Poco Amor

in #life6 years ago


Since the little boom has been born we have had to adjust to having a baby in the house again.

This adjusting seems to be mostly me being told to be quiet or to stop playing my guitar so loudly. Ironically, the one I play the most is an acoustic so as not to wake/upset the baby. It seems now though that even this is too loud.

I love my guitar. I got it from Amazon for mere pennies. I even wrote a post about it back in the day. A glimpse of the beginnings of the boom!


So I have not been able to play as much. I found myself in a conundrum... What could I do? Sure, there was always my electric guitars and headphones up in the *Yoghurt Factory but like any guitarist, I don't want to stick on a pair of headphones when I play.
*Yoghurt Factory = The Attic... Don't ask.

Regretfully, this meant I had to get downright diabolical with the good lady.

A few days ago I sat in front of a mirror, gazed at myself wantonly and began to plot.

Today the good lady was in the shower. I was downstairs shepherding the two children. The doorbell rang. I trotted off to answer it.

It was a delivery.


Excitedly I ran into the living room and with much squealing (mostly from the little lady but I was guilty of some) we unwrapped the thing that had came.

I heard the good lady bang about upstairs as she got dried and dressed after her shower.

She came downstairs. There was a lot of guitar noises coming from the living room. Mad guitar you could say.


I couldn't see her but I heard her tread become more ponderous and full of wifely annoyance as she approached the door.

The guitar playing, of course, got louder. Even I had to admit, it was a bit of a riot.

She pushed open the door.

Daddy, it's a bit loud... oh.

Before her sat ole Daddy-o and his little lady. I had my guitar on my lap and the little lady was enthusiastically banging away at the guitar on her lap which had just been delivered. She stopped when she saw Mummy bear enter.


Mummy, Mummy!!! Look what Daddy bought me!! A guitar!! He says we can play every day and he will help me to become really good!!

Mummy bear gave me a look which was half pride and half someone's blocked the toilet with poo

I grinned at her, then motioned at the little lady before strumming a big E.

C'mon! Let's make a rawk star out of you lass!


oh WOW! First of all regarding this " I even wrote a post about it back in the day." I followed the link and then linked from there to that dem blues song...LOLZ boom! I checked the date and as luck would have it, the reason I missed these superb posts was I was on vacation and totes ignoring the internet. Don't remember if I first read anything by you before or after that, but the entertainment value did not disappoint ;0)

And great job with the new little lady guitar! The good lady will be forever reminiscing about the good ol' days with just 2 acoustic guitars once you buy baby boom his starter drum kit!

Hehe, a blast from the past indeed! I remember the blues song well. Lol!

It is funny you should say that, I have been threatening to buy him a drum kit. Mostly because I want one!! :OD

Thank you for this very clever story-telling @meesterboom.

What a lively splendid day......with many more to come.

Lovely illustrations. ^__^

Wishing you and yours all the best.


It was indeed lively and has been ever since. She is very enthusiastic!

All the best to you and yours!

Ooh, what a day...😕 Instead of me sitting on my favorite Steemicito & reading & listening the guitars of my old chap Mr.Boom & his little lady, today all day, until now, I had to listen the sound of transfer of Kombucha fluid from 1.5 tones canister to another 1.5 tones canister. Glok, Glok, Glook,...😲🤒😲"Almost same Poco amor music"...😝Life can sometimes bring unexpected sounds...🎸

Hehe, you paint the picture is how it sounds very well. I can almost hear it myself. I do like some kombucha. I presume so much of it means it is for sale? Or you and your family are very very thirsty!! ;0)

Ooh, even if we are thirsty we would drink 1.5 tones for soooo loong time...Kombucha is cool, actually we do Kombucha extract from the juice/fluid, that is super cool...
But let's return to the guitars, Now, you will have ecstatic Duo Band in Your house, your little lady is proud of you following your guitar example...😉

Mummy bear gave me a look which was half pride and half someone's blocked the toilet with poo

Why is it I know exactly what look you speak of?!? My poor husband has received it more than he'd like to admit!

Now for the million dollar question... When will we see some of those guitar skills on Dtube? I'm quite certain that the Little Lady would appreciate learning this little ditty on guitar and you might even manage to get another of those looks from the Good Lady!

Ha, that's awesome!!!

You have a distinct advantage over me in that you can actually sing!!!

Yoghurt Factory = The Attic... Don't ask.

I feel compelled to ask. I'm guessing you've got a mould issue, but how does dairy fit into it?

Aha! No, there is most definitely no mould.

I do on occasion spend the night up there when working during the week if the baby wakening madness is getting out of hand... It's a bit like a teenagers bedroom.

jizzum... see... I said don't ask


Well, I'm glad there's no mould, although shining one of those CSI lights around the place sounds like it might raise some questions.

Hehe!! That reminds me of a time when we were younger and up a friend's house and he had just bought a UV light thing which he was going to set up behind his stereo. He was a bit of a goth. We were dead keen to see what it looked like and switched out all the lights and there were slug trails everywhere!! Couldn't ever sit there happily ever again

LOL! Gross!

I wasn’t aware you were a musician! I’m impressed now! Way to use some creative thinking to allow playing time! Bravo!

Oh aye. I am mad for the guitar. I aint half as good as I used to be and I think I used to think I was twic e as good as I was but I am happy! :O)

This was a dear play friend dear @meesterboom, looking for an alida of the other side to play the guitar, that was very clever dear friend.
I hope the little lady really turns out to be a true rock star.
I wish you a beautiful afternoon dear friend

A beautiful afternoon to you too!

I hope she gets a lot out of it. It has been one of life's greatest pleasures for me!

This was SO cute... until:

Mummy bear gave me a look which was half pride and half someone's blocked the toilet with poo

How in the name of Cthulhu is a look like that???

It's a terrible terrible look!!! :0)

If you can't beat them let them join you hehe

My exact thinking!

You are such a clever clever man!

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