Did running a Steemit giveaway dramatically affect my followers? Spoiler alert: YESsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

Steem Followers

I really like this site, created by @shaunmza: https://steem.makerwannabe.com -- it shows you a graph of your follows, unfollows, and mutes, over time. I'll include a screenshot of my data, below.

Steemnow is another great site

Another site I use to keep track of my voting power, and how much an upvote is worth, is https://steemnow.com/. It has a nice clean interface and updates automatically.

Voting Power

Three days ago, I noticed my voting power was nearing 100%. I haven't really read the following, but it's something that I thought a couple weeks ago: if my voting power reaches 100%, and isn't used, then it "stops increasing." In other words, the time that it's below 100%, it's increasing by 0.01% or so every so often (30 seconds or so, I think?); but once I let it reach 100%, it stops increasing and just stays there.

Now of course, any time that it's under 100%, each upvote is worth less than if it was at 100%. So then if I use my voting power, then it starts replenishing as soon as I've upvoted once (as it goes below 100%).

I don't know the math on this, but I have a feeling that it's more helpful to be voting people up so that your voting power is constantly working its way back to 100%. (Please let me know if I'm mistaken, here; I still need to read the whitepaper.)


So when I saw it getting close to 100% yesterday, I decided I'd give away some 100% upvotes. I wrote this post and waited until it got responses.

It sure did! :) I gave away the 10 x 100% upvotes in short order, and then gave a 10% upvote to everyone else who commented. Even some who commented more than once (nobody was "gaming" it for an extra upvote, I noticed as well).

I also commented most of the time when I did a 100% upvote, showing my voting power before and after, as well as the amount the comment was upvoted. (These metrics can now be mined, although perhaps it'd be simpler to just read the algorithm, if it's open source.)


Although it takes 7 days for a post's rewards to pay out, this contest is effectively over since I've given the 10 x 100% upvotes.

Earlier today I checked my Steem Followers page, and noticed a dramatic rise on the day of the post and the day after: that day, 59 followed and 2 dropped; the next, 17 followed and none dropped. It doesn't list a daily average, although perhaps that's a good idea -- I will mention it to the creator. Eyeballing it, my daily average seems to be around 10 or so; meaning, that giveaway was 6x the average, and the day after was almost 2x the average as well.

My Link

To see the live data for my user, click here: https://steem.makerwannabe.com/index.php?username=libertyteeth

You can hover over each part of the chart and it'll show you the exact number, of follows, mutes, or unfollows.

My Chart

Why not? :)

My voting power is now at 93.46%, so I think I'll do another giveaway. This time, I'll keep upvoting at 100% until my voting power reaches 50%. Stay tuned! :)


Dude you have 25,000 SP who would be DUMB enough not to follow you when you are giving FREE upvotes? In any case I'm GLAD to be following someone with that kinda SP.

Heh, that's funny. Makes me wonder if my posts would be getting any notice if I hadn't funded the account...

In other words, am I a good writer? Or, just a good resource...

Once I was a millionaire, and discovered I had a lot of fair-weather friends. I suppose there's that risk here, as well. Cheers!

Well the truth is on Steem you aren't rewarded for good well thought out content. Only a small percentage is appreciated and voted on. Just look at the crap some whales post and get $100s of dollars from their other whale buddies. Steemit elite is a club. You can buy yourself a place, others got it from pre-mined SP. In any case you have the power and you have my attention because of it. If you write something I appreciate i'll upvote it because my vote is very little, but you can guarantee it's something I appreciated.

You're right. I'm trying to be "professional" about it; see my most recent post about making mosquito traps, I created a video that I'm feeling pretty good about -- I'd appreciate your feedback, thanks!

Thanks for the information @libertyteeth. I saw new things to take note from it.

Cool, glad I can help! My goal is to be as transparent as the platform, and helps others become whales.

Played some pool last night with friends. One of my behaviors while playing pool is similar -- if my opponent isn't taking the best shot, I'll point it out before they shoot. I'm pretty good, and like a challenge. :)

Dis is really noble of you to make odas whales. You are indeed a great person. Peace to you. Im sure you had funny with the pool game.😀😀

Regarding voting power: You are absolutely correct. You should never leave your account at 100% for too long. Pretend you have a ceramic bucket with a constant drip of liquid gold filling it up. As soon as the bucket is 100% full, the constant drip will overflow and the overflow will be vaporized out of existence. Meanwhile if you are consistently dispensing the gold before it gets 100% filled you are creating wealth. The voting power gold drip will refill the bucket once every 5 days.

Excellent analogy! That's essentially the way I was looking at it, thanks!

Yah really excellent analogy. 👍👍

I believe voting power replenishes 20% per 24 hours. So it's a good idea to never go below 80% since it will replenish to 100% in 24 hours. Of course, it's rather hard to stay around 80% voting power :D

This is what I've come to understand as well.
10 upvotes good
100 upvotes very bad

Yeah if it's 100% power upvotes

Only one way to do it, if you are are less than 500 SP and that's 100%.

In the Esteem App all users regardless of SP have the ability to change upvotes from 1-100%. In the App if you hold your finger on the upvote button the slider will appear and you can select the power of your upvote. Warning: the App is very glitchy.

Good to know. But, I'll just keep upvoting my 10-20 per day at 100%.

Yes more bang for your buck that way!

Actually I think you can use the "steempy" tool to do upvotes at any percentage -- but, it's a bit clunky, it's command-line driven. Perhaps someone will make a side tool to help with that. Earlier today someone mentioned a tampermonkey plugin to hide resteems in their "Home"; perhaps tampermonkey might work for this?

Thanks, good to know! I think I might do another one of these soon, today or tomorrow. Only at 88% right now after processing all these replies -- and still have a couple dozen to go! :)

all of the day this is best for me i really need a link about this and now i will check from here everthing...thanx for share with us @libreteeth sir..and u r right about voting power prediction and i also believe it

yes sir u r right yes its also right after 100 no more increase power it only increase when under 100...

I'm nearing that 100% mark too now. Time to do some up voting tonight!

Staying tuned.

tuned in

I really like this site, created by @shaunmza: https://steem.makerwannabe.com -- it shows you a graph of your follows, unfollows, and mutes, over time. I'll include a screenshot of my data, below.

Too bad I see my posts not in absolute data so I cannot say which post deflected so many followers on one day.

Ask the creator, I did so on one of his posts here, as I wasn't seeing my data update. He noticed that there was duplicate data because two instances had been running, and he fixed my account's data but said that other accounts will need fixing as well.

Perhaps yours is one of those?

THANKS FOR SHARING this site from @shaunmza! That's amazing!

Also steemnow is totally useful!!! Respect to the developer!

You're welcome! Please let me know of any sites you've found which are helpful.

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