HOW TO Make healthy Habits

in #life8 years ago

Habits effect everything that you do with your life. If you pull yourself out of autopilot mode, you’ll notice that many of the things you tend to do to , No matter how complex or simple. Are purely habit.
I personally have a habit of going on daily jogs at night. As I’m sitting here typing this, my brain is demanding I get up from my chair for a run. This happens automatically without me thinking about it. It happens 1-2 times per day. Building habits like this are life changing, Especially when they are as healthy as running.

My running habit makes me run 14 Miles per week. If you add that up, It’s 728 miles a year.
If you could build habits like that wouldn’t you be able to get closer to your dreams? Absolutely.
Here are some great tips to help you build positive habits in your life.

1. Focus on what Habit at a time.

I feel like many of us obsess over creating ten or so habits at once, Then after a couple weeks we fail those. And we feel really sad. If you do one a time, you have a larger chance of success.

2. Habit Stacking Routine

This will enable you to have multiple habits at once, as long as they are smaller and take much less time. It also will allow you to rapidly get things done efficiently. You could create a habit stack of showering, drying off, Flossing, brushing teeth and reading a book before bed Doing this everyday will ensure I get all of those things done in a quick interval.

3. Commit to the habit for 30 days

Write it on your calendar if you must, Make sure you do it no matter what. Don’t let yourself stray from it.

4. Anchor the habit to an established habit.

This will allow you to have success sooner. Small habit changes can make a bigger difference overtime. I’m personally trying to add jump roping to my running habit. After I run my 1-2 miles, If I jump rope for a couple minutes that will make a big difference in a number of calories I burn.

5. Take Baby steps

Don’t just expect yourself to do 1,000 push ups a day; you’ll fail. Start by doing 10 every day, Build that habit then increase,

6. Create accountability

It's easy to give up on something, But if you announce it to family and friends, it will force you to stay on track. Because if you don’t’ follow through you’ll be held accountable.

7. Reward significant milestones

When you break, 100 push ups reward yourself! When you accomplish a milestone, it’s important to reward yourself, so you are more motivated.

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Excellent post, upvoted and resteemed, here is my additional tip: If you put an x on your calendar each day that you complete the new habit and you make a chain of x's it becomes even harder to break that chain, helping you form a new habit.

Love that suggestion! That would help too :)

My question is .
How to leave a Habit like smoking ?
Please help or make one more post on it :D would be much appreciated :)

Wow! That would be a hard one! I'll look into it. Thank you.

I need some motivation, really should move more but my bad knee stops me

I know how that feels! Lately my knee has been having issues too. Maybe you can do things that involve your arms, Or if you can handle just walking that might help! I try to walk everyday even if my knee hurts. But that may not be the best idea depending on the severity.

I use a walking stick to get around, I can only walk a couple of steps. I'm going to try doing more with arms and waist

Hi :) Try doing planks, you can start with no more than 20 seconds and increase the timespan when you feel you're able to.
I have some heart issues so I can't do much of a workout either, but since I've started doing planks, my body tonus is much better. The planks tone your core muscles.
If you throw a search on Google, at first you'll think "that doesn't look like such a big deal" - but when you try to do them, you'll be surprised to find out how powerful they are.

Ill have a search and give it a try. Thank you :)

You're welcome. Maybe you share your experience if you enjoy them and decide to practice them often.

I will thank you :)

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I hope one day can do that. Thanks for share. Cheers

Thank you :)

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