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RE: Why You Should READ Every day!

in #life7 years ago

A big component of the problem is that so few parents read to their children. Regardless of how late it is, or how tired I am, I make it a point to read to my kids every night. The one exception is if the fall asleep before "bedtime-booktime". I think it is an essential part of parenting, and an essential requirement for their development. All of my best friends whom I can have meaningful conversations with are avid readers, and a lot of our discussion revolves around books, or concepts we have read about. I've met great people just by asking a simple question when I see them reading a book....."What book are you reading?"
The decline of book reading is sad.


I love that! I didn't think of that one! Parents should read to kids more and I'm glad you do it!

The connection between reading time with your child is just such a positive bonding thing on top of other skills it brings to your kid, too many reasons to be reading to your kids. If you have family with a kid like a niece of nephew or cousin or whatever, you don't have to be the parent to read to that child, go do it.

So true!! Plus those cute illustrations are fun to look at! I still enjoy children's books even now! Haha.

We got out of that habit a while back, and need to get back to it. I remember my father reading to me as a child, one of my favorite memories. Chronicles of Narnia. I still hear it in his voice when I read it today.

That's an amazing memory. I can still remember my mom reading "Go dog go" by Dr. suess. reading is like time travel sometimes.

This is great to hear. I will make sure if I am every lucky enough to be blessed with children that I will read to them. That is great you do that every night @cavemanrob. Like said @cristof said, it is the little things that we tend to remember and carrry over as memories into our adult lives. Cheers to you my friend!

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