Release Addictions before it's too late

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Addiction one serious issue to deal with. Anything in excess is not good be it in the form of consuming something or in the form of habits.

No one starts with a habit with an intention of getting enslaved to it, but there are times when people lack will power or get into peer pressure or there are some issues with morals which causes one to being giving into these habits. The Brain does not know how to distinguish pleasures. It recognizes every pleasure in the same manner whether it is consumption of alcohol or smoking or on the other side a satisfying meal. I will not get into the science of it but anything that gives pleasure the want of it is more and more, now it depends on one's will power when to stop it.

Image Source: Pixabay

A majority of people are addicted to Alcohol and Smoking,. Pain relievers also top the list of addictions, or in that case any habit in excess. Addictions do nothing good, they hijack the brain and takes away all our thinking capabilities.

Certain addictions are tolerable but the addiction of Smoking, Drugs, Alcohol, Gambling never do good for anyone. They only ruin the lives and families.
It is difficult to overcome certain addictions but it is not impossible, but the first step to it is acceptance and the will to come out of it. Addictions are such that no one can force you to get out of it.

Coming to my own personal experience, My dad was heavily addicted to smoking and drinking. Many times he tried quitting it for our sake but he could never get out of it. I was very young so could not do much but on and off he was in hospital and finally passed away with a Brain Hemorrhage.

Image Source: Pixabay

The worst in quitting any addiction is the withdrawal symptoms. The urge gets so much stronger that there are times when one cannot control and surrenders back to the habit, that's what kept happening with my dad.

Seek help if you have any sort of addiction before it is too late. Addictions break family ties, create financial instabilities, makes you dependent and also at times isolates you. Children in the family gets impacted the most because of any of their parents addiction.

The addiction of smoking is the most common which normally starts as a style statement and makes you a complete slave to it. The younger generation gets easily caught up in peer pressures, they start with these habits in fun not realizing how slowly gradually they get addicted to it. A lot of people are addicted to pills, any small thing and they turn to pills. Our body has ability to heal by itself with a little good practices if we realize that we will not need pills for small issues like headache, cold, cough.

Image source: Pixabay

A lifetime isn't very long, so value this life and do not get slave to any habits. Fortunately a lot of programs and help centers are available to aid but the biggest part is from your side which is the acceptance and understanding that the help is required.
Keeping our mind filled with good thoughts helps us to keep away from unwanted energies in life. A regular meditation practice helps a lot.

Anything in limit is a pleasure. Remember that the addiction makes other people around you suffer more than you.

With Love and Angels Blessings 💖💖👼🏻👼🏻🧚‍♀

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Dealing with addiction means dealing with the emotional issue and that's the hard part. For most, the emotional issue or trauma is buried so deep, people think it's a surface when in fact, it's a deeply rooted issue that the person may not even be aware of. A lot of soul searching and not the easiest thing to do, but a must.

So very aptly said. The root cause is somewhere deep inside and it is difficult to confront that and release. We at times do not even realize this and fall prey for these vices.

Smoling and alcochol gives fast pleasure and relax. Many people feel boring without them. only a few people can understand and realize that Life is amazing without any ways to "improve" it.
Enlightment comes not to all of us.

So true, there are so many beautiful things around us to take pleasures from but we turn to ugly things to derive pleasure which is the saddest part of our lives. I always tell people nothing is impossible all the limitations are in the mind. I don't say this just for the sake of it, I have turned my life 360 degrees in a better way by just being positive and practicing some good things.

I like your positivity, keep it up :-)
Very helpful article, I think it's an issue that effects everybody in some way at least once in their lives.
Somewhat related to the topic: My new article Placebos are dangerous!

Thank you @spreadfire1, yes it does happen once in a lifetime we do get attracted to some or the other vices then it depends on us whether we can stop it there or we wish to get addicted to it :-(

Any indigestion is a huge harm to our lives.So we have to be careful about this addiction and warn our neighbors and raise awareness.

For about 5 to 7 years i got into football gambling, i would say it started out of peer pressure influence when i got into the university. It all started with me predicting games for my friend, he won almost all the time with the games i predicted for him. One day i said to myself, why not play them yourself too? That was the beginning of something i would struggle to control later on...

Initially, it felt like it was all fun and pleasure. I would quit intermittently in the early stages but after sometimes especially when i get some money i jump on the bandwagon again. I would convince myself that as a football lover, betting is another way of enjoying the sports even more...well until last year when i lost so much money and then i started seeking for help, i knew i had to quit before my mom gets to know about all that lost money, yes it was my money but it was kinda huge at my level...

Fortunately a lot of programs and help centers are available to aid but the biggest part is from your side which is the acceptance and understanding that the help is required.

I had gotten to this stage of self realisation, understanding that i had a problem now and the earlier i stop it the better for me, my family and most importantly my future.

I had to take the decision, it was hard, looking back at how much i had lost over the years, quitting at that point without fighting to win back all those money felt like a stupid idea but i knew that voice, that is exactly the same voice that had brought me back into this addiction all these years, it was the same voice who advised me to pay for fixed games and lead me into scammers that increased my loss and misery, but i was not gonna give in this time. In December 2017, i took the bold step and made the ultimate was hard but in less than two months it was all gone.

Self realisation and the willingness to quit, finding an ideal positive replacement (discovering steemit in my case) are all very important steps in breaking free from addictions. I had to convince myself all over again that there is never an easy route to success and money i am a happy guy, helping to encourage others to quit sports betting addictions by telling them my story with the hope to make an impact in people's lives.

Thanks for sharing this article, i found it all thanks to #map.

Thank you for sharing your story @samirich. I am so glad that you could break the chains and get out yourself to freedom. I know it's extremely difficult to get out of an addiction but it is not impossible. You will be kept pulling into it again and again but if you have a strong determination and will power you will overcome. Vices are easy pleasure deals and hence we always find them very lucrative. You have been very bold and I must say your story is an inspiration for many who are stuck and not able to free themselves.

The government must deal ethically with addicts
It must be addressed
A very special article talks about a very big problem our society suffers from

The governments are busy with their own agendas they are least bothered about public welfare, that's the saddest part specially in our country.

We cannot always hope on the government to solve all of our life's problems you know. Sometimes all we really need is the zeal and motivation to take responsibility for our lives.
The figure out why we need to fight for our lives and future if not for us then for our families, for those around us, our good friends and well wishers. That is what we need and not the government, they have been failing us and will always fail us.
Believe in your ability to make a change and live by it. #peace!

Nice post. Doesn't look like you are getting the votes you deserve though. You should check out steemengine.

I often try to stop smoking but I can't do it, it's so hard.

Smoking is one of the most difficult addiction to quit but ever impossible. You should just build up that will power one day and drop it completely, you will have withdrawal symptoms but you need to fill up those gaps with some healthy things for life. You will feel much better once you are out of it, so better to try being out of it.

Good Post for Young Generation. Thanks for the valuable information about Release Addiction..

Very nice post for the new generation. Many generations of newcomers used to curiosity, but once it became addictive it became the cause of destruction.

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