If it is in your mind it is only theory,steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

If it is in your hands it is experience

Many people have joined Steemit and are zipping through blogs to comment and curate... but it leaves little satisfaction and or progress for them.

Most people skim the blogs instead of read and somehow believe they get the idea, especially on a how to accomplish type writing.

Skimming is fine as it helps the reader discern if it is of their interest or if it could help in a pursuit or mission. But once something of value is found will help you understand; how to perform and propagate an aspect or process to a very high degree, you will first need to fully read each word and phrase (I think a lost art these days), ponder them, play with them and then PRACTICE THEM.

So few people actually act on information they have just learned, yet they believe they can do it and succeed... or the believe that merely reading something, it has assimilated magically in their life. This brings about a false sense of self and a non existent sense of skill... which in turn they often pass on to others for a false sense of accomplishment.

But without taking that knowledge or information and putting it to work, it has no substance, no reality, no worth.

An Example

Many young people are emerging from colleges with a head full of information, yet an increasing number of them are realizing it is not a life skill and that they must enter a position and build skills.

What if they instead went through skill building in college, or as they used to call it apprenticeships. They would exit into a productive role in society as opposed to having a piece of paper that is of little real value.

I know the argument... the degree helps them get a job that can grow into a career. Well this argument is so wrong and we need to rethink and more importantly re-engineer the educational system. Now this is not a blanket statement as some degrees in colleges have work experience or apprenticeship involved, but really so many more do not. Graduates have learned only how to get in debt, they at least used to learn how to learn, but since the advent of computers and the internet, they have that skill already as a child.


I just read this morning in the news, that scientists just discovered that thriving instead of surviving was due to developing a life mission. Yes it could be true in some cases, but isn't being productive in a way that helps others more of the key. It brings that sense of mission, it brings the joy of helping, it brings prosperity. But are those qualities not also experiences?

The experience of seeing your developed skills (also through experience) is what brings satisfaction, pride and yet more experience.

Get it out of your head and into your hands!

Live life, don't just think it.


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: ytimg, ibu.edu, northfloridaahec


Ponder? - I don't think people do that any more. And education is about indoctrination and creating debt.

Great points.

Great points yourself... but I see it as opportunity for anyone that sees, realizes and acts on it!

hmm, sometimes i really do that one of cause its language, but try to understand what's it meaning, thanks for reminding to do that.

The beauty of Steemit is in the reminders for action by others... acting them out is the key.

ya, i agree with you, people are more skiming than read full aericle. get more upvoted with high steem power, all likely to do that. but some how someone should read the article, thanks for deeply thought.

Even in the comments as well, by the reply one can see who skims and who is only profiteering... thanks for a real comment.

I totally agree. Especially as a Student of philosophy I realize, that there is No End in thinking. I tend to think about stuff twice, or more, keeping me from acting. And then, when I am realizing this, I Thing Well screw it im doing it right now and stop searching for flaws it is satisfying because there is only One better Feeling then finally starting a rewarding work: earning it's fruits. But as a Perfektionist, this Just Start Thing can be really challenging.

I really enjoyed your article, I looking for quality content to Post in my promotion Journal, so if you okay with that I D Link this article in!

Of course you may. I too am a thinker, but I learned long ago the only way to prove the thought is action...repeated action in many situations being even better.

Indeed! That why I took some action and promoted you in my Promotion Journal #1, we got started!

Keep up the good work :)

This post recieved an upvote & comment from mahbubalam. If you would like to recieve upvotes comment from mahbubalam on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @mahbubalam

May I ask what your process is in stealing posts from other sources as your own?

This was created b on my blog this morning, yet I see it hear under your name, not re-steemed, but as your own property.


Thank you for a great post!
I will share something related from one of my posts :
"The map is a metaphor for our belief system, values and principles (How we view the world), the map of the world we have in our minds is not the real world but just a reflection of our beliefs. Each person has a different reality, based on the fact that we all have different maps and ways to view the world. Most people (or all of them), instead of interacting with the world, interact with their map."

Please check my new post, I think you will like it!

Yes we all have different maps, I am discussing what I have experienced in my life. I have over 270 locations in 46 countries (educational system) and encounter the experiences mentioned above daily. In each country and culture they are the same... people struggle to get information into their hands as actual skill... this was to help those that struggle.

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