Love to serve or be served?

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Who do you want to become?

Remember as kids they would ask us this question and everything we saw was achievable. We wanted to be the grown up that saved people. We wanted to be one of those who were hero's, who had tangible talents, who was valued by someone else. Firemen that saved people from burning buildings, nurses that healed the sick, lawyers the wore suite and must be saving someone in that court room. Regardless, of what crazy imagination you had you wanted to be someone that did something that saved.

You thought about serving others.

As children we thought like children, we rationed like children, and then we became fully known. Do you remember the exact moment you changed from wanting to save to wanting fulfillment? Somewhere along the way we learned that helping ourselves helped others.

Living for our passions made us willing to serve others.

Think about it with me. You join a website, to write and have a voice. Those that see value in it invest in it with little they have. The more you enjoy what you write, the more enjoyable your writing becomes...

Who did you want to be, who did you become, and regardless of your age who do you want to be someone day?



Wow, it's hard to think about what you wanted to be when you were a child. I wanted to be an Olympic gymnast, a famous author, or a lawyer. I am none of those things. On the other hand, I am a good manager and I like my job most days and I am also a mother of two teenagers. I like that job most days as well. As for who do I want to be someday, I would love to be able to retire early from the office job and do something more meaningful before I'm too old. Good post!

You are an amazing mother and probably a far better manager then you give yourself credit. I'm guessing you do not take a lot of time for yourself? I can only hope that you will and slowly work towards your dreams because you deserve to have it all!

Hmm...when I was very young, I wanted to be a writer, actor, dancer, singer...all the arts! I'm not sure if I listed musician at that point, but that was in there somehow. I've done all of these things...and currently still do all of them, except the acting...although I don't do any in a way that supports me completely financially. I also wanted to save the world, environmentally. And I did a bit of activism for a while, but at this point just do my own small part. I've learned a few other things along the way as well. I do massage now, and I've bartended, gardened, and I currently teach people to work with their emotions. These are things I've loved as well. I suppose going forward, I'd like to do the writing, performing music, and teaching emotions in a way that I can support myself on. And garden, travel, and do photography as well! :D It's not too much to ask, is it? :D Cool post...always fun to check in with our younger and future selves! :)

I love your response! Everything you've been and are currently passionate about you've done. one way or the another you made a way. I only hope you continue to do so which I think you'll find a way to do it. You follow your heart and your heart falls through. I'm excited to see what you end up doing next and I'm sure it will be reflected in your writing as well. keep us all posted Will-ya?

Have you done it yet? :)

Haha, in progress! :D

Any updates on this?!

Yes! I'm scarce this week because I'm immersing myself in Irish music, song, and dance for the week. <3

That sounds like the start of your poem, can't wait to hear all about it on your post!

cool post look forward to seeing more

Thank you very much, but you didn't answer the question. Who did you want to be growing up?

Such a hard question, because I wasn't raised to be selfish, although every little kid has their tendencies. While I wanted to do everything I could to make those around me happy, there are certainly times when I get exhausted with trying to meet everyone else's (perceived) needs. I definitely appreciate when people do nice things for me for a change.

That being said, when so many businesses and organizations giving veteran benefits, it's hard not to play the veteran card sometimes.

You just said everything I tried to say in my post. Maybe i should rewrite? I knew I wanted your comment for a reason! Thank you!

LOL, You're too kind. Of course you always could rewrite, but my way isn't very poetic. Keep what you have, it came straight from your heart.

Thank you very much, imbon a poetry kick lately :)

LOL, you're very welcome!

You are too sweet, thank you!

Bill gates

i do not follow?

I edited. Stupid phone and auto complete

I see, so I still don't follow do you want to be bill gates or wanted?

Too old now for the want

Never, and if you disagree then answer me this, if you could go back what do you wish you would have been?

This is a great question. I can honestly say I have not hit that point yet. I find fulfillment in helping so that makes it a win win for me. lol This is a great blog and a wonderful question and guidance. Nice work.

Thank you, takes a bow and pretend the audience is more then just one. I hope you are always fulfilled in helping others regardless in what avenue you do it in.

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THIS is such a great question . .

Do you remember the exact moment you changed from wanting to save to wanting fulfillment?

Unfortunately, I don't have an answer. I also don't remember what I wanted to do/be when I grew up. BUT, I think finding a balance between serving and being served is key as an adult.

Thank you for liking my questions and finding value in them. I honestly don't remember what I wanted to be as a child either. I don't think I've ever wanted to be anything but successful I just never really understand the details of it. I know I associated success with financial freedom for the most part. Thank you for stopping by, please come by again!

That's a good point. As a kid, when I thought of what it meant to be successful, I always equated that to financial gain. It wasn't until I was an adult that my definition of success broadened.

With great understanding comes great change it seems like

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