5 months of weight-loss journey- keeping the consistency

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I knew the moment I stepped into my parents home, something would change. That was proven when I started started munching maltesers, gum drops, jelly candies. I was never having a sweet tooth. In fact, I am less likely ordering a dessert than fries.Yet, I was in mood to say FCk I am just going to shove food into my face*. Who cares if I am gaining dozens of pounds,

Food is awesome and I live to eat.


See above, that's definitely awesome.

I was also in some kind of situation where I question, why do I even have to look presentable? who cares if I am a landwhale right? well, truth is nobody cares but I personally don't feel happy.

A week after series of late night snacks and heavy meals, I started noticing I have difficult time zipping up my jeans. I also have difficulties while walking upstrais or just bending to fix my shoe laces. I was also sweating like a pig and feeling bloated.

Knowing it was a problem, I did the only thing I do best, eating. That time, I was increasing my fruit intake, especially the one which contains fiber. After two days, I noticed the difference. My stomach was much happier. Shortly, I texted a friend saying " I think I have a problem". The problem is none other than binge eating and constantly following my desire to eat.

So, here's what my friend advised me to follow and do. I don't just listen people but I happen to trust him because, he's a pretty fit guy, watches things he eat and definitely knowledgeable about nutritions since that's one of his expertise.

Yet surprisingly the suggestions was not much of nutrition talk. It was simple habits and activities which emphasized on

" sugar is your enemy"

And here are the suggestions :

  • Run,walk,swim
  • Dont sleep so much
  • Dont eat anything after 19.00
  • Drink green tea to burn fat
  • Don't be stressed
  • Drink much more water

Those are seemingly easy suggestions. However, the don't eat anything after 7 is the problem. That's because I only begin my day around that time. Also,I still have a trouble with my stress regulations which I want to fix by doing regular meditation. All in all, I have pretty low expectation on the amount of fat I can lose but yeah, even it's 5 kg, that's still something. It's definitely better than nothing.


img source pexels


Hah getting fit for SF? :)

Btw some things I don't agree with...actually people do care if you're overweight..they don't say it but they notice...the right approach is to not care about what they think :) Also, I once heard a nice saying: "Eat to live. Don't live to eat :)" Remembered it reading your subheader :D Oh and sleep doesn't make you faaat :) I'm reading the book "Why we sleep" these days and sleep can actually burn more calories then you being awake in front of the pc....sooo go get your 8 hours if you need them....but be moree active during the day :)

Yeah sometimes I don't practice what I preach :-p here's the video of the book " why we sleep?"

It's weird cause no matter how I want to fix my sleeping pattern, I just can't seem to do it. I spent time researching on the effect of sleep deprivation yet I am still deprived myself. So, there's still a problem with my "wires" which I have to fix. Maybe it's not sleeping, maybe it's something else. It's something that I am still trying to find out.

I ramped up my sleep from 6 to 7 hours last month and the difference is craaaazy...try it really

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Aye, will do sir ;)

How is the journey going? Or it has just began :thinking:

Not sure about sleeping part either - healthy 6-8hrs sleep is just enough for most of the day to function on high level.

Regarding eating after 7pm, I always looked at it as 3-4 hours before sleeping. That is a ritual if you are going to bed at 11pm for example. MY fucked up biorythm and sleeping cycles just can't go that way. But of course it happens sometimes that I break the rule :) but I found out that sleeping after eating late at night - just fucks up my morning too - I'm even more hungry. :)

Personally I gain and lose fat really easy - but eating is not a problem - overeating sometimes is, and sugar, sugar is in all fruits. :) I am trying not to by refined and processed sugar - that's the killer. :) stick with fruits and natural sugars if you have cravings.

And good luck! Persistance, see the vision (just like steem) and physical activity is always awesome. even tho modern-day life just kills it.

It's just started since I recently back to my own place. My parents place is like the witch's lair filled with candies :)

I usually eat 4-5 hours before sleeping except the weekend when I want to binge watching documentaries or ted talks. If you gain and lose fat easily- that's basically just like me. Since yesterday, I am trying to cut back on sugar but I still can't control my lunch since it's the biggest meal of the day for me. I find that fruit helps with my cravings :-D I proved it yesterday, so I am going to be munching it for the next couple of months and possibly on.

No doubt that modern day kills physical activities but modern life also rewards those who are in great physique :)

Not sure what the "don't sleep so much" part means, but I would like to say that going below 7 hours per night is going to have detrimental effects on every aspect of the health. That also goes for weight, because when we sleep less, we are more likely to eat unhealthy food, because it's hard to resist unhealthy options when tired. I think sleep deprivation even causes some biological changes, messing up metabolia, which makes one to crave sugary and high energy foods.

Talking about sleep, check this TED talk, and you will probably realize why I'm against cutting sleep.


But I agree with the "sugar is the enemy" part. Especially sugary drinks - juice and soda - because they're essentially "empty calories", because they don't make you feel full. I would say fruit is fine though - and a much better option for juice - because the fiber counteracts some of the negative effects of sugar.

With that being said, good luck with your weight loss!

I am pretty sure he meant, be active. I am pretty much idle most days :-D though I already sleep less than 7 hours, which is probably why I tend to eat unhealthy food.

I'll have to watch that again just to remind myself the importance of sleeping. Also, do you have any specific fruit that's containing less fructose? I am considering apples and oranges.

Thank you for your encouragement, much needed! :D

I am pretty sure he meant, be active. I am pretty much idle most days :-D though I already sleep less than 7 hours, which is probably why I tend to eat unhealthy food.

Ah, I see :P Try to get 7+ hours of sleep and see how you feel the next day – I'm sure you will feel more active!

Also, do you have any specific fruit that's containing less fructose?

Haven't gotten into such details, but a quick google search will probably tell something.

I'll have to watch that again just to remind myself the importance of sleeping.

Good idea :D I've seen multiple videos of him myself too, but I still slipped last week on my sleeping schedule and slept under 7 hours – which I could definitely feel with such a physical, and mental, job as sorting and delivering mail. Have to just decide a time and stick to it!

If you look at this sleeping chart, you can see the missing graph, which means I probably haven't slept at all haha.

on average this week, I sleep about 6 hrs/day which is also in an irregular time. I need to fix that.

Regarding to the video,it never fails to crack me up when the first word I heard is " testicles" hahaha

Regarding to the video,it never fails to crack me up when the first word I heard is " testicles" hahaha

Yeah, that's funny, haha!

To me, stress works the best. Lost 10 kg in just one week and then another 5kg in the following week, lol.

I am stress eater! that's why when I am home, I eat a lot that's because I am often stressed there. The place has such a bad vibes !

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