2 Years of Freedom and 3600 Followers on Steemit!

in #life7 years ago


This photo is one of the few photos we have from our journey here.....

Exactly two years ago John and I crossed the border at Tijuana into Mexico to start over as fugitives in a new, hopefully free land. It’s crazy to think of how much time has passed. So much has happened, but so much remains the same as well.

We’ve shared much of our adventures, especially the last year and a half of them, here on Steemit and I’m extremely grateful for the catalog I’ve made of everything from farming to my glassblowing career to the sunset photo shoots. No matter what happens those remain on the blockchain which is pretty cool.

Through our time on Steemit we’ve been able to share our story, both past and present and connect with other awesome people through it as a result. Lately we’ve only had the time really to share our current story, as most of our time is consumed with the fork.

We knew as soon as we crossed that border that we were home, at least someplace that felt more like home than southern California. There were businesses everywhere, even in houses and on the sidewalk. It was a free-for-all and it was just the culture shock we were looking for. I’m not sure we would have felt as comfortable to camp the way we did that first night had Mexico been anything like the United States.

We got tacos, vacated the city and attempted to keep driving. We eventually camped on the side of the road for the first of more than a week of nights driving through Mexico without issue, a good omen for our future ahead.

And honestly we still feel the same about this place. Mexico is not perfect but it’s a lot better than what we were dealing with back home and that’s largely because of the people. When we came here it was with the intention of attempting to make things work in Acapulco, or moving south to South American countries if possible. So far there’s been plenty to keep us around, despite the humid weather that I’m still not accustomed to.

Now here we are, two years later with over 3600 followers here on Steemit. We regularly hear from people we’ve inspired with our story and that’s the sort of thing that got us telling our story in the first place.

If there’s one thing to be learned from our story...if you’ve got the means and inclination to leave the United States...do so before you’re put in our situation, forced to do so with nothing. We had plenty of money in the past to leave, but we made excuses. Consider all possibilities!

Thank you to everyone who has supported us these past two years!!!

Did you enjoy this post? Check out the links below for more like this one!

The Border Crossing
3000 Followers on Steemit Thank You
2500 Followers on Steemit Thank You!

In case you missed them, some of my recent posts:

Acapulco Sunsets: Crazy Crisp Colors
Anarchaforko Anarchapulco Fork Update: Reserve Your Room at the Copacabana Hotel Before They Run Out!
Vanilla Tye Dye Cupcakes with Goat Cheese Frosting

Hi there, if you're new to my blog here on Steemit check out this for more information on who we are and how we got here.

If you found this valuable don't forget to upvote, resteem or comment on this post!

Thanks for following and supporting us, until next time!


Awesome :)

I'm happy for your guys that it seems like you have found your "spot" in the world that feels right. The genuine enthusiasm that comes through your posts suggests you have landed precisely where you were meant to. Which-- all in all-- is not so common in this life of ours. Appreciate hearing about your journey... and seeing the many views of Acapulco!

Thanks for following us, yours is a name I recogonize well :)

Congratulations on achieving the milestone of 3600 followers and 2 years of freedom. Wishing you the great time ahead on Steemit Platform and in life.

Stay Blessed.

You’ve had such an amazing and life changing g journey. I remember when you were doing posts on a half broken phone and having slow police chases.

Yep, now we have slow police chases (less often) with non-broken phones :P I don't miss the days of posting from my phone, i really dont lol

Congratulations on your Steemit success!

Your story is a very interesting one. As a fellow American, who does love his country, I can understand why you felt you needed to leave. And as a libertarian, I can agree that this country is not as free as it believes itself to be. Or, at least, there is room for greater liberty...

Good luck with the Fork! I am impressed with your preparation, and am sending good vibes for it to be the success you intend. Cheers!

Hey thanks, so much to do in the next two weeks its a little ridiculous!

now re-read a couple of articles about you on your blog. I will say you are very brave that they made an escape, this is a brave act. Your stories really inspire

I hope that in two years I can say that Im still here and I’m thriving...thanks for the inspiration. I truly mean It- real stuff.

Appreciate hearing about your cool journey you began 2 yrs ago, Thanks for excellent post #Boss @lily-da-vine.

Keep sticking and moving, as they say in boxing parlance. You are awesome!

Hope the trip was so nice. Congrats for 3600 followers. Hope you get more. You are awesome @lily-da-vine

nice post, the place is beautiful

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