How To Be As "Lucky" As I am

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Everyone tells me that I'm a lucky person... I'm lucky for this and that, Well I'm sure sick of hearing about that shit.
People tell me I'm lucky that I'm self employed at the age of 23. That I have such a great talent in my drawing ability. I'm lucky because I understand money and I started investing at the age of 17.

I'm so lucky because unlike MOST people, I don't have to go to a job everyday. Because I can sit home on my butt and "watch 24 hours of tv, sleep in, and eat cupcakes all day long"

I'm so lucky that I can put a pencil to a piece of paper and create a drawing so realistic it almost looks like it's bleeding out of the paper in front of your face.


Why are people so satisfied on making such assumptions?
Does it make you feel better about yourself that you can down play someones abilities and hardwork, To something so effortless?
That way you dont' have to take responsibility for your own lack of hard work, and dedication?

What really goes on behind the scenes?

I became serious about drawing at the age of 12. I was bullied brutally. I was sitting in my back row seat of my art class.
I never wanted to be noticed..
I was never any good at drawing. I was just taking the class because I was forced.
I was really upset that day, My teacher had left the room, And some of my classmates had stolen my backpack and dumped it all over the floor.

I was forced to put my stuff back into my bag, I then tied the straps around the desk leg to prevent it from being taken again. People shouted things at me and called me names. I sat at my back row table,

Alone, practically in tears.

I bit the sleeve of my old red hoodie with my teeth to ease the emotional pain.

The assignment: A Self Portrait

My teacher took photos of everyone in the class. Cut our faces in half. And stapled the half to the paper, We then had to draw the other half of our face.

Getting my picture taken while everyone watched was humiliating. People made jokes that my ugly pimple face would bust my teachers camera... Ironically the camera had some issues and she had to take the picture twice. The class roared with laughter.

I was so upset that day, I didn't want anyone to see me cry, They'd make fun of me more.
I focused heavily on my other half of my face and drew quickly. I did my best to shade even though I didn't know how. I've never focused that hard before...

After the class was over, I put my drawing pointing downwards in the " Completed" basket for my teacher to grade...

"My drawing Looked Like Shit" I thought. At least my teacher grades based on effort rather then skill.

Something unexpected happened. I went to class the next day, As I approached the room, I noticed that my teacher had hung the best portraits in the glass outside the classroom. I kept walking, Until I froze...

On the top middle... My portrait sat.


I was horrified. I covered my face with my hair and walked into the classroom. People stared at me,

I wanted to die

I didn't want anyone to see my drawing, That is why I put it face down in the basket. NOW IT"S IN THE GLASS.

Long story short, I realized that day, That art could help ease my emotional pain, It freed me from the horrors I was dealing with. I could let my emotions bleed onto the paper, and I could share those feelings in a different way, Rather then being straight forward with words. I could share my story in a unique way, With less judgement. It became my addiction, My obsession, my passion. At the age of 23 I am good at what I do, Because it's been my addiction for the last 11 years. and It's gotten to the point I can live without the ability to express myself with art.

Self Employment at age 23

Lots of people are self employed these days.
We live in a beautiful time, If you love something enough there are resources out there to help you build a career out of it. We have the tools now to self publish books, Make our own merchandise and sell online like crazy. Which is much lower in cost than owning a physical store.

If there is something you want in this life, You can have it fairly easily. You don't have to be a slave to the "9 to 5" if you don't want to be.
If you want to travel for a living, You can. There are ways.
You can sit at home on your computer all day long if you want.

The internet, Technology and other things have made it possible for us.

All I did was I took advantage of the great free resources in front of me!


I was so dedicated I even drew during my ten minute break at my job, Working on those coloring pages

I made the hard decision to drop out of college, ( I wasn't learning anything anyways)
And I stared working an extra 7-8 hours a day on my "side hustles"

I learned from people like

  • Lisa Urby
  • James Altucher
  • Claudia Azula
  • Harv Eker
  • Steve Scott
  • Steven Dubner (I might of spelled his name wrong)
  • Buck Flogging

A painting I did about my brutal job. LOL It's a self portrait

And I took their advice.
I worked really hard, I worked my phyiscally exhausting part time job, While working on these things I enjoyed. I slowly built my business and diversified my income.
When I was making 5x The amount my part time job was paying me, I finally quit.

