As a nanny, I am dreading flu shot season...

in #life8 years ago

Knock on wood, I am dreading flu shot season when my boss basically threatens my job if I don't get a flu shot. Dreading even more as her son was wearing a flu shot sticker this week. Honestly, I don't think this year I could let her back me into a corner again. Besides, with steemit to fall back on... I will always have something I love to do for a "job," everyone tells me I need. After following through to keep my job last year, I then felt the effects of the shot for awhile. Then shortly after even the news said it wasn't effective and was the wrong strain. My cousin works in hospitals, therefore forced to get the flu shot. Guess who still got the flu... Useless!

I have met so many people involved in the anti-vaccine/choice movement. Many of which, their own children have been effected, some permenatly effected. Thimerosal is mercury people! Straight from CDC website... "Thimerosal is an ethyl mercury-based preservative used in vials that contain more than one dose of a vaccine (multi-dose vials) to prevent germs, bacteria and/or fungi from contaminating the vaccine."

Flu vaccines fail nearly all who get them. It is a ludicrous argument to mandate flu vaccines for health care workers and others. The Big Pharma Cartel wants all 350 million of us to get vaccinated yearly in order to prevent the flu. That might be reasonable if the flu vaccine is beneficial to most who receive it. It is not.

I understand love for your children, I really do. But, if the flu shot is so effective and you already gave your son 3, why would you need to force me to get mine...?

May be out of a job soon if the question-threat arrives again. I just can't go through the side effects and detox of poisoning myself to keep a nanny job. I say NO! No, I won't poison myself again to take care of someone else's child, whether I love the kid or not. Besides they practically play roulette with which strain to use to make the flu shot. Yes, sounds great... NOT!!!



You know, If I could make a $5 "pill" that we could require everyone to take once a year, every year, I could make about $1,750,000,000 per year.

I guess that the biggest difference is that I would not make some sort of stealth killer to put inside of it, but I can't make more money from treating the health issues that you get from taking it, so my investment in the detriment of your health would be minimal.

Forcing people to take vaccines is ridiculous, but, as Bill Gates said,

"The world today has 6.8 billion people... that's headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

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I wonder why he wants to vaccinate Africa?

They've certainly done a great job promoting the anti-life. Nothing but disgust, disappointment, and anger radiating from me on the subject.

That's part of why I moved out into the mountains to grow my own food and keep a better eye on who/what is influencing me and my family.

This war is won on an individual level, so keep strong, press on, and share the truth when you can!

gates is one of the most malignant, murderous monsters, ever to shamble his pathetic way across the land.

And yet he is worshiped by the masses!

he has a crazy, huge advertising budget. he has advertised himself as an angel and a superhero.
who else would do that, except a devil?

It should probably compare Heavy Metal poisoning to Autism. Aluminum is now the heavy metal of choice. This is important to me because Aluminum oxide is also the primary toxic ingredient in modern Geo Engineering (chemtrails).

Vaccinations don't work at all but they do make serious money for organisations like the Rockefeller Foundation.
Especially the yearly repeat ones like the fake flu vacination.

if we do not say, no, now, soon self defense will be the only option. i am prepared.

Sad to say, but true. How "America the Great"/"Land of the Free" is called such with them practically constantly taking away rights... makes no sense to me. Change certainly is on the horizon!

i hope you are correct. it would be a shame if i were forced to turn their weapons of aggression back on them.

Self defence is not aggression.

true, but aggression is aggression. ever since nuremberg, the imposition of medical procedures against the will of the individual, is a crime.

The mercury compound in vaccines is not absorbed by the body and does not cause toxicity. Vaccines do not cause autism, there is no evidence to support this idea besides anecdotal stories and misrepresentation.

I think Mercury was replaced by Aluminum. I feel really silly pointing this out, but injecting toxic material including the heavy metal Aluminum into an otherwise healthy body can't end well.

Everything is a matter of concentration. Aluminum is fairly common in the environment and you are continuously exposed to it. The concentrations of these things (in vaccines) are not high. Everything has pluses and minuses, it is always necessary to focus on the complete picture.

For instance, if you were to get cancer would you refuse chemotherapy or radiotherapy? I don't suspect you would choose death, however subjecting your self to those therapies you are choosing to do extreme damage to your body, however the net result can be years added back to your life, so that's the trade off.

I would smartly refuse chemo.

My mother smartly accepted it. Thanks to it she is still alive these 12 years later. You would not be so lucky with your indicated course of action.

lol chemo is poison many better cures.

You are misinformed --
Plus there are many more nasty ingredients besides mercury in vaccines.

Nope, I am not misinformed.

The issue is, and I looked through a few of these publications. NO actual work is done in ANY of them. No figures, no real data, no anything.

Take for example:

Here we have an article financed by: Dwoskin Family Foundation and the Selz Foundation, with researchers who openly disclose an agenda: Conflict of Interest: All of the investigators on the present study have been involved in vaccine/biologic litigation.

No real work done in that article, a lot of (biased) discussion but no actual science. Theres a ton of money behind the anti-vaccination movement, so its easy to fall victim to this even for people with the best of intentions. However these sorts of publications are no more reliable than a publication by Monsanto preaching the safety of glyphosate. Whether or not their is an issue its easy to misconstrue data when you have a disclosed bias.

I will say this, I don't see a reason to include Thimerosal as the preservative in vaccines. Even if there is the remote possibility of an issue then it should be removed and replaced with an alternative, if GSK is able to produce vaccines lacking Thimerosal then perhaps a "better safe then sorry" approach is the best in this regard.

Finally "many more nasty ingredients besides mercury in vaccines?" There is some aluminum, trace formaldehyde (which is produced by the body in higher concentrations then received in vaccination doses), and what egg proteins and phosphate buffer? Scary (not at all).

I am still waiting for a good publication validating any of the anti vaccination claims. While there are a plethora of well done studies refuting these claims and providing more than acceptable alternative explanations for the rise in autism diagnoses, I've yet to read a well done study from the opposite perspective.

While it is good that people are trying to compile good primary sources (actual scientific publications) it would be good to look for ones with out disclosed biases. Find me an NIH funded study showing these sorts of results or an NSF funded study, performed by academics with no biases. I will be more than willing to be convinced to re-open my skepticism on this issue. However at this point, I have seen more than enough to conclude that the there is no tie between vaccination and autism. Again, I will state that as a scientist, I default to skepticism, however the data just isnt there to warrant it.

you do know that simply saying something doesn't make it so, right?

Look in the mirror when you say that.

i would have, but i was too busy doing my chemistry.

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