Trump Deactivated

in #life7 years ago (edited)


LBJ sworn in, 1963, despite ALREADY being automatically sworn in by default, by law, when JFK was medically declared dead as they were examining the shot in the back of the head and the other in the Adam Apple. Twitter deleted Trump, Roger Stone, Milo, Mark Dice, and me too. YouTube canned my OJAWALL channel. Las Vegas first hand video accounts deleted by YouTube. Facebook deletes a lot of truth each day. These websites were trying to elect Hillary Clinton. Russia tried to help Hillary win. NWO murdered JFK. NWO is trying to murder TRUMP RIGHT NOW. NWO is trying to KILL ME, TOO. If I am dead, the NWO killed me, Joey Arnold, born legally with the name Joseph Scott Arnold, my date of birth is 1985-02-11, DOB, and I am Joey Oatmeal, and I will not commit suicide, and they are trying to kill me, and others. Please share my stuff before they murder me. I am the Original Oatmeal, the OJAWALL, the Joe Cool of FGHS, WOLBI, ABC, Vietnam, and The Salvation Army and more.

Trump Deactivated

2017-11-03 - created - Friday 1 PM MDNH
My Username - JoeyArnoldVN

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My Biography -

My Life - United States - Oregon - Vietnam -
1900s - 2000s - 1980s - 1990s - 2000s - 2010s - 2020s -
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My Social Networks -

Bitchute - Blogger - Couch Surfing - Facebook - Foody - Gab - Google - Linkedin - Medium - Minds - Periscope - Steemit - Tumblr - Twitter - Vidme - Weebly - WikiTree - WordPress - YouTube -

My Favorite Websites -

Appalachian Bible College - Above The Law - American Center of Law & Justice - Answers In Genesis - Agenda Of Evil - Bill Still - Breitbart - Conservative Army 88 - Cernovich - Citizens For Trump - Climate Depot - Compound Media - Deplorable Radio - Daily Caller - Dispropaganda - Dr. Berg - Drudge - Diamond & Silk - Earth Sky - Eagle Rising - Free Geek - Freedom Press - Duck Duck Go - Hot Air - Half Past Human - Hagmann Report - Hillary Clinton Leaks - Intelli-Hub - Jeremy Robert Walker - Lionel Media Nation - Lisa Haven - Louder With Crowder - Make America Great Again Pill - Mark Dice - Milo - Natural News - News Wars - No More Fake News - One American News Network - Offended America - Out Kick The Coverage - Outlaw Morgan - Patriot Fires - Pirate Bay - Rogue Right - Rebel Media - Right Side Broadcasting Network - Salvation Army - Survival Blog - Stefan Molyneux - The Citizens Audit - The Daily Beast - Tactical Insider - The Truth About Guns - Ubuntu - Veritas - What Really Happened - Wiki Leaks - Word Of Life Bible Institute - WND Yes I'm Right - Zero Hedge - Moon Bit -

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