BitConnect loan funds have returned; not doing that again!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

A week ago, I closed out my BitConnect account, at a profit. Nowhere near the profit they advertise – but then, I started with Bitcoin, not with dollars.

Final Earnings

I hadn’t checked in a week, so when I did, the Lending Wallet contained my initial $12,430, plus earnings from the prior six days; the total in it was $13,379.65.

Bitcoin was then (a week ago) at $7,359 (and, it’s almost back there now, having visited $5,500 this past week – some volatility!), so I won’t even be able to purchase 2 BTC! I had started this loan with almost 5 BTC – 4.92 and some dust – which was the equivalent of $12,430 when I started the loan, four months ago.

How Much BTC Did It Buy?

Turned out this $13,379.65 bought me 1.82 BTC, which I removed a week ago. So, the initial investment went from 4.92 BTC to 1.82 BTC (a little less, actually, because there was almost a thousand dollars more from the prior week).

So, exactly how many BTC did I remove from BitConnect? I kept a running total, so the previous was 4.62 BTC. Add to that 1.82 BTC (from the previous paragraph), and I have removed 6.44 BTC.

My initial investment was 4.92 BTC. So, I made 1.52 BTC, which is still a decent return (around 30% for 4 months, or 120% annually, without compounding), but nowhere near what was promised. Of course, most people probably invest starting with dollars, rather than starting with BTC. So, let’s do that math.

What If I Had Invested Dollars in BitConnect?

If I had started with dollars, then, assuming I never sold any of the BTC that I took out and sold them right now – the price of 1 BTC is currently (a week ago – I wrote this analysis then, and turned it into a post tonight) $7,325.06, so that times the 6.44 BTC that I removed would be $47,173.39 – a much better return! The initial investment was $12,430, so this would be 379% in four months, or 1,517% annually. Unheard of, and, I expect they’ll fold soon.

I “think” in Bitcoin, now, rather than in “dollars” (which they aren't, any more, they're just pretty pieces of paper, backed up by “faith” in a crumbling system). So for me, if I had started with dollars in the previous paragraph, I would keep the Bitcoin, and end up with the 379% return.

However, many people haven't converted their thinking (perhaps, “yet”?), so they might want to sell the BTC as soon as they've removed it. If that were the case, the return would go down some; I'm not going to calculate all the data points there (they might sell daily; weekly; monthly; or randomly, like I did), but BTC was below $3K when I started, and only recently rose above $7K, so the return would be reduced, if they had sold as soon as they took possession of the BTC.

And, the return would be greater if they had “rolled it forward”, which I never did, so I don't know whether the funds that were “rolled in” would start the 4-month clock over again – or, if the clock would be even longer, since the amount I'd have been “rolling in” would be less than $10k.

What If I Had Invested Dollars in BTC?

Now, what if I had started with dollars, and instead just bought BTC and held it? The price of BTC on the day I started, 2017-07-09, was $2,826.70, according to Coindesk ($2,589.88 according to Coinmarketcap, so let’s do two versions). Today, it’s $7,354.82 at Coindesk (versus $7,352.50 at Coinmarketcap, so they seem to have narrowed in the past four months).

BTC on 2017-07-09$2,826.70$2,589.88
$12,430 would purchase4.397353804.79945016
BTC on 2017-11-08$7,354.82$7,352.50
Those BTC now worth in $$32,341.75$35,287.96
Return in percentage260%284%

Interestingly, that amount ($12,430) wouldn't purchase the full amount I started with, 4.92 BTC, using either of the above prices! However, the BTC price wasn't at the above point all day; it fluctuated, so I likely made my investment when it was slightly lower, around $2,526.42.


So, starting with dollars, the past four months would give a great return in Bitcoin, and would be even better with BitConnect.

Starting with BTC, I earned only 30% in the fourth months, versus 260-284% buying BTC starting with dollars, or 379% investing in BitConnect, starting with dollars (and a little less, starting with dollars and cashing out the BTC to dollars as I withdrew it, rather than holding).

It was an interesting test but I have no confidence in their future, so I’ll stick the much-more-secure “hodl” method and keep my coins in my wallet.

In fact, I just purchased a Trezor wallet! It arrived today; looking forward to experimenting with it!

Below are the previous posts I have made about BitConnect; I will not be making any more. (About BitConnect, that is! :) )


Previous Posts

Starting with the oldest:

The above was flagged, my first flag, and I didn’t understand it; I do now, it was because I had posted an “affiliate link.” Don’t do that. :)

Note that in the above, @blazing asks whether the site opens for me; I had forgotten (thanks for the reminder!) that they shut themselves down for a few days, after someone found that clicking the “send my BTC” button twice quickly would send it twice, quickly, regardless of how much was in your account!

What a stupid, grade-school-level, “Office Space”-style programming error! At least they came back up; it was around the time that BTC-e was taken down, and Poloniex went down for a day or two as well. Was considering whether I could wear a barrel for clothing. :)

BitConnect purports to have written a “trading bot” which earns 2% daily. That’s 730% in a year, without compounding. If they can do that, why let others get in on the action? I mean, really, why let anybody else in? Reminds me a little of the movie “Limitless” – the guy had a great stock trading ability, but went to a loan shark because he “needed to earn faster.” That was one of the flaws in the movie, but, the evil guy was necessary for the “heroic” ending. Anyway, this is one red flag, and a huge one, which should have stopped me but Craig Grant’s promotion of it hooked me.

