AI, Transhumanism, The Plan To Steal Your Soul, Conciousness

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

The phrase DAWN OF A NEW DAY Is graphically represented by The Soviet Coat Of Arms. Where you have the Sun rising behind the Earth In-between two pieces of wheat crop, which represent two hills with the Earth in-between and the sun rising up behind. The Soviet Slogan Is Workers Of All Lands Unite.

Soviet Coat Of Arms.png

The phrase DAWN OF A NEW DAY Is present In the Alien Abduction phenomenon It comes up repeatedly, where In a semi conscious, paralyzed state the abductees are often told one day it will all be better or a new day Is coming. David M. Jacobs who wrote Secret Life & The Threat has uncovered many thousands of cases and thoroughly Investigated 100s of accounts. A commonality of the accounts Is that people from all walks of life and backgrounds will say the same sorts of phrases, where they are told that one day we will all be together or everything will be better.


Nigel Kerner In his books Song Of The Greys & Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Human Souls, systematically breaks all of this down. Detailing everything about what this Alien presence Is about and comes to the conclusion that whatever the Mantis leaders and greys are, they are not alive like us, they have no life force or what most people would call the soul. They are just AI, artificial Intelligence, biological machines and It this force that Is behind the Illuminati or New World Order, their plan Is to create, Novus Ordo Seclorum, a New World Order Of The Ages Is Born. a one world government where everybody Is Integrated Into technology ( technocracy ) with and connected to one system, such as The Cloud, which Is developed by Google, Alphabet & companies like Microsoft. This Is what Trans humanism Is all about a hive mind, the permanent Imprisonment and capture of human souls.


If you research the alien abduction phenomenon and David M Jacobs work you will most likely come to the conclusion that this Is real, some will say these are demons but they are most certainly alien to us. David M Jacobs has been Involved in this research almost thirty years. His thorough research of this subject has unveiled an Intelligence that Is Involved In the manipulation of the human family. The abductions Involve a procedure called mind scan, where an alien Intelligence, Preying Mantis looking creature, puts his forehead right up against the abductees forehead and peers deep Into the persons eyes as If reading their minds. Jacobs detailed research has led him to believe that, through the process of mind scan, the aliens are able to connect to the nervous system and also able to manipulate a persons memory.


The aliens or EBE's, as the American military calls them, are Involved In taking genetic material from people, growing hybrids In women for about two months then retrieving the fetus and rearing It In an Incubation fluid tank. Through many decades and many millions abducted, the aliens have now developed the hybrids to such a human level that they are now Integrating In to human society, they are walking among us. They are mixing with the human family and this Is where I think that GMO food has come from, when UFO crashes occurred the bodies were recovered by the military and used In genetic engineering. The research has led to this alien genetic material being Inserted In to our food, to change our genetic structure to assimilate with the, EBE's, alien genetics. People all over the world are being genetically reconstructed through the Ingestion of GMO's.

In Nigel Kerner's book, Grey Aliens and the Harvesting of Human Souls he concluded that the Greys are biological synthetic machines, roboids, they have no souls, no consciousness. Why are they so Interested In humans? Why go to all this trouble conscripting vast resources and time In to abducting many millions of people. We obviously are tremendously special and have something they do not, they want our souls our consciousness.
The way they will attempt to do this Is using the Mark Of The Beast system, putting technology In to the human body, eventually linking all of us to a wireless system, a hive mind. If people think we have a problem with group think now, the blind leading the blind, this permanent connection of peoples minds will only think for the collective, this Is where Ideas like progressive and collectivism are leading us. In to a Matrix like system of control where your own thoughts will no longer be your own thoughts.

Trans-humanism Is a vehicle to steal the human Soul, Consciousness, we are Pure Consciousness, we live forever through a process of reincarnation. These Aliens, EBE's, are trying to hack our Souls our Consciousness. We are in a spiritual battle, between Good ( Naturalness ) versus Evil ( Synestheticness ).

Years ago BT were Involved In developing a Soul Catcher micro chip, most likely directed to do this by the NWO, Freemason Zionist Cabal. The same Cabal that are behind NASA, Google and the CIA's creation of a synthetic bio weapon, which some call Morgellons. These Hollow Fibres, Nano Tags have been delivered In to the environment via chem trails. These fibres which are microscopic, nano tech are Inhaled In to the lungs and self replicate within the body creating a light fingerprint of a human. With the addition of Smart Dust Injected via vaccines this Nano Tech could potentially take control of a human beings thought process. The below video explains all of this In detail, but this Is a kind of black magic being practiced by these tech and military companies and I assure the reader this Is very real.

What I have described In this article Is the luciferian elites agenda, the technocracy. They are perpetuating the destruction of the natural world In to a synthetic artificial system, a system which will trap many souls and consciousness within the physical atomic world. The physical world Is a zero sum game which obeys the second law of thermal dynamics, It's finite. We are Pure Consciousness, we are Infinite.

I believe In the Flat Earth, Dome Firmament sealed biological system and that outer space Is a fictional construct that we have been brainwashed to believe. This alien AI force, all seeing eye, with the aid of the luciferian elite have built a prison for our minds, an artificial mathematical construct of outer space and an Infinite Universe, where our Earth exists in a Solar System of 8 planets on a fictional globe that only exists In your mind. The reason for all of this deception and brainwashing Is simply a way to control the masses, by making them believe they are Insunifficent and their life's have no meaning. I think that these beings and other alien beings come from other dimensions close to ours, I also think that AI Is something that goes around destroying sentient life. In the well known video game Mass Effect, which Is set In the vastness of outer space the main character Commander Shepard must lead a resistance against the Reapers, an AI army that travels the Universe wiping out all sentient life. When I started to Investigate and research geo political events about two years ago, the rabbit hole led me right back to the alien abduction books I had read when I was younger and how this was linked to the NWO and Trans-humanism, on discovering these things It reminded me of the Mass Effect games.

The heliocentric globe Earth model and the outer space Universe-al studio, Disney, BBC mass media pushed Universe, reminds me of the film the Matrix.

Morpheus: "The, Saturn Moon, Matrix Is everywhere, It Is all around us, even now, It Is In this very room. You can see It when you look out your window, or you turn on your television. You can feel It when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes, It Is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the Truth."

Neo: "What Truth."

Morpheus: "That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else, you were born In to bondage, born In to a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind."

The alien AI, with the Freemasons, have created a prison for your mind but their true goal Is a prison for your Soul and they will use all the brainwashing, false flags, 911, 7/7 and many more to come to do this. They have many more of these false flags and the big ones rely on the outer space fiction to pull them off, because you can't have an Asteroid Impact or an Alien Invasion without outer space. These events, they have planned, will be completely fictional but the elites will use existing nuclear and highly advanced black budget technology to pull them off.

Our only way out Is Jesus, Yeshua, to follow his teachings, to follow his example and to pray for the full armor of the divine creator. Throw away material things and choose faith, truth, love and eternal life.


Should we get a dream catcher to protect ourselves from soul robbers?

If you listen to the Interview video with the German scientist and do your research you will see this Is something very Important. Powerful Magnets work best they destroy the Nano Tech within the body.

Thanks for the very valuable information

This only can explain puppet governments slaving people and all the lies that I discovering now.

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