Genetically Modified Depopulation AgendasteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

The EPA has silently approved, Monsanto Dows, RNAI corn, which mainstream media hasn't even mentioned. Monsanto has now tuned In and dialed In RNA Interference technology, small RNA link together the entire bio-sphere.


One of the most Important discovery's of our time Is that all plants Including those we use for food and animal feed contains a wide range of RNA molecules, capable of Inhibiting gene-expression or translation or turning genes on or off. These, none codeing, RNA molecules neutralize targeted messenger RNA molecules, the research has suggested that not only do those regulating RNA molecules exist In our food, but they are capable of surviving digestion and being absorbed, In to our body's, fully Intact where they alter, suppress or silence human genes, ( Remember they are all so doing this In the chem-trails via Hollow Fibres and Nano Tags both which are Involved In using RNA In humans ), In other words they rewrite the genome for human beings. They are capable of turning on genes that are going to signal your body to get cancer or other types of disease. These are cross kingdom mediators of genetic Information making It possible for the RNA In one species to Impact many others through their active and passive exposure to them.

This Is a big deal, a very bad situation as become much worse In the United States and this GMO corn will go worldwide. This can and most likely will be used as a bio weapon against the people for depopulation, another silent weapon to be used In a silent war. Food therefore Is essentially an epo-genetic modifier of gene-expression, making It a form of Information and not only a source of bodily building blocks and caloric energy as conventionally understood. In other-words It Is like Ingesting a program from a computer, when you eat your food, telling your body what to do, just as program does In a computer. This Is the frightening level of sophistication the New World Order has learned and you can be sure that they will use or maybe already are using this bio-weapon against the US and worlds population.

This Is a giant toxic mess what Monsanto, Bayer, Is doing and they already know what this does form their own research, that was done by themselves In 2008. This report was published In the Food and Chemical Toxicology, Volume 47, Issue 2, February 2009, It appears on pages 353-360, entitled: Indoginous Small RNA In Grain, Semi-qunaification In Sequence, Homology To Humans and Animal Genes. you can look this up for yourselves.

These people know exactly what they were doing when they did this and now they are putting It In to our food supply. Corn Is In many thousands of products via corn syrup, we already have GMO grains full of Glyphosate, which Is a known carcinogenic, and Aspartame, the later being deliberately put in to the food chain decades ago when they had prior knowledge that It caused cancer and neurological problems. Basically according to the New World Order, their depopulation agenda Isn't happening fast enough.


I'm going to conclude this article by explaining a video game, I'm currently playing, called Resident Evil HD ( originally released In 1996 ). Why am I jumping to this game, because I originally played this game when I was much younger and I didn't see then what I see now, this game contains part of the New World Order agenda. The game's story line Is set within a Mansion, that Is cover for secret underground biological experimentation, where scientists are creating bio-weapons. They have created a T-Virus which has got loose, the virus turns humans In to zombies and has created other mutations. As I have played this game I have noticed It Is full of Freemason symbolism, the all seeing one eye symbolism, freemason checkered floors, two headed eagle emblem on plaques and medals. On researching these games I found this Illuminati stuff within all these Resident Evil zombie games, and even more disturbing the biological weapons company within the game Is called the Umbrella Corporation ( pictured below ) this Is the same logo pictured on many of the popes gowns.

Resident Corporation.jpeg

Everything I have mentioned In this article about the manipulation of the human genetic code, through the GMO food and RNA, Is the Jesuits, luciferian, agenda to turn mankind In to their creation. With the end plan of destroying humanity and replacing It with the trans-humanist future, which will eventually completely remove all humans and all life from the Earth. Anyone who thinks this Is exaggeration Is unfortunately mistaken, this Is happening right now. What we are witnessing Is Freemasons which are all about secrecy and secret societies using silent, secret, weapons, against the masses, In a silent, secret, war.


tbh the jesuits are pretty cool

What Is 'cool' about mass murder? This Is evil.

Sure it is.

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