Have you noticed half a year has come and gone?

in #life6 years ago

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Consistent people, never been one.

It is officially half of the year. The reflection post are probably soon coming. The halfway point of the year is definitely a gut check for some and a reminder for others. When you reflect on 2018, what comes to mind? Three jobs, new passport, a year on Steemit, my second Steemit flag, and a few new friends that have made this year interesting. So far so good, Applying for a visa for the first time is an experience for the books. It was simple and approved quickly. However, the mini emotional rollercoaster ride was unexpected. Having family and friends in Brazil applying for visas isn’t a new concept. Being approved so quickly without any hassle is.

Applying for a visa was easy and exciting. Soon tickets will be purchased, have you heard about my Europe and Australia trip?

Writing daily has been my constant challenge. Writing to improve, writing to earn, and writing to travel. Who could have imagined that being unemployed could lead to so much? Could have done without that stress in my life, but I am grateful for it. My taxes are going to be fun to fill out this year. I wonder how the government will tax me for all my crypto too. That will not be fun.

ANYWAY, how consistent are you?

Some always workout, always go to work, always travel, always do what they have always done. Other constantly change what they are always doing. Does that make them inconsistent or constantly changing?

What you've always done?

If working with three paystubs is the challenge of 2018 then that will be just fine by me. However, have you been writing down your goals? Has one come true for you, yet? Are all your 2018 goals forgotten? Suppose you started dreaming again halfway through the year, doesn’t have to be about the same goals, but any. This new job starts soonish and I have this dream that it will take me to Turkey and to Portugal. I dream it will allow for travel and work from anywhere. In order to see the world and move as often as seen fit.

Now I realized that is a lot of change and not much consistency. After the first few months of this year that seems normal to me now. I admire people that do the same activity day in and day out. Good or bad, they do it every single day. Some call it to motivation, others call it an addiction, and some are blessed with disciple. Which one do you have for daily commitments?

Work, money, saving and now traveling used to be all the motivation I needed. Now, writing and crypto is a daily focus. Some become frustrated with the lack of income, the lack of comments, the never-ending various of spam. Others write from their hearts regardless. Then there are those that write every come rain or shine. This could be you too. Not just in writing, but in whatever area of your life you would like to achieve. Is it too late to create consistent habits halfway through the year? Not at all, it is just the beginning. So, let's continue our list making for our new job to help us reach our dreams.

Work Dream list

  • I stay at my job, love it, and thrive in it for at least a year.
  • I travel to another continent, apparently I've been to four. I will have gone to four by next year.
  • Become a homeowner
  • Run a few 5/10k's

Used to do.

I used to run often. Used to love it, hate it, then repeat. Each season of life changes my view of the event. However, I have learned that I have a strong sense of survival and it scared me at times. Mostly when I play paintball. Can't do that too often. What doesn’t scare anymore is change, consistency, or the lack thereof. How about you? Halfway point, what is 2018 going to mean to you at the end?


I updated my visionboard the other day. I noticed that I'd manifested a bunch of things so it was time to put some new things on. Exciting!

Really?! What did you accomplish?

I had some non-specific travel stuff on there, which ended up being very similar to some trips I did, flying business class, some specific items I wanted to buy. I don't know. I had a bunch of things on there which spoke to me when I put them on. Now I've replaced some of them with new images that speak to me.

No not really, but as I think I've mentioned previously October is pretty much tomorrow the rate I'm going XD

I am consistently inconsistent ;D


I just love you so much! <3

I'm not a big one for goals. I like to keep learning, stay curious and make the best call I can in the moment.
I'd say overall it's worked out for me :)

Would you say, you also finish all the project you start?

Eventually... or sometimes soon. Never never though ;)

I’ve never seen a need to do a “midyear” goal review. As such everything that turned out to be viable opportunity was achieved or started by now. Others that turned out not to be where discarded. It has been a very exhausting and long year and we still have a large chunk of it to go.

I find it strange how some people struggle to keep track of what day of the week it is. Those people don’t seem to notice often how far along in the year we are. Certain events in there life seem to creep up on them. They seem to always be a few hours late when arriving and need extra days to get things done.

Sometimes it best to have some goals short term 1 year, medium term 2-5 years, and long term 6-10 years. Many people try and force something then become discouraged and give up as they set an unrealistic timeframe for themselves.

Wow... Your post made me realize that I accomplished lots of "goals" so far!!! Started a new business, traveled to Brazil, moving to Fort Lauderdale, made new friends, started Steemit in January and it's been a really cool experience. LEt's catch up girl! Miss You :)

Great insights Kubby,

Realigning and making new goals is 100% essential to personal and spiritual growth.

Maybe we can all go for a run the morning after the Christmas party...

@choogirl needs to bring her Asics :) & @mattclarke will be keen after meeting his health goals.

My biggest downfall is I don't always write them down and reflect, but the beauty of Steemit and the blockchain is that fact that I can always refer back to it at any given moment :)

Keep kicking goals @kubbyelizabeth and stay cool!

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