The Travel That Saved and Changed My Life

in #life6 years ago (edited)

“The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.”

Just about a couple days before my departure. I was laying on the floor of my room, staring empty at the ceiling wishing to quit. I was also flipping my blade while reminiscing all of the things I did and failed. I was wondering how long I could survive or how ungrateful I was to be alive with all of my pieces perfectly attached.

Why everything was always gray? I thought

My mind wandered too far till it sent me to my sleep.

I woke up the next the morning to an E-mail notification about my flight and the hostel reservation. I panicked instantly and having the thought to call it off. Then, I remembered I hate the misery of the weekend when I got nothing to do than self loathing.

What could be wrong?

I packed all my belongings and found myself in the airport waiting for the flight. It got delayed about 6 hours but that was a minor problem among all the problems.I managed to learn a little art of patience thus when everyone else was mad for something they couldn’t control, I sat back,, relaxed listening to the playlist I compiled earlier.

Fast forward, because of the bed bugs problem. @joannewong and @aaronleang were very nice to let me stay at their condominium. They had a best view in town overlooking the twin tower and all the beautiful buildings that to me look like Sim City.

During the night of my stay, I had a chance to sit and talk with Joanne. I told her my story and she gave me advices that made me realize life works in a strange way. She was the sister I never had even we just talked couple of days.

Soon, we found ourselves playing the if game

If I quit that day, I would never get a chance to see this amazing view

If I out of nowhere I didn’t talk to joanne on discord about my visit, I wouldn’t even be at her place nor taste the delicious salad she made me.

We talked till we forgot there were eggs on the pan. As we smell something burned, we realized we smoked the whole place. what a relief we didn't turn on the fire alarm !

I felt so much better that night and had more better insights. There are so many places to see, so many foreign lands I have yet to visit. Why would I have given up now?

For others who are struggling, by experience, I understand the pain is unbearable. We might made wrong decisions here and there. Indulge in something harmful.But for sure, there is always a way to get out of this. Reaching out to the right person is the first step.

The past is the past, we can't change them nor let it define the way we shape the future.

I found myself in love with the foreign land, with all the new experiences I had. I realized how little I've seen this world.

as Z said to myself,

You are alone but you're not alone

A very huge gratitude to joanne and aaron who have hosted me very well. Listened and answer my questions about places. Took me to eat at awesome places. I will make sure to come visit again in nearby future. Not to mention, all the awesome people I met during my stay. A shout out to all these people in no particular order,

@howtostartablog, I finally get to see him and doing a small OCD meetup 😃
@zord189 who happen to be very bubbly and easy-going
@nomadicsoul, who I can't really describe in just a word because she's awesome! and we shared similar struggles while crossing the street,
@orangila who is inspiring to myself for doing a job that he loves to do. He's a professional photographer, don't forget to check his page
@elizacheng with her lovely daughters who I fancy and amazed because they were tiny for their age.
@karinzdailygrind and so many more..

Finally, cheers to many more flights,

With ❤️ macchiata

Find me on |Github | Be Awesome|

witness_ @ocd-witness.jpg




Resteemed and upvoted by the MAP-AAKOM community.
Will be included in the next "Resteems" post.

Glad that you went and had an amazing time, meeting so many fellow Steemians. The worst that can happen is deciding not to go and then ending up regretting it.

If you ever wanna talk, you know where to find me.

Un abrazo,


@vincentnijman I always know where to find you !!

It was such an awesome trip and I wish we ( pinneaple head and everyone in the be awesome) having a meetup!

You said it all with that: ''You are alone, but you're not alone''
That's exactly how I felt reading this post... I see many common grounds with other people here, from different countries, backgrounds and life choices and phases. And in the end, we are alone...but not really ;)
A hint of positivity here! Thanks girl :)

Your such an inspiration!

@jonmagnusson, trying my best to be better and inspire people to not follow the same path I did.

I really like that philosophy that you can't change the past only try to become better for the future!

