BitConnect added "security questions" -- don't use your answers from other sites! Phishing, perhaps?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I logged in to BitConnect to check and record my daily return, and noticed they had added "security questions."

These I already knew as "not being secure" because many sites ask the same questions.

So, now, BitConnect is attempting to harvest your answers to those questions.

Don't give them the answers you gave to any other sites.

For instance, when asked "Who is your best friend?", rather than answering "spouse", answer "somethingsomethingspouse" -- and, of course, replace each "something" with whatever you would like.

Why do I perceive this as a potential attack? Because I'd be stupid not to, based on the opaqueness surrounding their endeavor; but also, because the best "Q/A" security is a Q that you state and an A that you state.

It could be "not even a question" such as "How many roads must a man walk down?" for the Q, and "42" for the A (hat-tip to Douglas Adams).


Be safe in giving data.

thank you so much for this waring
i invest the minimum in bitconnect , it is safe ??

I don't think so, but lately I'm not as concerned they'll close up shop. More the issue is that the currencies that you need to purchase to get your money out, are constantly rising.

So the 4.92+ BTC that I sent in, to do the $12,430 loan -- if those FRNs were returned to me, at the current BTC price I'd only be able to purchase 2.93 BTC or so -- a 40% loss right there!

Now, had I instead just purchased some BCC with those 4.92+ BTC, I'd be able to sell them today for over 10 BTC. You win some... :)


In no time everyone will have a urine sample, eyes mapped out, faced mapped out, feces mapped out.

I really like the iris scanner I invented, where if you didn't pass the security check, it would poke your eye out. :)

Probably because I was born with only one working, and thus defending it is an important life-long task.

That looks good for a long run btw how is it going on with bit connect

I mentioned in another comment that I invested 4.92+ BTC and if I got the $12,430 back today I'd be able to purchase around 2.93 BTC -- so, because BTC keeps rising, it's not as great an investment as it seems.

I'm less concerned that they'll pull the plug, though. Still, pulling it out of there!

is the site opening today ??

Nope, they say they'll return in two days:

Bitconnect Accessibility Update - Glitch in the website’s service
The bitconnect dashboard and exchange platform will remain inaccessible due to a glitch in the website’s service. We shall be aiming to reactivate accounts by 3:00PM (GMT), 27 August 2017. Read more
-The Team

I just love throwing money away... :(

phewww glad to hear that

Just checked from wife's laptop (so I didn't try to log in), and they have a new message:

Bitconnect would like to announce that only negative accounts will be suspended
During the latest website issues as reported earlier the accounts that have been found to have no problems will be given access and be activated. Read more
-The Team

And, the "Read more" link is even more disturbing!

It says accounts with "negative amounts" (I guess that's the balance?) will be terminated but doesn't explain how the accounts went negative. Apparently some accounts "benefitted from the glitch" but no idea what happened -- might my account now be negative?

It also says you only have 5 days to fix the negative amount -- and if you don't your account will be permanently terminated and your details will be made public on their site! That seems really crappy, I used the same account name as I did here. What details? Are they sharing passwords as well? Ugh...

Well, I think it's likely to be a ruse, a delaying tactic to allow them to high-tail it outta there...

It's one thing if the site's down, like I saw someone else post a few minutes ago; but the site is up, just, you can't log in. And their description lacks all technical details, "glitch in the website's service", it could mean anything including "we pulled it"...

really i dont see these question and also good to share with us these important issue and advise on it some good job @libertyteeth sir

This bitconnect is going to be a huge scam. I hope you will get all your money back before its down fall.

Thanks. Based on the analysis I did a week or two ago, I don't think that I will. I invested 4.92+ BTC, and if I get the $12,430 back today I'd only be able to purchase around 2.93 BTC with it.

Whether they go under or not, I've detected the nature of their scam, because BTC will constantly go up in general (because math), and BCC will constantly go up because of their manipulation since it's on so few markets, and under their control.

I have two answers that I use everywhere :

  1. Batman
  2. Robin
    But I'm very careful about where i use them ;)

Huh interesting. Thanks for the advice

I agree security questions are a liability even if the company is legit, hackers can break in and gather valuable information on unsuspecting individuals. I never elect to answer and if I must answer I never give real data. Your favorite this, favorite that, relatives names, old streets you lived on, all good for building profiles for identity theft. Make it all up and keep a secure record for yourself.

Yes, exactly -- different answers for different companies means when one is compromised, only one is compromised.

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