I Put In My Two Weeks Yesterday, Now I’m Second Guessing Myself.

in #life8 years ago

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My part time supervisor needed me to be the “pick Off’
Which means I’m in a little metal box all night standing in front of a conveyor belt. My job essentially is to sort the boxes as the belt moves and avoid turning the belt off.
I have to push them down slides, which will go down to the correct trailer. I am not able to go down from my spot the whole night, So I told my part time supervisor to send up my full time supervisor.

I was going to put in my two weeks, Or week and half.

I waited, The anxiety was killing me, as I tried to focus on the boxes in front of me.
I then heard the rattling of the ladder as my full time supervisor started to come up.

I think I’m going to piss myself.

When she came up, I told her my last day of employment would be on Friday the 29th. She was nice about it, Disappointed of course. But it went better than I thought,

I guess I expected her to scream and beat me to death with a hot frying pan.

But of course that didn’t happen.

For a moment I was the happiest person a live.

  • I can choose my life.
  • I can do whatever my heart desires with my day!
  • I never have to answer to another supervisor ever again!
  • No one can ever tell me if I’m sick enough to rest.
  • Or if my reason to miss work is “good enough”
  • No one can tell me when I have to work, and when I have to stop.
  • Or how many sick, Option days I’m “allowed” to have.

But the happiness was quickly swallowed and turned to fear, When I realized that I now have to rely on myself for everything.

When I have bills to pay, I don’t have a job to throw some money at me, I have to leave it to chance, I have to hope I can sell a few extra books that day. Get a couple extra upvotes. Or somehow get more sales on merchandise.
When I get bored I have no one to give me a “job” to do, It’s up to me to stay very productive and get shit done, Even on days I feel lazy and don’t want to get out of my bed!

I have to wait for the platforms to pay me, which are random. I don’t get a regular steady, Paycheck every week or so.
IS this a smart decision? Many people have told me that I’m 23, and NOW’S The time for heavy RISK taking!
But I worry that I’m in some stress induced haze, Making bad decisions. That are about to tear apart my life.
But at the same time, I am NOT learning anything at my job. I have learned everything about it, Now I’m just a robot going about the night, Doing what I have been programmed to do!

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So I really hope I’ve made the right decision this time!


Good for you! It sounds like you have made the best decision of your life! :)
I am in a similar situation, recently leaving my job and hopping on to this weird crypto lifestyle. I hope you don't lose your focus of why you decided to quit in the first place; remember where you were and how it felt to be there! It is scary changing your lifestyle so drastically, and my own advice is to always try to motivate yourself and continue learning. Take time every day to pursue your interests even if they don't pay. Take time every day to do absolutely nothing. Meditate! (it can be ten minutes in bed right after you wake up.) Remember to give your body what it needs and take care of yourself. Best of luck to you!

Thank you! I try to read non fiction everyday and I'm constantly studying.
I want to incorporate mediation too :) I've been coloring so that counts a little right? haha
Good luck to you too! I bet we will both do well!

@kaylinart You have to recognize that you're becoming a business now. You are the business, your charisma, your creativity, your thoughts, it's all you. If you realize that, understand your value to other people, and you budget intelligently, you'll be able to do well.

You're an artist. Your blog posts are works of art and each post can go for whatever the market decides. You can however learn more about what your demographics are just as a business would by doing demographic research, to learn what kind of content appeals to your demographic, and this can make things easier over time. Part of the problem on Steemit right now is you can't even see who your followers are so it makes demographic research kind of difficult but you can see from your previous posts what Steemit likes or dislikes.

Steemit likes you and you can see that from your previous success but if your goal is to make money then you have to give Steemit precisely what it wants. For me I tend to try to give Steemit engaging high quality discussions and I use my blog posts to try to get as many comments as I can. The money rewards come naturally when discussions are high quality, and things flow.

You should know that I appreciate your content and tend to vote up your work. I'm one of your followers on Steemit but unfortunately the recommended section seems broken for me right now and on your side how would you even know who follows you?

As long as you've proved to yourself you can increase an already decent income, I'd say go for it.
Jumping into a lake, before finding out if you can swim well enough to reach the shore, isn't smart.

I would make sure I'm really good at packing parachutes, before I staked my life on it. Yeah? :) Hoping it all works out for you.
Keep it Clean!

TheCleanGame Blog Posts, Neatly Categorized

Thank you! That is a great way to put it :)

You got this shit Lin! Dont doubt yourself. I feel like you'll always find a way but at least love what you're doing. I dont make much doing what i do but i make it work because i love doing it :)

Thank you! I'ts all about loving it hahah!

Good luck! Now is the time to take a risk else you will always think "what if?"

lol that cat is a grumpy cat brother

It totally is lol!!
I love the cat pictures all over the net!!

Its an evolutionary thing, your subconscious is afraid you wont be able to support yourself. You have to just push through and have faith in yourself.

I'm going to do it! I gotta make sure I don't let Management talk me out of it.

if you feel happy, you made the right decision

I do feel happy, But I'm also very scared.

the changes always scared... dont be afraid.

True! I need to stop being scared haha! worst case scenario I can get another job.

Don't be scared. Be confident and know that if you are very smart and creative you can do very well on a platform like Steemit. One of the great benefits you have right now is people already know who you are and appreciate your content, so when they see @kaylinart there is already a niche.

When you post your content I suggest you try experimenting with better and more unique to yourself tagging. For example #kaylinartlife or you get the idea, but the more personal the tags are to both you and what your post is about, the easier it will be to find you in the future when this platform is much bigger.

Beyond that, be willing to help others and accept help from others. Steemit is a community and over time people will be asking you for help, in the same exact position you are in right now, and you'll be able to share your experiences.

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