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RE: Drop kicking Jesus, Chimera & Hopocrisy Beers!

in #life7 years ago

Way to bounce back, dude! Woah! I caught this hours from posting! Am I in for a lucky day?? I wouldn't expect less from a drop kick from Jesus. That should really take you to the high heavens. I'm glad these were all hits! Based from the design, I, for sure, thought that Hopocrisy would take it this week. Good thing there wasn't a betting pool, or else I would be drowning my sorrows out with a 3rd place beer haha! Look at you off to a great weekend. Sit back and kick your feet up, bro-ccoli. You deserve it ;)


I fully intend to relax!! Although as ever the missus has other plans sigh

I had kinda thought that drop kick me Jesus would be a sure fire winner. Funny how it goes

Is your idea of relaxing driving to your childhood place and meeting jealous friends? Yeah, I saw your other post first haha!

Hahahah, yeah! Thats my ideal relaxing!

Wrong order reader!! ;O)

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