The World Is Not Ready

in #life6 years ago


I had been planning this. It had been a week in preparation. A week of secrecy and planning. Finally, I was ready.

I hoped that everyone else would be too.

I marched into work, coffee in hand, like a hero of old. It was quiet when I got in. Good, I liked it that way. I sat down at my desk and kicked back. I hoped that everyone was ready for this. The new me.


Change is always difficult. Change can be hard but I am forever a champion of change and the acceptance of this to make us stronger.

I hoped that others would be strong when they saw the changes I had wrought.

It wasn't the first time I had attempted the kind of feat that I had now mastered. Those other times had been poor shadow runs. Not like this one.

Oh no.


Angles came in. She was someone who often sat near me in our hot-desk new-age structure. We got on well. I hoped we still could.

Hey BoomDawg, fucking awful weather out there?

I reclined back further in my chair, pushing its engineering to the max as it strained to cope with such laid-backery.

Yeah, it's pure shit.

I eyed her knowingly.

Why are you looking at me like that?

She said, somewhat nervously.

Oh, I dunno. Maybe thinking you might have noticed something? Something different...

I smirked, as if I had successfully sold a wild penis on ebay.


She peered at me, her eyes roving up and down my finely honed physique. For a second her eyes lingered on my belly. No doubt she was wondering if there was a six pack lurking within, that was worthy of climbing up. Like a ladder of glory.

Ah, check your socks! Red stripes! Are they new?

I made a face as if someone had filled my pillow with farts.

No, they are not new.

I stated, a little tetchily.

She looked puzzled. Then her face lit up.

I haven't seen that t-shirt before! You are wearing new duds!

I growled low in my throat as if she were a gazelle and I had bought her to the ground after chasing her and biting her bum.


For fuck sake. Some people need led. It has always been true. I decided to give her a hint and stroked my luxurious beard. I had been growing it in secret for four days. Now it adorned my face like a beautiful Russian handbag.

She leaned in close. Perhaps too close.

Hey, you haven't shaved? Eewww. You really should.

I ran a thumb through the wild woods that grew underneath my bottom lip.

It's hard to drag a blade through this thatch baby.

She snorted as if I were small boy chasing a cat with a stapler.

It makes you look kind of dirty.

Rrraow. Sexy dirty. Yeah. I get that.

She wheeled her chair back a bit.

No, not sexy dirty. Dirty, as in, you look like you need a wash.


Now it was my turn to snort. I threw in a toss of the head like a maddened horse. She was just fucking jealous. Plain and simple. My fucking beard was obviously too majestic for her to cope with. I bet she wished she could grow a fucking beast like this.

I was thinking of getting some beard oil, you know, to condition it.

Angles barked out an almost hysterical laugh as if someone had just goosed her in the goosey gooseys.

Oh BoomDawg, we do love you. But seriously. Shave that shit off, you look silly. Or sneeze, it might just fly off then.

I stared at her and made a frrrfff noise through pursed lips. It was always thus. The Sheeple will never believe when a messiah walks in their midst.

Damn, It was really starting to itch though.

Maybe I would shave it off. The world is obviously not ready.


Give it another week, it will stop itching. Can't guarantee collegues will stop laughing, though.

I don't know if I can take another week, both of the laughing and the itching!

If you want to go from stubble to beard, you need to hang in there for a bit. Take a week off work, avoid the missus, see what happens, post photos.

But surely my sheer manhood commands faster growth?!

I'll get back to you with a nice and friendly reply to that.


Grow the thing. Its cold enough up north i would have started long ago. It goes grey first though so maybe not a good idea. It will make you look older than you really are and promotions may become scarcer. Shave it.

You said at first. Does that mean after the grey will come a sterling shiny black?

I like it, it's still here. A thatch of doom and devilry!!

When an old, old comment says it all: here

I had bought her to the ground after chasing her and biting her bum.

Not sure the good lady would approve...

Ah, check your socks! Red stripes! Are they new?

No, they are not new.

Wait, what?

stroked my luxurious beard. I had been growing it in secret for four days. Now it adorned my face like a beautiful Russian handbag.

When all is said and done, I'm rather amused, seeing as I was asked to shave today. Still not sure I should get rid of my luxurious facial foliage, I think we've already gone through the last cut

Hahaha, you so are nonames...

And red stripes trumps white socks and skirt trousers anyday!!

I was asked to shave today by more than one person. I am still in two minds!

I am still in two minds!

Whose minds?

Hahaha, you so are nonames...

You sure I'm not you?

... We've discussed these possibilities.

The possibilities are endless!!

Perhaps you are me? I do write a lot. Perhaps it has unhinged me ;0)

Unhinged you? Please, we both know that we have long since gone unhinged.

so that's why I always refer to myself as we

sir meesterboom! haha! ya gotta give it time, in a month it will be a thing of inspiration. Shoot this was 5 days ago that you wrote this, you probably already caved and shaved!

No caving!! At least not yet!! A month eh! That's ages!

oh good you haven't caved yet! I think it will fill in with some lighter colors and red and be a very rugged and masculine look. What does the Good Lady think of it? that's the main question.

The good lady hates it and shakes her head despairingly every single day it is still there!!!

haha! oh no! well, at least that's a great source of humor for your posts. And who knows, as it fills in she may grow to like it. that's a long shot I know but just never know when they're going to change their minds about something, anything..or everything.

Hahahaha! Definitely, over the course of time she may but I doubt it. It's probably up to me to stay the course!

well good luck sir meesterboom and all hail to the beard! lol.

A beard is a symbol of masculinity. So, Angles liked a man who has no beard at all. Once in while, it is ok to grow some beard. exyle grew a beard and he looks majestic. No homo here. Hahahahah! Upvoted!

Majesty is that which I am after!! ;0)

LOL you are so stealthy you can grow a beard in secrecy? You are a man of many, many talents!!

A man of stealth. Like a panther!! With a beard...

Ahhh!!! FINALLY!! I have arrived at the beard post at long last!

I still couldn't get over the synchronicity! 'Tis true what they say about great minds, it seems. ... Their owners couldn't grow out a majestic facial fuzz even if they sold their souls.

I'm not sure if I saw this before I made my post whether or not I would be as elated with the synchronicity. Let it be said here and engraved in the blockchain (while it lives): I, @jedau, of sound mind, have not seen this post prior to making a beard post of my own. Cheers, brother beard!

Hurrah, you have seen it!! I was so chuffed by the synchronicity when I posted, then went to my feed moments later and boom, there you were!!

The stuff of science fiction, I tell you what!

Oh sorry, I meant "I tell you hwat! (complete with a Southern accent)

Lol. How does one grow a beard in secret?

It took great planning and subterfuge!

Ah but there's nothing like a good thatch! Back in the 70's when my hair hadn't yet turned that uber-masculine steely grey, I grew a moustache & goatee... it had no longer gotten to that acceptable stage (the one just after "dirty face") when a friend said: Jesus, you look like fuckin Satan, shave that shit off!"

Hahahaha!! Ah the Satan look, how I secretly long to get past the dirty bit and to there!!

Back then the Oakland A's all had big moustaches like Rollie Fingers, so I grew one- then a goatee. That didn't work out- I looked in the mirror and my friend was right! I have a two-tone goatee now.

Howie could share some of his growth with you, lolll, he grows a full beard in four days! But it's not all it's cracked up to be, lots of grooming so you don't get nasty bits of food caught in there!

Lol, I think I am far far away from the grooming to avoid the food bits!!!

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