Hitting It Big On Steemit: an animation

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Goodness me, these days when you browse the 'new' feed it seems like you can't move for all of the posts telling you how to make it big on Steemit. Each to their own and all that but they so rarely seem to say anything useful other than talk about making it big. It inspired a little animation!!


Sometimes I think it might send the wrong impression to any newcomers. Hell, that's just me though. I would say, keep posting and don't give up.

Er ye are!

Steem on!

This animation was made with the android app FlipAClip if you are interested. Go on, give it a go!


Thank you for posting @meesterboom.

Lovely animation....we could use some humour......and the cheeky lad with his wink delivers. ^_^

Steemians will appreciate this.......lets make it part of the 'How to Steemit'posts.

Wishing you all the best. Cheers.

It should be an integral part of those posts. Cheers for dropping by @bleujay!

Perhaps we can get it in the new whitepaper :OD

I have to say - love this animation much!
I agree ! I agree!!!
I find that a bit shallow for a reason though ..
and sometimes it's being redundant ain't it?
or is it just me?
sounds like a life coach 'cept for no expertise - or is it just my impression?
not judging but some of those have quite an "acid" appeal
that if people just won't be able to know who you muted I would have one particular dude
very annoying but again it's just me
what happened to "give value? - share your passion"?

I know, I agree completely. I read these posts and they are just the same type of thing and then the people posting them are using every vote bot going which makes them look really popular but they aren't really.

I would much rather see good original content. But hey... What do we know ;0)

Yes, this is totally absurd to talk all the time how to make it big on the steemit. You really make the animations with great ease and beauty. Your message is perfectly delivered by your message.

Cheers dude! I always try to encapsulate a message in there :0)

love it.. as an animation producer with hundreds of projects under my belt, I can truly say I think is excellent.. story is everything and although I don't condone violence the attack is brilliant


You are far too kind too a rank amateur!! :0)

And wow, checked out your link. Done splendid stuff!

credit where credit's due ! it doesn't have to look like Pixar to work. keep animating. I might offer you a job one day !

Hehe, I will keep at it!! I like doing them, it's a cool little hobby!

HAHAHA! Oh Boomtube, it's like you have a direct line to my funny bone. All of your posts are surefire hits for me. This one in particular is so relatable! This kind of goes in line with that phenomena a few months back regarding milestone posts to a certain extent.

These people who profit from posting stuff off of "motivating others." Really though, it does have the opposite effect especially when others don't receive the same type of earning or interaction after following steps they would've otherwise done. I should know, as I've fell victim to demotivation by way of these opportunistic posts from time to time. Heck, if they really want to motivate people, they should set the post to not accept payment to make people think that they're already overflowing with money that they're giving away advice for free.

Nice touch with the head roll, dude!! That minimizing really gave it a sort of 3D effect. Masterful work there! You've really gained a lot of skillz with flipaclip through your awesome animation :D

Oh dude, you are absolutely right. They should really set their posts to declined payment. That works truly be the way to enlighten others instead of the pyramid selling type of technique that they do instead!!

Hehe, and Cheers man. I love a flipaclip'ing!! :0D

Some of the true success stories already do that, so I guess at least not all of them are bad haha!

True, not all!

Cool animation... and quite what I needed at this point. I've just finished a second post for the day, I can barely see the screen anymore so I enjoyed watching how the wiseguy gets it! Damn right!

Wow, two in one day! Thats awesome work! You go!

Ugh, I am so with you on this. There's been a couple of people I once liked to visit that seem to have changed their model to a back in forth between making it big, motivational speeches, and bs crypto charts that my fourteen year old son could do a better job of putting together. YAWN.

Thankfully I am an excellent judge of character, and those in my close inner circle are still unique and awesome to this day ;)

I know exactly what you mean. Perhaps we are viewing the same folk. :0D

I like to read stuff, and not just that nonsense make it big by copying this malarkey!

Ha, yes, I do believe my circle is fairly integrated at this point :)

know that feeling, mine is the same. Tight and integrated! :O)

This is hilarious...and i also wonder whos making these posts and where they are from. When we see people come in to chats who struggle with English they seem like bots . "Please promote me" I find they are from some city in a third world country. They are gaming this sustem but they actually need the money. Whereas we just need favor and infamy. But i could be wrong.

You could be right too!

Hahahah I just wrote a post on how to make it big on steemit!!!! good animation indeed...look great

Oh no!!! Don't worry mate I would never be referring to you!!

Hehe, I'm off to look :0D

hahahah welcome, greetings to the good lady and I hope she will allow you sleep like a gentleman

So do I mate, so do I!!!

Hahahaha pls tell her that your fellow gentleman beg her to allow you sleep like a baby and if she does, then you promise that you will not go to the gentle man club when she is off to give birth to the baby....I guess that will be a motivation

Hey, I aint promising that. The gentlemans club has a special offer on gin if your good lady is giving birth!

I find a daily sacrifice to the demon god Ungalafarick does the trick in making it big. Once I can afford to sacrifice better things than carrots I'm heading for whaledom.

Hey, we sacrifice to the same dude! :OD

Never - never give up. @meesterboom


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