It was brutal.But ANYONE can do it!
I always hear excuses from people.

  • I have kids
  • I work full time
  • I don't have time.


Here are the excuses I could have used.

  • I have rabbits to care for
  • I don't have time
  • I'm tired
  • I don't know how
  • I don't get it
  • It's too hard,
  • I'm not talented enough
  • No one in my family is doing it.
  • It's easier to go to college and follow the "pack"

What do you do with your day? Everyone says

I don't have time

Well guess what?


Do you...

  • Have Facebook?
  • Watch TV?
  • Have a social life?
  • Play video games?
  • Have a cell phone?


Did I have to spend money to get the ball rolling?

A little yes, but most expenses aren't required. I've been buying more stuff for my business to allow it to run smoother and bring in money faster, but you can probably get going for under 100.00
You can write a whole book for free, Even Amazon,lulu and barnes and noble will give you a free ISBN number. You just have to invest in the time, in order to produce a master piece.
Some of the things you will probably have to hire for if you don't have the skills is,

  • Cover design
  • Editing
  • Some marketing expeneses.
    Although you can use websites like fiverr for cheap freelance work.

But Fiverr sucks!

The quality isn't the best all the time. But I have found some free lancers who do jaw dropping work for the 5-10.00 you give them. Figure out who is good and who is not good and roll with it!

Some of the extra things I bought OVERTIME were...

  • Wacom cintiq drawing tablet Cost: 800.00
  • Block of 100 ISBN numbers: Cost 575.00
  • Evernote Scan snap scanner Cost: 575.00
  • HP All in one computer: Cost: 500.00
  • Samsung Laser printer Cost: 100.00
  • 10 sketchbooks Cost: 30.00
  • Illustration pens Cost 50.00
  • Video editor program Cost 40.00
  • Vector program Cost 300.00
  • Clip studio paint Cost 50.00
  • Tracing light pad Cost 50.00
  • Camcorder Cost: 200.00

Among other supplies.
I was able to purchase these items making less than 200.00 a week at a part time loading job. I saved the money and a span of 15 months I was able to get these items. Some items I owned before I started this business though. Many of these aren't even necessary. I just did them to help my business.

The point of this is to not brag, But seriously YOU CAN DO IT TOO!

No matter what is going on in your life, You ARE capable. Just get STARTED!

I'm not lucky, I just worked hard. Which sadly seems to be something rare these days!

Sometimes it doesn't pay off immediately, But it does eventually. You just need to get going and dedicate yourself to it.
When one thing doesn't go the way you want it to, Change your tactics until it works!


A side note! I became reputation 67, I was 66 the other day :) I'm so excited and happy! I've been working really hard on steemit to achieve this!!
Steem on!


This a great post with an invaluable message.

Excuses can only take someone so far in life. A lot of "could've, should've, would've" are passed around with very less amount of actual work. Excuses make oneself feel better or justified for not putting in the necessary effort.

Thank you! It's so true! People need to either accept failure or get off their butts and get going.

Absolutely! One needs to keep up the grind, and grind hard.

Awesome Kaylin, a very inspirational post and it's nice to find out about your background. Your story really touched me, and reminds me of my friends who I used to stick up for in school; I would get into fights all the time protecting them from bullies.

It has given me a real hatred of bullies and I attack them whenever I spot them trying to undermine me or anyone else.

I am glad that out of the darkness came the light of your art, those kids are just insignificant ghosts now, and you are a successful Steemit artist!

Yay Kaylin! :-D


Totally agree with you. People always think that if you are working as a self employed or doing creative works, it is really easy. You just need to be talented/have a good idea/ have money to start and that's it.

Btw I noticed you are using wacom cintiq. My brother is an illustrator and he just got a Wacom Cintiq 27QHD touch. He keeps telling me how cool it is, and it worth every penny. It is a new dimension after the wacom pad. So I just wanted to recomend you this as your next investment. :)

Exactly!! You need a little of everything.

