What's wrong with our cucumber plant?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

This plant has a really nice cucumber on it, but the leaves are starting to look bad. @grow-pro has been helpful with my tomato plant issue, so I'll ask about the cucumber.

Sorry this one's out of focus a little, but you can see how big the cucumber is!

Wide view of the various leaves with issues; close-ups after it:


That fly is one of several extremely docile flies in the garden. They rarely move, I don't get it. Very easy to get rid of, so I'm not complaining, but -- weird!


Thanks for your help! :)


Thanks for thinking of me 😉, happy to help you anytime @libertyteeth!

Ok, so it appears that we have an issue that could be bacterial or viral. No worries, we can fix that (no matter what anybody says) - the plant looks to be overall pretty healthy.

When foliage is close to the soil and it rains - it splashes contaminants from the soil up onto the leaves. It is a common issue and one that I experience often with Cucurbit leaves. Pests also spread disease in our garden - I use Neem Oil, an organic and ancient natural pesticide that comes from the Neem tree/seeds. It is truly the gardener's best friend!

How to Fix It:
• Remove any unhealthy leaves from the plant - using a clean/sterile cutting tool is important, of course.
• When handling the debris/removed plant matter - be sure to dispose of the unhealthy plant matter in the trash - never compost it or let it remain in your growing area.
• You should use a different cutting tool or re-sterilize the one used to remove unhealthy leaves to remove any leaf that is touching or near soil. You can also consider some mulch around the drip-edge of the plant - this will aid in keeping the soil from splashing up during hard rain & retains moisture (less watering).

Pruning a plant until it looks healthy, generally does promote good health. If it has parts that look unhealthy, but is not entirely trashed - it's got a great chance of survival still. I never give up until it's over! 😋

As I mentioned in your other post on your tomato plants - I swear by Seaweed and Kelp extract - 60 minerals, micro nutrients, amino acids - I have brought plants back that looked like the Grim Reaper himself had grown them. You will be amazed at how micronutrients and carbohydrates can enhance a plants vigor in a very short time.

Here is a resource that I frequently use, compliments of Cornell University, Vegetable MD Online. It is like WebMD, but for plants! How awesome is that?!

I have an arsenal of free resources that I use, including this one from Clemson University, Clemson Cooperative Extension. (I linked this one right to Cucurbit section, eliminate the scavenger hunt for you!).If you have any further questions on anything I've mentioned or if I can elaborate on anything - please don't hesitate to ask! If your readers have any questions or comments, let's chat!

And re-read your post, and just bought some seaweed extract as well! :) Thanks again!

Awesome, thanks! Just bought some neem oil and castille soap (which I will grate; it helps combine the oil and water). I'll go out and prune the bad-looking leaves shortly.

I can't realty tell but it looks diseased to me, I would rip it out of the ground

:) A bit drastic, I'll await other opinions first. That cucumber on it looks good though, and there are several others that have started! Would be a shame to have to sacrifice it. :(

Im used to doing that. If theres a disease in the garden you wouldnt want it to spread

Oops there appears to be a bug! I said it was in alpha... what comes before that!

Sorry, doing maintenance this week, so a lot of new features are being added. Will address this right away! Thanks for finding the bug. I know exactly what is causing it.

Lol. Will fix now

EDIT: It has been fixed! Thanks again @otage for helping me find this bug!

My pleasure. I really appreciate the valuable work your are doing here!

FYI @libertyteeth check out a new bot I found: @originalworks this is a bot that checks content for authentic authorship. It will authenticate posts containing text of 30 words or more but it does not verify images. After it searches the internet it will authenticate the post and if original it will leave an upvote. Just reply to any post with (@originalworks), without parenthesis as discovered by @libertyteeth, and it will be activated. It is in alpha so it worked for me about 90% of the time the other 10% it didn't return a result. Was very helpful on one early post in particular. I wrote an album review for Arcade Fire's new album, "Everything Now." I received no feedback on this post even though it was my most viewed post. I believe that was because readers believed that my review was taken from another source. After the bot authenticated my writing as original material I received an $0.85 upvote from @gentlebot !!
My review in question:
Look for a response from (@originalworks) for your cucumber post since I did activate it without parenthesis at the beginning. Sorry for a lengthy reply... zzzz!

Nice, thanks!

Glad gro pro had an answer.

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It's bad to see those terrible leaves. I think the leaves got infected with plants viruses. You must remove the infected leaves as soon as possible.

Thank for sharing your picture of the plants!
This cucumber's leave is actually infected by the viruses.

Oh, that looks terrible. I think worms is the cause for this. They might eat the leaves for their dinner.

omg! It looks sick. Anyone can help please give advice!

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