digital money from the government; you will sleep in a what is essentially a closet that you don't own either; you'll exist only in massive surveillance smart cities where you are monitored and controlled 24/7; and if you step out of line, they'll just shut off your chip so that you don't get any of these "free" and "shared" services anymore. But don't worry, as Ida Auken says in her article, you'll love the pure freedom of it all.


  • Digital money / cryptocurrencies along with 5G and Big Data will make it all possible
    In order to run the IOT, a few additional capabilities are needed: A way to pay for services between devices in an automated fashion; A ubiquitous, wireless network to connect everything; And a way to crunch all the data to keep track of it all. Well surprise, surprise, just by "coincidence" all this is already being prepared as well. The Luciferians running this are certainly thorough. They've planned all of this ahead of time including the development of all the key technologies that are needed to link it all together into a cohesive and manageable system. Of course everyone wants to believe that cryptocurrencies are from "the good guys" just as Bix Weir keeps proclaiming, but is that really the case? After looking at all of this in a more connected view, it doesn't look that way at all. It's not a coincidence that all PC devices are moving us away from personal storage to cloud. It's not a coincidence that all products are moving towards provision as a services rather than as products. It's not a coincidence that devices no longer have physical connections and require WiFi. And it's certainly not a coincidence that there's been a massive rise in cryptocurrency interest including Ethereum's massive corporate commitment base. (Think of the Ethereum logo as two mirrored pyramids and this tells you much more about what they are up to.) All of these changes are sold either as as great conveniences or even as tools for technological freedom from the "banksters", but in actuality they are all about getting us to choose for ourselves to move away from any personally-controlled resources that would allow us either privacy or autonomy.

I'll dive into more of this in upcoming posts since this is probably enough to digest for the moment, but it should hopefully be clear that there is a much bigger picture here. Only when you understand the scope and goals of this big picture do you become aware of the many pieces being put in place at the moment by stealth to get us there. These pieces are each individually sold to us as empowering new technology to make our lives easier and more convenient. Every time you hear this, the real question should be how this technology or change fits into a larger agenda picture. Hopefully this post helps to draw this big picture a little more clearly.

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Excellent article, global warming and climate change Is just a tax scam and a way of stealing more tax payers money.

If these evil demons really cared about the plane they would give us the technology that they stole from humanity. The tech that allowed engines to be modified to run of water, they would clean up the environment of all the actual pollution that has been dumped everywhere. One day a judgements going to come on this Earth and If I'm still around I will help wipe these demons from the face of the Earth.

Thanks a lot. It's a total scam and we are being herded like sheep to the slaughter. The technology to turn this world into a relative utopia has been available for almost a century already, but we'll never get it without some serious leaks of the technology by insiders that have had enough. What they will give us instead is a consumerism-obsessed, electronic prison / human farm / eugenics project sold to us as a utopia. Ultimately, I believe they want to create a transhumanist and technocratic prison planet where they can hand our spirits over to demonic entities and harvest our souls. At the pace we are at, their big move where they take off the velvet gloves and use the iron fist / mark of the beast cannot be far off unfortunately.

This Is linked to the Alien Abduction phenomenon and David Jacobs work and also Nigel Kerners books. I think the wireless grid, AI agenda Is our biggest danger.

Please read my articles below,

I've been reading your 'views' since your latest comments at SGT.
Thought provoking indeed.
Concerning my own usage of X, it ONLY represents a phonetic similarity to the prefix 'ex' meaning former.
Just thought it's important to let you know.
Cheers X-

Thanks a lot for letting me know and as well for your very valuable insights! It's really good to know that there are some sane and very intelligent people that are listening and thinking on these topics also. I obviously am not writing these posts because I'm making big Steem from them ;-) so any positive feedback is very much appreciated. Are you planning on doing any blog posts sometime as well? I think I'm already following you in case you start writing some articles, if not, I'll do it now. Thanks again for the acknowledgement and the clarification.

No Worries.
The only reason why I opened a steemit account was because Sean at SGT is a person I want to support.
Thru steemit Sean has a 'life-line' outside of the goolag-utube.
Let's just say, from my own life experiences, I believe Sean has a unique ability to reach many people with the simple message, "Seek the Truth / Look at, Find the Facts Folks".
In his own way, thru his Phaser, SGTReport, Liberty Mill + his videos, Sean in my opinion has a gift.
What's most important is folks like me & you counter-argue as we do and perhaps a "Eureka Moment" lights-up in some reader's brains; Enlightenment.
Let's keep in touch thru where we write here.
B Good. X-

I think that's great and I fully agree, Sean does as great job and his heart is definitely in the right place. He has a real gift to reach a lot of people and I definitely want to support him as well. I'm just a bit concerned that he, along with a lot of other people, are now getting swayed very heavily by other potentially dubious influences like Clif for the reasons that I've already outlined.

I also realize that from an audience perspective, he must feel quite limited in whether he can really confront Clif on anything. I also assume this is the reason that he hasn't responded to any of my posts either. It might jeopardize his relationship with "the three amigos" as well as cause him to lose some of his following.

I will certainly keep plugging away to try to get some "Eureka moments" with people. So let's definitely keep working to keep the conversation honest on these topics. The ultimate goal is to wake up the masses, and I certainly want to do whatever I can to see that this happens. Thanks again for your help in doing this as well, and let's definitely keep in touch here.

I hope you'll be at the top of my feed everyday. I'm so disgusted obama gave internet control to the un, is there anyway to regain control?

Checking out your older posts now - you need more stuff on smelly socks :)

Thanks for helping to enhance the posts.. ;-)

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