This is the post where I shared how I figured out why they’re profitable; that was three months ago, and I expected not to earn nearly as much as they were advertising. And, I was right. Heh, a chuckle at my invention, “petro-terror-notes.” :) (It’s neat to re-read what I’ve written; it sounds like something I’d say, but I don’t much at all remember writing it, thanks to these concussions I’m recovering from.)

This was when they were down, I mentioned above. And, my apologies to @sift666 for my pointer at the end, which I gracefully (?) recovered from before the window to remove my upvotes had closed.

That was the last post I had done on BitConnect, three months ago as well, prior to this one.

That's it! Well, since we're supposed to have a thumbnail, here's an image I painted using the same brush as the "Splatterpaint Progression" that I included in this other post, when I announced the winners of my SteemVoter contest:

This one's titled "Dimensional Splatterpaint":

Dimensional Splatterpaint(c).png


@libertyteeth interesting to see the btc investment compared to your bitconnect earnings. Interesting conclusions. @gold84

Thank you for posting all of this information! I am still really new to the crypto currencies and would like to invest in someway, I just have not done it yet!

My advice is, start small. Especially when testing a new wallet etc; send a very tiny amount, and once you're convinced that it works, then send more.

Also, don't "stay small", i.e. if you're buying BTC through e.g., they have fees which are a higher percentage for smaller amounts (i.e., "volume discount"). So, once you're comfortable, you might want to instead of making weekly purchases, save them up and make a monthly purchase.

Of course, DCA (dollar cost averaging) is also a good strategy, where you'd buy a certain dollar amount every time period (e.g., month, or week if the fees are acceptable) -- that way, when the price is lower, you're buy more of it for the same dollars; and when the price is higher, you're buying less of it.

Good luck to you! Oh, and check out @haejin, he's doing some excellent analysis!

Thanks for the contact of @haejin I will be checking out their posts! I also am not sure if I feel comfortable spending $ just yet. For now I am just building up what I can here and hopefully in the future I will pull the trigger so to speak and finally start investing! Thanks again for the help and advice!

your information is important to the steemian and hopefully you enjoy your current wallet as well as bitconnect.

Hey, is your Trezor easy to use? For a non-tech kinda gal? Another friend has recommended it to me.

Not sure yet -- still in box. I'll make a post when I unbox it. The machine that will fill that wallet is currently undergoing surgery, running a "badblocks" test which will take another 48 hours or so. My coins are safe, as it's backed up, but I can't send them until I either build a blockchain somewhere else and copy the wallet.dat into it; or, just wait for it to finish.

I'm really enjoying reading/watching @haejin and his analysis of cryptocurrencies. I've bought one of the books he recommends ("Elliott Wave Principle" by Frost and Prechter), and will be getting the other one. But, I can take advantage of his analysis in the meantime! Really neat, I studied fractals years ago and Elliott Waves align with them.

That will be a great thing ....

wow finally they gave it back looks promising

I am glad to hear that you received your money back. you know what? Now more and more platforms are imitating Bitconnect. They are all HYIP (scam if you want to call it that way). I heard one particular HYIP ICO exit scam run away with people money. but why do the people keep investing? Look at Regal Coin (Bitconnect clone), It flys to the moon. Those investors are gambling. I am now doing experiment with them too. I prefer buying their tokens expecting gains once the tokens hit external Exchange. the risk is high but if you can make it the profit is also high. here is one of them: W

Wow, such horrible English. I'm sold! [Edit: their site I mean, not your comment! :) ]

Here is another one. Free 2 Tokens upon Registering. Just look and see how HYIP evolves :)

LOL! That's very similar to BitConnect, except this one has a "white paper". Gonna stay away, myself. I've been following @haejin and really like his analysis. Plan to do some trades using Elliott Wave and laddering in and out.

It is obviously HYIP/scam. LOL

Great incite (ha ha I meant insight it was very late)! Glad you were able to recoup most of your funds before bcc bites the dust. I feel like the only reason they are still operating is because of the incredible run for BTC. Eventually Bitconnect will close and BCC will go to zero.

LOL, I will rouse the rabble against this scam, incite them to pitchforks! :)

And that's my analysis as well -- they'll close if BTC goes for a downturn like after it breached $1k, then sat around $200 for a couple years.

I like the way you made sense of my mistake : )

The selfie challenge today is The Statue of Liberty. Here is my entry... its not teeth... but knives with teeth!

LOL nice that's awesome. :)

Yeah one of my favorite activities is finding meaning in chaos. I like "reading license plates" using "1337-speek", i.e., convert the letters into numbers. Often some very humorous license plates exist, one I saw months ago was "53XB46" or "sex bag". :)

You mentioned the plate when you were schooling me about leet... its so funny... especially because most people are completely oblivious.

well done ...

This is great job! well done.

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