Life is indeed full with ups and downs. It's never gonna be easy. But we just have to believe and hang in there. And some times when we dunno what to believe anymore, we will need a little lift from our friend(s). When the storm is over, the rainbow will always be there. tip! 💗💕💖❤️😉

@elizacheng, Thank you for the make me smile post. It means a lot to me. I hope the upcoming days are way brighter and I can attend another meetup :D perhaps the big one! also thank you so much for the tip! I really appreciate it ❤️

Glad to hear you found joanne and aaron @macchiata and glad you listened to the little voice that told you you might as well go to the airport and get on the plane.
I suffered from clinical depression for years and what changed everything for me was when I stopped trying to work it out or understand it.
I noticed that I wasn't 100% depressed 100% of the day even though it felt that way. But I notice there were little gaps in the depression when I was distracted from thinking about it.
I did my best to stop thinking and thinking and just kept reminding myself that no matter how bad it felt, it would pass.
Sometimes that was easier than others.
Sometimes I forgot and everything felt black and pointless again.
But little by little I got better at not thinking and thinking until now I rarely go to that really dark place. And if I do it's not for long.
Hope you have another good day today! 😍

It's sometimes difficult reaching out because we don't want to sound vulnerable. I've had this moment where I fought everything with all I have while constantly listening to those horrible thoughts.
I promise to myself and trying my best to get out of the situation. Anyway steemit has always been part of my self development journey.

I wrote a lot about it and it's the medium for me to cope from time to time.
It's so refreshing to see I am fighting for what's left while sometimes I've had my horrible moments.

Just like what you've written.

Sometimes I forgot and everything felt black and pointless again.
But little by little I got better at not thinking and thinking until now I rarely go to that really dark place. And if I do it's not for long.

You're an inspiration to me and thank you for saying that. It means alot and that I know, I am never alone fighting this battle.

Yes. You're right @maccchiata, reaching out is the last thing I wanted to do when I was feeling depressed. Why would you want to share yourself with others when you feel so crap about yourself?
It's a balance I think. And we get very good at going through the motions and hiding what's on the inside.
But again I learned to leave myself alone and judge less and just remind myself that I had a whole load of unhelpful thinking going on and that is all it was - unhelpful thinking. It wasn't the truth about me and I didn't need to think about the truth about me. I just needed not to go down the rabbit hole, weather the storm and remind myself that it would eventually pass. 😍

OMG... I am sorry to hear about the bed bug situation; but as a blessing in disguise you have met one of the warmest hosts from #teammalaysia !

Great to know you had a great time with #myjuniors event. My apologies I did not get to join you guys as I had urgent things to settle at work.

It is good that to know you were in good hands!

That being said, I totally could relate on how you felt the sudden cold feet before flight. I had a nervous breakdown back in 2014, but my backpacking travels in 2015 made a great turn around for me.

And as @joannewong has said, life does turn out in its own mysterious ways. All with need to do is to have a little faith



I was definitely blessed meeting them! and they made me want to visit or even settle in Malaysia for a whole lot of reason; the food, easy access everywhere, to name a few.

I hope we can meet in the next event soon and if I am in Malaysia for a little longer. I wish I have more time but I have classes to attend.

Traveling on my own, have shaped the way I see some part of life that I fail to see back home. It was great to know so many different perspective.

Have a great day wherever you are!

wishing you all the best in your studies and steem on!
Keep in touch and you'll never know where you future destinatiom is (as long as you don't give up in life 😊)

Its a good thing you did. Every day there is an opportunity around the corner to change stuff in life. You just have to open the door and let it in.

Its not always sunshine and moonlight, but life has a lot to A LOT!


having to struggle with it for about years, I somewhat understand the rain will stop. It's inevitable that there are recurring thoughts especially when there's major problem that drained ourselves.

That's what the travel has taught me, life has a lot to offer.

Have a great day !

I think you will never get enterily rid of it, but keeping the demons out the majority of the time..thats valuable!

Its cool something nice like travelling did that for you!

So glad I got to meet you. Hang in there

I will certainly try my best!

nice to heart, that somebody could change your mind in such a good way...

Life is beautiful, you just have to live it!

Travel is a way to know life is beautiful! :D always on the road!

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