Drop kicking Jesus, Chimera & Hopocrisy Beers!

in #life7 years ago


Saturday beerfest again! Well who couldn't do with a beer after the antics on steemit this week. We've got war on spam, direct video uploading and fighty fights!!

If in doubt beer me out my old nan used to say. So what beer do we have first?



A sour pale ale from the famed Tempest Brewery. Well the name sure leaps out at ya, the design too but is it any good?


Pours ever so golden with a great head. Tastes flipping marvellous as well. Definitely sour and citrus. Mmm, a splendid beer to glug. The night is looking mighty fine. Mild finish to it. Top notch summer drinking ale!

Well well, can the next match this fineness?



Man oh man, you know I love funky designs. The Drygate Brewery very rarely disappoints. Did I mention they are local to me? This one tickles me pink. I think it calls for a giffity gif! A man with the head of a lion! Wait a moment, isn't that me? ;0)


This one is exciting me into a froth!


Talking of froth it pours a gorgeous cloudy gold with a heaving big gassy head.


It is splendid!!! Smooth as silk. Tropical note with a hit of orange hoppy goodness. Great slightly bitter aftertaste. This one wins!! Well maybe. Will have to try the last one but it will have a hard job on its hands!



From the 6° North brewing company. Something about this caught my eye in the shop. The name is clever but the simple label appealed too. Can it fight the big boys that have gone before?


A bit piss weak looking but I won't hold that against it yet. Oh, oh! It's wheaty. Like a fine smooth wheat beer. This too is a cracker. Totally different from the last. It's very easy to sink and has lots of hops and barley taste. I like it a lot.

Three astonishingly good beers this week. If I had to really put my haw maws against the wall I would say Chimera wins closely followed by Hopocrisy. I love Saturdays. I love beer.

I'm off to drink more of this little fellow!


Cheers!!! Hope you all have a good one!!!


It is a shame I have not posted a Beer post again since ages – and this was my most frequent topic usually. Can you believe I drank obly 2 beer during the last 2 weeks vacation here? Really true – drinking Water, Fruit Juice

And so called healthy stuff. Getting old it seems.

However I promise a Beer post soon again – I mean a real Beer submission.

What, that is outrageous man. Get that beer back in you and post about it ;0)

lol - yeah - will do! Saying Prost with my fellow @detlev

Congratulations for the great selection of this week dear friend @meesterboom, all three look great, it's awesome how you know about beers, thank you very much for another update.
I wish you a beautiful weekend

Thank you @jlufer! I know little about them just what floats my boat when it comes to the tasting!

Have a lovely weekend!

drop kick me Jesus? how do you "drop kick" someone? or does that actually mean - the beer has a kick like that of a "drop" but then thats' a Dutch thing you can't eat but they do

love the can! so chic :)

The can was a lovely affair. I have no idea how drop kick had anything to do with it. I half think they thought of the name before the beer :0)

when you came here did Roelan not let you try - "drop"? it tastes like ... bitter cola and too damn bitter you want to spit it out the moment you take it cause it tastes much bitter when you swallow it :D

Goodness me, that sounds awful but at the same time something you would definnitely have to try to know for sure!

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)

Aw, you are far too kind! Thank you!

That 6 Degree North label is so minimalistic compared to the other two. Its cool though. I like it.

It is. Ont the shelf it looked so stark compared to the preening of the others and I thought smart move. Great beer too!

wow cerveza!!! es lo mejor que hay en esta vida jajaja. saludos @meesterboom

Si!! Muchas gracias amigo! Salud!

This is the first time I am hearing their names but as you have liked them, I will be surely giving them a try and share my experiences with you.

I look forward to hearing what you think!

Yup like I am waiting to hear something from you on my latest 3d design. Let us talk together over it.

I love beer! It is good medicine!

It is, thats how I like to think on it!

Way to bounce back, dude! Woah! I caught this hours from posting! Am I in for a lucky day?? I wouldn't expect less from a drop kick from Jesus. That should really take you to the high heavens. I'm glad these were all hits! Based from the design, I, for sure, thought that Hopocrisy would take it this week. Good thing there wasn't a betting pool, or else I would be drowning my sorrows out with a 3rd place beer haha! Look at you off to a great weekend. Sit back and kick your feet up, bro-ccoli. You deserve it ;)

I fully intend to relax!! Although as ever the missus has other plans sigh

I had kinda thought that drop kick me Jesus would be a sure fire winner. Funny how it goes

Is your idea of relaxing driving to your childhood place and meeting jealous friends? Yeah, I saw your other post first haha!

Hahahah, yeah! Thats my ideal relaxing!

Wrong order reader!! ;O)

Loved the 2nd one, hope you enjoyed them :-)

Raaar, they were fabulous! Cheers!

You had me at drop kicking Jesus LOL...

I know! What a name!! It was not bad at all too!!

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