7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 2 | I Am Grateful For Friendship I Bond

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I messaged Z enthusiastically on my way to Jakarta that I could see a moonlight. Moving train and a moonlight- “ what a perfect combo!” she replied. I tilted my head slightly left to see clearly from the train window. It was beautiful indeed. Then, I was reminded of days when I traveled with a companion, someone I used to call a friend. Lately, my idea about friendship is muddled. I tell tale to everyone with open arms and just refer them around as a friend. You know, I didn’t feel it was the right thing to say and do.

Do we have to be mutually calling each other “ a friend” in order to have a “ friendship”?

picture courtesy @katlovessteve

Then, one relaxed night, I put my walls down and spilled just a drop of my secrets to someone whom I don’t know how to refer. We refer each other with this affectionate word,even perhaps we’re only a summer fling. It would have been odd, if I call G’s " a friend" or by his name- just because.

“ What is a friend?” I asked G while sinking back inside the blanket.

“ Mmh, well here let me tell you, So a friend is someone who will call you in jail, a good friend will try to bail you, but a best friend will sit next to you in jail” explained him thoughtfully while putting off his watch and ready for bed.

“you are a funny one” I commented. Well, G had this funny thoughtful stories he kept telling whenever there is a chance. I learned a lot from G’s stories but my brain hardly stored them all.

And so, I was baffled just about yesterday when suddenly, someone who used to be very close to me; my partner in crime and the one who know all of my dirts, messaged me again. I tried to know how she was doing but she was aloof. We have been lost in touch for about a year and our distance is getting wider. We barely converse with each other even our eyes met. I wrote to her in couple of occasions, she always had an excuse. So, what should I referred her? Past friend? Is there such thing?

Throughout the year, I have met a lot of people who taught me all sorts of useful things. I have always thought that people come into my life with a reason,even it’s just temporarily. Gosh!- I did not even remember when was the last time I form a friendship longer than two years. Perhaps it never happened. I move quite often in my life, from one environment to another, from one social ladder to another; up and down, I tried it all. People change so often that it muddled my definition of friendship. So, to make the whole thing easier, everyone I talk to is a friend.

I am very much grateful of relationship I have made especially with the people I recently know, meet or converse with. However slowly, I know and learn what the difference between a friend, a good friend and a best friend. I will keep learning and getting to know more- I am still this young, I have yet to taste how rough the real world is.
I heard some referred me as twenty lost something; and that’s okay,for it is a fact.

I was tagged by @mrprofessor to:
Write a post about something you have to be positive about today - this could be anything from being thankful for your current situation, someone being nice to you, being thankful for your friends and family, or even being thankful for the opportunity you have been given here on Steemit - just keep it positive :)

  • Do this for 7 days in a row if you get nominated.
  • Mention three people who should do this on each day.
  • Tag it with #7daypositivitychallenge and include these rules at the bottom of your post Include a picture of something positive (related to your story if possible.)
  • Tip: You need to put the # in front of 7daypositivitychallenge or it will not let you use the tag.
    I would like to tag my friends @wanderlass @nomadicsoul @joannewong

whom I believe would write some beautiful texts - please don't feel obligated, but you've been tagged!

Check out the original challenge by @conradt 7 day positivity challenge day 7 - Your Body is a temple

More about my adventures and misadventures

7 Day Positivity Challenge | Day 1 | I am grateful for my past and my reality

Nocturnal Habit Singapore Days

Overcoming Travel Fears and Make Your Trip More Enjoyable

Pre-Travel Anxiety | My little tips dealing with anxiety monster.

witness_ @ocd-witness.jpg



G has a very good definition of a friend and best friend. I think as adults it's more difficult to define because by now we have met different kinds of people. Unlike at school where you have a group of friends you always hang out with. And you'll see them everyday for years. But now, we have our own life and it's so easy to drift away from people we used to be close to. I still want to think that they're still my friends and would remember how we were before when we meet again :)

Thanks for tagging me here. @mrprofessor also tagged me so this means I really have to do it haha. But I actually wanted to. It's been a busy week but I will have more time in the coming days :)

Double master blaster combo! You'll have to do it hahahhahaa. Curious to see.


another beautiful insight to my muddled definition of friendship!

But now, we have our own life and it's so easy to drift away from people we used to be close to. I still want to think that they're still my friends and would remember how we were before when we meet again :)

I am really looking forward reading your grateful posts!

That's a good definition for friends and best friends. I see it like this:

My best friends are those who can disapear for some time, but we always end up finding each other here and there, and it feels like we've just been together yesterday. That happens with a friend I have for 29 years, all my life basically. We can stay a full year without talking, but when we meet it's so light and funny and cool.

I don't have that same vibe with some other friends, especially the ones who tend to demand my attention.

With the travelling life I've learned to create some really deep friendships, but accepting that the other day we'll go on opposite directions. Still love meeting people, and knowing about them and asking abour their lifes.

Btw thank you for another thoughtful post, love it.

I think this suits the friendship dynamic in my life. I move a lot thus my friends change as I move. However, I still have yet find someone who can understand me even though I've changed, I mean people change right?. Regardless, when I meet people from my childhood, it is inevitably light and cool. We would reminiscing the childhood days when we were goofy and naughty.

My best friends are those who can disapear for some time, but we always end up finding each other here and there, and it feels like we've just been together yesterday.

With traveling, It's always good to make friend in each places we visit. Who knows, Suddenly we love the place, decide to move and they could even be our neighbor?

Absolutely! I guess being friendly opens so many doors in general.

In fact, I think a lot of my travel friends, those who I've lived with for just some days, turn out to be the best, maybe because we share the sabe objectives.
After travelling I feel kinda bored around some of my hometown friends.. they don't change, always in the same bubble that leads to nowhere. Still love them all though.

You got a 14.01% upvote from @ocdb courtesy of @macchiata!

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