Why You Should ALWAYS Wait For A Sign

in #life7 years ago


Ugh....So there are people out there, Who jump on opportunities and they go after things. You should NEVER do that... Without a sign.

Whether you believe in a god or outside sources of "signs." Signs are important you know! You should never do anything unless you see a "sign."

The Direction you go is Dictated by the Universe

Want to become a nurse? Well unless you see a sign, Don't bother.

The universe needs to send you some sort of indication that you are meant to be a nurse. Otherwise, any attempt at doing that will automatically make you fail.

Don't do Anything!

So many people sit back and do absolutely nothing! And they are right for doing so. Why would you want to make a move in life? Every time you take a risk or do anything, you risk failure. Why would you want to deal with failure? When you get a sign, you won't fail because you are about to do the thing you are meant to do. And that means perfect accuracy every time.

So What is a sign?

Signs can be complicated; You won't ever get one unless you are looking for it, Even then it's objective on whether or not it's even a sign at all. It could be a random occurrence caused by something else.
But if that gets you motivated to make a move, Then Go for it! It's a sign then.
Like if you want to ask someone to date you, If everyone around you is telling you, You should. That's a sign that you absolutely should. BUt if no one says anything about it, You should string her along as long as possible until you get that absolute indication that you should ask her out. Or If she starts "hinting" That's also a positive indication that you should do it. But don't take the risk of her possibly saying no. YOu should never take that risk in life.

Some of us are too proactive!

Ever heard of exhausting too many resources? When you are proactive in accomplishing your goals. That's exactly what happens! You accomplish way too much! So relax, You don't need to do anything. Spend your whole life waiting for signs. Thats the way to be!

This post is a joke!

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is this article a sign AM I A SIGN WHAT IS LIFE ill just stay in here where its safe got me thinking though

Agreed Kaylin - nuff said :-)


Yeah, I had that kind of attitude in my early twenties (more out of fear of failure than not thinking things worth doing) and all it lead to was a deep depression in my late twenties when I realised how long I'd been sitting with my dreams. I'm still sitting with them, but starting to expand my horizons day by day. Hoping to use Steemit towards that end, but I really need to stop procrastinating and just do something. This post and your comment reminded me of this. Thank you.

My pleasure. Yes, I wasted my twenties in fear as well. The irony is your twenties is when you should be taking shots because there is so much time to recover if things don't work out.

Indeed, but it's never too late to start! My dad's 84 and jokingly says he still doesn't know what he wants to do when he grows up!

LOL Exactly!

Kaylinart is absolutely right. God also communicate to people by sign, on what to do and not to. Good job . check my post out

My mother-in-law always said, "Things will happen if they were meant to" and I always HATED that. There was no real effort on her part to do much of anything; she would just kind of wait for things to fall into her lap and if they didn't, it was just the will of the universe I guess. It felt lazy, like you shouldn't put yourself out there for anything and if it isn't easy, it isn't worth doing.

I admit it took me a couple paragraphs to realize this post was a joke, because it legitimately sounded like something she would write! Very scary (and somewhat tragic) that some people actually think this way.


I would say we get many forms of sings and sometimes I miss the obvious ones that are right in front of me. haha

Hi Doodle!

Some of us myself included wanting to take life as jumping out of the sky without a pharashoot trying to build one on the way down hopefully to have a successful landing.

Universe has very mysterious way of making things works but so few of us are intuitive enough to understand those! :)

True! But at the same time we should definitely work to impact our goals. Not just wait for things to happen automatically.

Definitely! Without our efforts nothing can be attained!

Instead of waiting for a sign it is crucial to have a vision and set goals. Then make a plan on how to get there and consistently do some action (even a little baby step is better than nothing) that bring us closer to success.

@kaylinart, it took me two whole paragraphs before I realized your were being sarcastic. I follow you so I should have known better.

Faith gives us direction, but we have to be willing to stake steps (action).

LOL Thank you!
I agree with that! There is nothing wrong with occasionally feeling like some outside source is helping us along. But to only rely on that is scary.

" I saw the sign, and i opened up my eyes and i saw the sign."

If you ever heard that song, you are awesome @kaylinart. ;)

LOL! I know that song XD

nostalgic ;)

@kaylinart Dangit, i've been doing things wrong for way too long! I need to start being less proactive in accomplishing my goals! lol

Good! Yes Be less proactive LOL Before you know it you'll be closer to them as a result.

I like to create my own sign..regardless of circumstance.

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