King of Hearts and Dead Guy Beers

in #life7 years ago


The last Saturday of Kings has rolled around. What do I mean by that? Well that's what I am calling it as there are a mere 4 days till the birth of my second child! What can that possibly mean? It means beers! Beers of joy, beers of happiness! So what do we have this week? A can of dead guy ale and a bottle of blonde king of hearts. Let's get tasting.



Black can of darkness - check.
Skeleton clutching a beer - check

What's not to like?


From the Rogue Ales Brewery in the USA. 6.8% of malty beer venom.

It's keen alright. Practically leaping out of the can on a wave of surf when I open it. It pours a rusty amber. Smells delightful.

And it is delightful. Full of body and an exceedingly malty mouth with a lingering taste that goes on and on. This is a fighter of a beer. If I wasn't on baby watch I would have another five of these bad boys! 8/10


And then we have, the exceedingly blonde...



I've always had a weakness for blondes but enough of my personal life. Badoom tsshh!

From the Wild Card Brewery in London comes this blonde beer at 4.5%.

She pours pale, with sultry grace.


She smells of wheat, barley and of fine silks. She lingers on my tongue like a sweet caress. With a.. oops, sorry. Getting carried away there.

This is a good blonde. Nice wheat flavour going on with a barley, hoppy bite behind it. There is a refreshing little fizz that follows every glug at the back of the throat like it is one of those champagne beers almost. It feels very light and refreshing. 7.5/10

I do heartily approve. Now I am going to gently sip it whilst my fate comes rushing toward me at a rate of knots. That fate of course being quite baby boy boom shaped!

Have a good weekend everyone. Beers to you!!


have an amazing day, the art on the bottle look so cool. Love it!

I will have the finest of days and the same to you too! :O)

4 days? sorry .. am not into beers as you know
though the way you describe the blond was .. yeah - you did get carried away
.. 4 days to go so that means he's coming out - 4th of Oct?
I'll tweet you somethin when that days comes!
Excited much?
Good luck!

The Fourth, it is when the earth is going to shake!! Although I have a strange premonition it will happen two days earlier. Nothing like putting that on the blockchain eh!!

Beers mate! May the little Boom male soon arrive. :-)

My poison for this evening is a Karmeliet Triple. It is a very refreshing one. It has fruits, bitters, sweetness, herbs, it's all there, in a great balance. Quite firm at 8.4%, hardly noticed.

Have a great weekend soon to be family of four!


That is a great label and a great sounding beer dude!

I think the strength of them is liable to send you to lala land if you have a few! Still. Its a pleasant place to visit!

Yes, four of us shortly. A gentlemans family I beleive the term is here lol!

Love to go to lala-land hahaha. It is great indeed, 9 out of 10.

Cheers to your soon to be gentlemans family!

A nine out of ten is a fine score!!

Here's to you matey!! :0)

Thanks mucker! :-)

Is the Dead Guy a pirate and the King of Hearts his parrot?

Haha, oh that made me laugh. Yes. I think that is the only way that the two paired together makes sense!

Haha , king of hearts , love it !
I recon , you have Steemit's most famous beerglass.
Handy with that ear !
Cheers , man ! Good luck with the babyboy.

Cheers dude!

The beer glass does seem to do the trick! I should start a range of them lol

Just recently drove by the Rogue place on a trip. So should have stopped in for some Dead Guy. Then again, I was the driver, on the incredible windy coast road, so probably good I didn't. Oh large sigh.

That might have been best this time! That is very cool though. Glad you didnt and also didnt end up being the dead guy :O)

Haha, I'm in the middle of a card game and we take a quick break, I open up Steemit and see this! Freaky
Love the beers posts dude 😉

Superb man! I hope the cards are being kind to you!! :OD

Cheers buddy,
So far so good, the night is young though. 😉

Hehe, I getcha! :OD

Great to squeeze one more in before Baby Boom. Well wished to you and the miss on this joyous upcoming week,.... and not to mention the lack of sleep

Hehe, cheers lass. I am preparing myself for it. Perhaps next week will be Milk review week! lol

Milk review, not a bad idea.

Knowing me I would probably have to throw in some breast milk to mix it up a little. I am not sure that a) I could handle that or b) that anyone else could either!

Yeah, probably a no go

Yeah, wil stick to beer methinks! If I gett the chance!

ya te lo he dicho mr. boom deja la bebedera que te vas a poner viejo antes de tiempo, jajaja. Saludos, me gustaría te pasaras por mi blog y me apoyes con tu comentario y tu voto es un concurso se llama presentando a un amigo.claro si te parece bien mi post, no es obligado..

Echaré un vistazo. Está bien, de verdad. Sólo tengo dos. Me dejará joven y fresco; O)

Gracias, entiendes el español o usas traductor? solo te falto el comentario, me gustaria que leyeras mi post para que lo entiendas.

Hablo un poco espanol!

I iuse the translator for the rest. I have looked at your blog! I voted! :O)

if I saw that vote but you did not put a comment on my post, lol, and when the baby is born?

I often dont comment on the totally spanish ones because I think my comment might look a little daft :O) The baby is due on WEdnesday!

Wednesday? It's already over ... that emotion ... I hope everything goes well .. ah and you can comment all my post I understand and I like to be told. Thank you

I will comment in future then and you can forgive my appaling spanish :OD

If the Dead Guy Ale's design isn't the most perfect for you, I don't know what is! Well.. maybe funky psychedelic colors and even more skulls would do the trick haha! It's great that you had a winning weekend to send you off to Twice Fatherhood. Way to cap off your life as a single-child parent, dude! I hope you had a clear-headed morning after haha!

Absolutely clearheaded. Restricted myself to two and didnt even finish them both entirely because I was worried I might have to drive! sigh cant wait till normal service is resumed!

Whew! For a second there I thought you didn't finish them both to give the new baby a sip of them!

Lol, that might have been a bit much man. I mean come on... They would have gone flat!!

The world is a harsh place. Sometimes you try to reach for the mountaintop but end up reaching a local maxima. Other times you're thirsty for that malty malty goodness, but then end up drinking something flat. Life isn't fair, and it would do Boom Baby #2 a lot of good to learn that at an early age. What could be an earlier age than hours old, right?

You are right. I shall instill in him the unfairness of life from the start. I shall advisr him that a bitter harvest is all that can be wrought and that attempts to counter the unfair tilt of the universe will lead to nothing

I shall tell him to lament

Oh and it would benefit him to learn to lament at a young age. While he is drinking milk, snatch the vessel away and suck it dry yourself as he looks on. Make him feel the powerlessness we all feel, so that he can learn to overcome it while he is young. Whichever vessel I am referring to, I shall leave it to you to decide.

I trust your instincts. The fathering will be thus!!

Next week you can do baby milk testing :)

Haha, I probably will be!!

As long as the baby isn't breast fed lol

It's gonna be!! Wait till you see my milk moustache!!

Hahah not a good look :/

We'll see ;0)

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