Why You Should READ Every day!

in #life7 years ago

It's sad; We don't read anymore! Reading is so good for our brains.
And yet it becomes a hobby that is increasingly rare.

According To Mental Floss.com
• One-third of high school graduates never read another book for the rest of their lives.

• 42 percent of college graduates never read another book after college.

• 80 percent of U.S. families did not buy or read a book last year.

• 70 percent of U.S. adults have not been in a bookstore in the last five years.

• 57 percent of new books are not read to completion.


Books don't have instant gratification the same way Tv Shows, and video games do. They also require more work. You have to read and understand the information.
Also throughout school, We have books we may not be interested in, Constantly shoved down our throats.

As a result, People aren't reading anymore. And it's really sad.

Adaptable To Changes In Life

When we read, We learn new things that make us more adaptable to all the changes in life.
We can learn things that we never thought were possible. And apply the information for use almost immediately.
A lot of the money making tactics, and the resourcefulness I've learned was through books! Reading has taught me these things so I could grow my business!

It Makes Us Happier

When you feel smarter, It's hard not to feel more confident as well!
Books entertain us, But also teach us things.
If you read fiction, Then you may learn about a different time/Or lifestyle you may not have thought of before.
If you read nonfiction. Then you learn whatever it is you are looking for.
The entertainment aspect makes us happy and satisfied. But also the confidence boost we get when we can say "I read a whole book!" feels pretty good too!

It Can Improve Our Relationships

Reading can help our relationships because it makes us more fun, It gives us something more to talk about! It's like those people you know, That always have a good story to tell because they travel a lot, With reading, you are experiencing the life of another person. And you can talk about that!

Improves Your Memory!

Reading can help you improve your memory Because your forced to remember what you are reading. Like Characters, Plot, Or if your reading a nonfiction book, You'll remember what you are learning so you can apply it to your life.

Better Writing Skills

I have a confession to make...
Throughout school, I did a lot of writing, And I've always been good at it, But I stopped. And instead focused on my art.
I feel like my writing would of went to crap If I didn't read everyday.
Reading books by really good writers allows you to look at the words they used in context. You can expand your vocabulary and improve your writing that way.

Prevents Us From MultiTasking

We multitask way too much! It's hard not to; We can easily have ten browser windows open at once, No problem. We can do so many things from our phones. Multi-tasking is a killer of productivity.
With books, You can only focus on your book; You can't multitask.
This helps improve your focus, So Next time your on your laptop you may not be tempted not to focus.


All true! Cannot agree more: we need more people reading... Books, scripts, plays, newspaper whatever... Something more than the whatsapp chats and emails.

I read Steemit posts.... does that count?

Yes! I think it does ;) But reading a book wouldn't hurt either.

The facts that now very few people are reading book is disheartening. People should read more in order to grow more.

You'll remember what you are learning so you can apply it to your life.

Yes I have applied a lot in my life what I have read in books. Some even changed my life. My perception of looking the world.

Multi-tasking is a killer of productivity.

It's the most lame thing to do. I am only focusing on writing this comment after reading your article.
Thanks for making an article to increase interest of people in reading.

Not true for everyone because Bruce Lee was a prolific multi-tasking, known to watch television, while lifting weights, and reading a book. At least according to people who knew him personally this is true.

I would say it depends on the person and their natural tendency. Most people are not good at multi-tasking but there are definitely ways. If you're watching TV you can also for example be working out and these activities go well together. If you're listening to a book you can also be chatting in text, as you can listen and write, allowing you to squeeze some social time while you're researching.

On the other hand don't try to drive a car while texting, these do not go together.

People also say Brucely was an alien, came here to test the fighters of earthlings. Some say I am too.

If I was about 18 years old right now. I would be so excited by the advantages I could gain by doing simple things like reading. From experience I know that reading books has improved my writing skills, improved my mindset and help me grow into a rather awesome human.

If younger generations are not reading, than you can have an upped hand just by doing it. Exciting, well atleast to me.

Now I just need to find Doc and the DeLorian so I can go back to when I was 18 :-)

I'll make a deal with you. You write every day and I'll read everyday. :)

OMG XD You're brilliant! I think I already got that one down LOL.

That is a pretty sweet deal!

A big component of the problem is that so few parents read to their children. Regardless of how late it is, or how tired I am, I make it a point to read to my kids every night. The one exception is if the fall asleep before "bedtime-booktime". I think it is an essential part of parenting, and an essential requirement for their development. All of my best friends whom I can have meaningful conversations with are avid readers, and a lot of our discussion revolves around books, or concepts we have read about. I've met great people just by asking a simple question when I see them reading a book....."What book are you reading?"
The decline of book reading is sad.

I love that! I didn't think of that one! Parents should read to kids more and I'm glad you do it!

The connection between reading time with your child is just such a positive bonding thing on top of other skills it brings to your kid, too many reasons to be reading to your kids. If you have family with a kid like a niece of nephew or cousin or whatever, you don't have to be the parent to read to that child, go do it.

So true!! Plus those cute illustrations are fun to look at! I still enjoy children's books even now! Haha.

We got out of that habit a while back, and need to get back to it. I remember my father reading to me as a child, one of my favorite memories. Chronicles of Narnia. I still hear it in his voice when I read it today.

That's an amazing memory. I can still remember my mom reading "Go dog go" by Dr. suess. reading is like time travel sometimes.

This is great to hear. I will make sure if I am every lucky enough to be blessed with children that I will read to them. That is great you do that every night @cavemanrob. Like said @cristof said, it is the little things that we tend to remember and carrry over as memories into our adult lives. Cheers to you my friend!

My English skills sucks, I eing told to read books, books can help me improve my English skills . to date I've read 1 book hahaha i better get to it ,...

Books make our relationship better ? and make us happier ? :0 I thought netflix and chill made everything better :( .. @kaylinart I think books won't be like they were.. We need to come out with a cool and better idea to pass the same wisdom that books pass to people in better ways .. THE ASNWER ISSS steemit.com :)

LOL Netflix and chill! That made me laugh!

I like books.

I find there's also something satisfying about holding a book.

It's a sensory thing that involves more than just your eyes.

Books have mass, they have heft.

Old books have a certain smell that evokes ancient wisdom and the paper has a texture that you feel with different parts of your hand.

Your fingertips pull up the corner of a page and you feel it brush across your palm as you turn it.

You get a sense of movement through a book that you don't get by clicking a mouse or mashing a keyboard.

But they can name every player on the ball team and are up to date with the latest Hollywood break-up.

I read any book although im in chemical, i like to read a book about science and technology, The science not only in one book, by read any book we can improve the other science that we dont know yet. good post @kaylinart

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