My Life - 1990
Would you change the past if you could? Would you go back and turn your dad into stronger dad that can beat up that bully? I am not too sure if I remember seeing the first two films of the Back to the Future trilogy in the theater but do remember the third one for sure in 1990 on the big screen when I was five years old.
1990-01 - January -
1990-02 - February -
1990-03 - March -
1990-04 - April -
1990-05 - May -
1990-05-25 - Back To The Future 3 - premiere
Saw it in theaters early on
1990-06 - June -
Met Tiffany Cumbo before 1992 - maybe
1990-07 - July -
1990-08 - August -
1990-09 - September -
1990-10 - October -
1990-11 - November -
1990-12 - December -
My Life -
- 1980s - Oregon, Seattle, Car Crash
- 1990s - Disney Land, Crater Lake, WCC - 1996 - Rangers
- 2000s - FGHS, WOLBI, New York, ABC, Hawaii
- 2010s - Metal Gear, Walking Dead, Kurtz, Vietnam
- 2020s - Help Trump Win Again, Buy a Mountain
@ JoeyArnoldVN -
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If I could go back I would have bought like a lot of Steems haha <3