I'm Too Much For Some People | Random Freewrite

in #life6 years ago (edited)


I’m a stubborn mess that doesn’t give up easy
I talk too much
I feel too deep
I can’t just let things go
I see the good in the most misunderstood people
I will always stand up for those that cannot stand up for themselves
I speak before thinking
I am not afraid of being disliked, in fact sometimes I enjoy it
I will fight with my last breath to defend those I love, but can’t seem to stand up for myself
I hate what I see in the mirror
But can’t understand the hate in this world
I’m too honest
I don’t know when to just give up and move on
I want to say things that shouldn’t be said
I care too much
I’m terrified to miss a moment, but scared to take a chance
My soul aches for something I don’t even recognize
I feel too much
I lost myself somewhere along the way, and I'm trying to find myself again
I bite my tongue so hard it bleeds most days
I lost my ability to trust
I expect too much from people
I can’t stand the fake people in this world
I feel the desire to run away
And somehow desperately just want to be found
I am broken..
Maybe beautifully broken, I just don’t know it yet

I’m too much for most people, and I’m ok with that.

Be you, flaws and all… because there is no one else in this world exactly like you, and that is pretty damn special.

Wishing you a New Year of adventure, joy and discovering just how special you are.

Much Love,


Photo taken with my Fuji x-t2 and made using overlay after editing. experimental photography art titled “The mess in my head.”


Yeah! Nicely said! Keep on fighting. And a happy new year to you too.

Thank you ❤️

Too much for some? Maybe.
Not enough for others? Probably.
Does it matter? Not at all.
Just be enough for Justine and that's all you gotta do. <3

Exactly that 😉 We can just be ourselves right? Our crazy imperfect selves.. and that’s all we need to be ❤️

Oh Girl! I feel you!!!

Some call me “INTENSE”

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Yes, I’m a bit intense as well. Haha.. hey, I would rather be intense than boring I guess 😜

I've heard that word too XD...
but isn't it beautiful to feel intensely too...
would be worse living with our sentiments asleep and numb

You have a beautiful soul and often poets and creatives of the world feel too much and that can be both blessing and curse. I love the things that you stand up for and I identify with many. The older I get the less I bite my tongue I don't know if that's about getting older or that specific to women who keep the most inside, I think, finally speaking up? Thank you for putting yourself out there and sharing both your strengths and your weaknesses. I hope you have a wonderful 2019 I fill some of your bucket list wishes, if you have them.
Happy 2019!

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Thank you so much ☺️... I think that does make sense.. somehow creatives are a bit more open to feeling things, that sometimes it can be a bit overwhelming.. but maybe expressing that through art of different types is the way we get it all out there, while helping others to accept that within them as well. I love your works, and feel we have a little it common in that sense.. and the stop biting your tongue and finally speaking up is a good point. I am trying to be a bit more “open”, mostly in the hopes to make others feel they aren’t alone in these thoughts, but it’s also a pretty great practice for my own soul as well.

I think we live in a world obsessed with perfection, so to tell others that, well.. I’m not perfect, and you don’t have to be either... maybe it will help someone.. that’s the goal I guess. Embrace who you are, crazy, stubborn, imperfect self.. because there is no one else like you ❤️

Thank you for the amazing comment and for sharing your words with us on the platform often, I really enjoy them. Happy New Year 🎆

I absolutely love this poem and I can relate to so much in it ❤️ I feel to much and care to much...stand up for others and sometimes forget myself.
I am what I am and don't know any other way...
Love me or don't... Up to you 😊
Thank you for sharing... Beautiful mess I say.
Happy new year!

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Thank you very much 💕 and I totally agree, be who you are.. if people can’t handle it, that’s ok. Being true to yourself and not only accepting yourself, but loving yourself is the most important thing. Take me or leave me, I am who I am 😉

Happy New Year to you as well! Thanks for the love ❤️

What's up, Justine? (Replying to discord.)

Really like that photo. And the fact that you wrote things I'm sure you don't tell most people. I'm not sure what you mean by too much. Too much awesome for people to handle?

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Hey thank you! I was playing with a bit of long exposure/double exposure.. I think it represented “the mess in my head” pretty well. I was thinking I was too much crazy for some people, but awesome does sound better 😉 thanks for the lovely comment Dave!

Yes, and don't forget....


😂 I dont think I’m too hot for anything.. but no, I’m still not the face of buildawhale .. yet 😉😜

You are not too much whale 😜

Haha, good point. Seriously though, that is a giant picture of my face and it’s ruining this comment section for me 😜 I’ll let you know when I go total dark side, for now I’m just treading the line 😄

Go big or go home isn't it?

Tell me more about this dark side you speak of :)

Wrote a poem a while back called beautiful and broken. I like you. Thanks for sharing hun.

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Ive always liked the term “beautifully broken”... no ones perfect, everyone has had their struggles, maybe being broken is just part of putting ourselves back together... its how the light gets in. Thanks for the love 💕

Wrote a poem a while back called beautiful and broken. I like you. Thanks for sharing hun.

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Yay! Some of my favorite things! I think I’m a bit more of sunshine with a bit of hurricane.. but this sounds much nicer ❤️

Then this can be for your sunrise coffee in the calm before the storm.

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