in #life6 years ago


What's a NAS?

Asked the good lady innocently as I faffed about in the kitchen.

I gave her my best James Bond look, eyebrow arched to handsome perfection.

We all have one my darling, yours is mighty fine if I do say so myself!

I walked past her and gave her a reassuring slap on the NAS.

Oh hahahah. Very good. But really, what is it?

I resisted the urge to tell her to use Google instead of thinking, like everyone else does. That would be mean though.

Network Area Storage my little pum-pa-tum-tum.

She looked puzzled, as if standing up after a giant poo only to look in the pan and see nothing there.


It's a big hard drive that is attached your Wi-Fi and you can access it from any computer or Smartphone type thing in the house.

I clarified. Somewhat brilliantly I might add. Perhaps I should rethink my career and start teaching simple things to simple people?

I could see myself now, surrounded by nubile disciples. All of them fawning at my feet as I explained how a kettle actually worked.


The good lady's face shone with a manic excitement.

Oh wow! Really! Can we get one? We have so many pics on that old pc upstairs. I would love to be able to access them from my phone!

I gave her a long and hard look. I had the niggliest feeling that the good lady was perfectly aware of what a NAS was and that somehow I was being played.

Ok then. I will have a look...

I checked online for the easiest NAS style thingmybob available and quickly found one. I was drawn to it because the top reviewer claimed - wow, I can't believe this is so easy to set up! I was literally copying stuff to and fro in less than five minutes.

I was sold, I clicked


It arrived yesterday.

After I put the little lady to bed I gently took the NAS out of its packaging. It was a sleek little beauty, an ebony delight, tantalising me with its sensual good looks.

I pushed the network cable into the router gently, murmuring sweet nothings to her reassuringly as I did so. Then I gently but firmly inserted the plug into the wall socket.

A quick flick of the button and she started to purr softly.

I smiled, like a dog smoking a cigar.


Following the instructions I installed the NAS software. It installed in mere moments. It was all going very well.

There, now all I had to do was click on Discover NAS and I was done. I did so with a manly flourish.

Cannot locate NAS

The application quit. I looked at the clock. It was only half past eight. That's alright. I will have it fixed in a jiffy and no mistake. After all, I worked in IT. This was what I did!

Five and a half hours later after a stramash of router/port opening shenanigans and installing flash plugins I finally got it working.


I went to bed a broken man.

Four and a half hours later I got up for work, even more broken.

As I sat downstairs, coffee in hand, staring into the long night, the good lady came downstairs.

Did you get the NAS working ok Daddy-Waddy?

Of course lass. It was a piece of cake.

Deep inside, the cold winds of winter blew across the frozen tundra of my heart.


Yes, a magic and curse of modern technology...Ooh, those installation processes are like you are trying to win a battle against 300 000 soldiers and your army has hardly 40 000. Actually, with excellent strategy Alexander the Great did that against Persian king Vassilius but that was rare case...Others, like me prior to such installation processes should call Any-case man, that for Any case will react in the time of possible trouble...😲😔😷

There has been some fine historic battles where superior strategy had led to incredible victories against the odds that's for sure!

I am usually the man they call. Sob!

I love writing installation software that should take care of everything a user would normally have to configure himself, but leaves him totally lost and utterly powerless when something goes wrong. Thank you for using our product!

Top tip: never use the included NAS client software, use what your operating system has built in, and configure yourself.

I love your top tip because thats what I eventually did. I just went for the built in file explorer and mapped through there. Now it is fine and dandy but so long wasted on the rubbish clunky software. Not even a relevant error message!

that's annoying! to be doing something and that in the end does not work, makes you want to say as they say in my country.
"el coño de la madre nojoda, esa verga que no funciona"
Postscript: I do not say those things. "innocent"
You with a sad heart for lying to her and your wife proud of you because you are very smart.

Hehe, that is a great saying!! I think I will use it!

Do you mean "The mothers of cretins is always pregnant"?

I do not know what he's talking about I do not understand what he means.

Deep inside, the cold winds of winter blew across the frozen tundra of my heart.... and the good lady smiled a wicked but unseen smile... yet all was once again right with the world! :)

A small addition making for a better ending!!

Hahahahaaa, I was going to respond to your last comment with What's a NAS? Then decided to ask my own personal google-Howie- who responded with "Nice Ass, like the one you got, heyyyy" lol! He did eventually tell me though, I am one of the nubile simpletons it appears!

Hahaha, thats so funny cos that was my response totally! hehehehe!

Let's hope she doesn't ask you what a floppy disc is. 🤫

Haha, I will be like, Wha' are we in the eighties now!? :O)

I was in the 80's last night watching Ready Player One, cracking film; even better book.

The book is amazing! I read that they are quite different!

Yup, their both excellent in their own respects.

NAS one, daddy-o! The common misconception about us IT folk is that we talk to computers as fluent as we tell stories. Really though, it's like talking to a Spaniard about Italy using what little French we know. Often times we just hit reset and we're like the best hackers in the universe.

Fret not, El Capitan of the SS Friendship, I go through the same bouts as well. But, don't tell anyone in my family about it. A piece of cake indeed... one that we manually stoked the fire during the baking process.

Hehe, oh yes. There is nothing that hitting reset/off/on won't fix lol!

Don't tell them and they will never know, wise men the dice they throw, Stoke the fire bake the cake, a friendship ship we shall make

Nothing? Oh but there is... A broken heart :( For that, there's Mastercard (tm).

I have hard of these master card's of which you speak! Take me to them!

I will gladly take you, bro-ker. But first, I need your birthdate, mother's maiden name and the name of your first pet. For verification purposes of course.

Of course... Would you like me to pay a facilitation fee? If so please send on the details of the receiving bank. Including your full details and passport number please

Thank you for that information. I will gladly sent it over once you send a stipend of $100 and your Social Security Number. Please, and thank you.

Done I will send this as soon as you send me a small part of your index finger

How does a dog that smoke a cigar smile?
I didn't know what NAS was. And now I know!

They have a big happy smile!!!

Sigh. Why don't things ever just work?

I asked myself again and again and again the very same thing!

There is nothing I hate more than fiddling with something. When you know that something should be fairly simple and straightforward and it turns into a nightmare of tinkering with this and that until all you want to do is smash the damn thing! The misses might hate it more than me. Many a night has been ruined in the quest to set something up or fix something. Those nights always end with wine.

It nearly ended up in Wine, then I realised how late it was and with work looking aso realised that wine was a nono! It was disaster all round!

Oh, the at work hangover is even worse. Taking your torture to the next level. lol

I know, I try to keep them to a minimum!

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