My Life - 2005
You were my brother. But then you said the Jedi is evil from your point of view. The higher ground rules. You flip and I rip you up into the lava & then Emperor Soros plumps you into the Darth Vader suit.
2005-01 - January -
Snow Camp
2005-02 - February -
Snow Camp
2005-03 - March -
Snow Camp
2005-04 - April -
2005-05 - May -
Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith - cinema
Saw it near WOLBI NY
Snuck over to see it, secretly
2005-06 - June -
2005-07 - July -
2005-08 - August -
2005-09 - September -
Rachel Gasser did WOLBI 2nd Year
That was a big surprise
2005-10 - October -
2005-11 - November -
2005-12 - December -
Star Wars, Revenge of the Sith
Saw it at Justin House' house, winter 2015
Also saw it in a cinema in May
My Life - 2005
2017-10-17 Tuesday 03:32 PM MDNH Q1 HCM
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@ JoeyArnoldVN -
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good video my friend