#3 Backpack me : My First Hostel Experience- Bed bugs don't bite ( Maybe)

in #travel6 years ago (edited)

Good Night, don't let the bed -bugs bite.

I've always stayed in a private room during my previous travel because honest, I wasn't traveling alone or I would crash in someone's house to sleep for the night. But, this time was a slightly different situation.

I was booking my first hostel from travel application called Traveloka, a rather well-known Indonesian travel booking application which I wouldn't recommend. I was forced to since my card was being bitchy about Airbnb transaction.

Prior to booking, I always read a review about the place. So I actually know the place wasn't having a good review but it was the cheapest one I can find for that day. I mean, who wouldn't stay for 8$/night?

I took the risks and wished it was different.

Joanne and Aaron were driving me to the first hostel I was staying. It was located just behind sky scrappers and some on-going construction. The road that night was quiet, so I was also wondering if the place was safe enough for solo female traveler to roam around past 10pm. Shortly, as we reached the place, Joanne was helping me with the check-in and putting a Sim Card into my phone so we could be having easier time to communicate.

So, this is the view from inside the room.

Oh lordy, the place I was staying had steep stairs. Since I was dead tired, I wished someone would drag me up there that time.

As joanne left the place, I unpacked all of my belongings and there was a korean girl who invited me to a small chit chat. A moment later, there was an Italian girl who just got out off the bathroom and shook my hand.

' Everything in the bathroom is mine, I have severe allergy so don't use it okay?' she said

' uh okay, I have mine " I replied. While actually thinking I am not a half-wit who will use other's belonging without their consent. I have my common sense.

Then, I just lied in the bed until I started feeling itchy all over me. At first, I thought it was mosquitoes because the bumps were common like mosquito bites. So, I just shrugged it off and back to sleep until it got worsen. I couldn't stand it anymore and I was trying to find what lies beneath the duvet.

Here it is a little friend I encountered !

The bed-bug review is not some sort of imaginary comment.

Then I moved everything away from the bed , locked them up inside the locker and stayed on the floor till the morning comes. I was still surprised that the two of my dorm mate were sleeping soundly and not getting annoyed by the bugs. When the korean girl was awake, I asked her if she got bitten by a bed-bug she said no.

I was slightly surprised. As very first precaution, I took a shower immediately and left the place to check what's nearby. I found out there were shopping malls in each sides of the road.

Initially, I was looking for ATM but I ended up visiting a 7eleven - 24 chain store that sells all sorts of groceries higher than the normal market because its convenience.

I screened though the food racks and trying to pick one that I have never tried in my whole life. Fortunately, I found this one

I couldn't remember if I tried milk flavored coffee in a packed form so I counted that as a first time trying milk coffee instead of chocolate milk. Then, I got back to the hostel waiting for joanne and aaron to pick me up for a wonderful trip to Batu Caves and other places.

So, follow me to read my adventure and misadventure on the road.

Cheers to many more flights,
With love, @macchiata

Find me on |Github | Be Awesome|

witness_ @ocd-witness.jpg




Oh dear. Bed bugs aren't fun. I amazed were were actually able to get a photograph of one @macchiata. Maybe the other two women didn't get bitten because there beds were OK. Perhaps you could try a different bed tonight?

Hope your trip to the caves makes up for the hostel. That view is probably the worst I've even seen. 😁

That's all part and parcel of being an intrepid traveller I suppose. Have a wonder full day!

@gillianpearce, Funny how I actually caught a real bed bug picture! so a friend of mine told me that sometime they won't realize the bugs until their place ( home) or others get invaded by it.

I'll be writing shortly about the cave experience. takes time to move all the pictures from my phone to the laptop sigh but I can assure you the whole trip was amazing excluding this particular hostel experience.

have a great day!

Looking forward tot he next instalment @macchiata.

I am also sitting here waiting for my phone to upload my Vlog to the my pc. And then I've got to get my pc to upload it to YouTube because my phone won't upload it directly. 😢

It literally takes hours. And it makes everything else impossibly slow. a you say . . . sigh 😁

You got a photo of one! that's pretty impressive. They usually get stuck deep in mattresses that you can't really see them. I had one experience of bed-bugs and wasn't fun either! We were staying in Budget Resort in Fiji, so not a cheap backpacker (as it seemed), after my first night I had like 20 bites all along my right arm...pretty I was starting a new job few days later!


I guess I was lucky to capture that since I was feeling tiny object moving around my legs. I woke up instantly and voila it was under the duvet!

How did you get rid of the bed bugs and its bites? I heard they travel along with you?

I cleaned everything straight away I guess we got lucky that we didn't bring them back home. For the bits it was just patience there isn't much you can do, they fade fairly quickly if you don't scratch :-/

The size of that bed bug!

is that a big one???

No idea but i kinda assumed that bed bugs are too tiny to spot..

I also tot bed bugs was tiny to be spotted as well 😓

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