Heheh yes I have the Wacom Cintiq 13 HD so it's the smaller one :) Maybe once I can afford that 27 inch I will get it! But for now the smaller size works grea.t

I don't know why but I thought you have intuos pro tablet without a display. :)
Wacom Cintiq 13 HD is great, you can see what you draw right at the tablet.

Hehee Yes! I used to have one of those tablets that required all that coordination, It was rough. My digital drawings looked awful. I don't recommend anyone using those. It's too weird.

I love my Cintiq 13, The screen is still pretty big, And I have limited space in my room, so it works. But when I have a larger place, I kind of want to go all out with a fancy stand and such.

I really appreciate your dedication here, and sharing your work in various genres.
Its amamzing you persued it all starting at 12. Thats great. So many kids cant get their eyes of their hand held games let alone do things they dont have to do.
I agree with that comment of YOUR LUCKY-
I feel its more of an excuse for thoe whom dont try anything, and are just jelous. Every one can try, but they use that line, instead of trying. Believeing in luck is a cop out. Yiu not falling ionto that trap, ahows. Congratulations.
Its a wonderful post, that shows not to give up. To use the resources around you. You'll insore many here, young and old.
I really like that lione you wrote- "No matter what is going on in your life, You ARE capable. Just get STARTED!" That really sums up you I bet. It really shows us you!
And your art is a joy to see. Keep moving forward.
I was always told by my first teacher- Do what you dowell, and they will come.
Whether teachers, money, help, and audience...keep doing, and it will come.
Be well- and create onwards!

Heheh I played a lot of those handheld games when I was 12, But drawing was something I loved more than anything.

I love your comment it's so true! I feel like people try to make me feel bad for them, So I'll give them a free ride.

Thank you so much!

You go girl! i love this, its very inspirational and helps remove that age old saying of starving artist, if you work hard, have talent and are smart, you can accomplish so much! This needed to be said and Im so glad you did :)

Thank you! I'm thankful for the resources that artists have! Now we don't have to "starve"

I agree! being an artist is tough sometimes but so fulfilling, hope we get a chance to collar on some artwork sometime, that would be awesome :)

you're so great ... cheer @kaylinart

Thank you so much!!

It's not bragging when you talk about what you bought. You also said you weren't making very much.... It's shows how much you wanted it! I have heard that at different times also... "Your so lucky" and it's always after a lot of effort has finally started paying off. Good for you and yell at them some more!

Except those pesky ISBN numbers. It feels good fully owning my books, But I gotta admit. That expensive purchase made me sick to my stomach, But now I'm happy with the purchase lol.

Great post. Many only see the success of a person and make their own assumptions. Many of the great success stories are riddled with destruction and obstacles that prevent progress. There maybe a few that have it handed to them but i think the majority have to climb mountains and bleed to the bone before they reach the summit. Nothing comes easy it is head down ass up and grind with a fierce passion that will prevail. You are very talented keep rollin Kay:)

It's so true! Success is rarely "handed" to anyone!
Thank you hehe :)

Congrats @kaylinart. That's a really good message. It may take time but working hard does pay off.

People can be so cruel in school (and some adults never mature). I'm glad you found an outlet to express yourself and your creativity.

One of the things I love about steemit is how users are valued by the content they submit and comments they make. Yes beauty is still a driving force and celebrity status as well, but those who the world doesn't consider beautiful or famous have the ability to share their passions here.

(I actually do think you are very pretty, so that was not directed at you. I on the other hand may not fall into that same category).

You have an entrepreneur's spirit. I am also trying to make steemit my career and learn as much as I can and contribute value in return for monetary rewards that I can use not just to sustain me financially, but to also bless others in need.

I'm so lucky because unlike MOST people, I don't have to go to a job everyday. Because I can sit home on my butt and "watch 24 hours of tv, sleep in, and eat cupcakes all day long"

This made me laugh. It's sarcastic (I hope haha) but the result of you working your ass off and not letting people discourage you.

This quote I feel completely encompasses you and your work ethic.


Thanks @kaylinart for putting this into words. People generally don´t realise it usually takes a lot of work to "get lucky"!

EXACTLY. That is why I feel like the word lucky is so abused.

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