Letting in the Blessings from Flow

in #life6 years ago

I’ve landed yet again, this time in a house I’ll be renting in Taos for at least a year, though if my purchase goes thru I may turn this one into a short term rental while I go live in my own house. Choices.

And speaking of choices, someone asked me the darnedest question the other day, and I realized that for the first time in my life I don’t have to pursue any particular set of choices. I can actually let what comes, come. This has always been true. But now I actually know it to be true.

The question was, “Is there anything you want that you don’t have?” To which my answer was, after considerable reflection, “No.”

Well of course I want peace and prosperity for all beings. I want all sorts of things for the world at large. But is there anything just for me personally that I feel I lack? No.

As someone who decided what college she was going to at 12 and spent her teen years dedicated solely to making it so, this is revolutionary! To not feel like I have to strategize, plan, work, etc. toward some set of goals. To take what comes in stride and let each moment be a discovery. This is the opposite of how my life started.

The Time of Stopping

Basically I’ve come to a cessation point, while still being active in connecting with others around the use of my skills and theirs. I seem to be collecting people who are in a position to focus primarily on how good for the world can flow through them, instead of focusing on how they can make it happen (for self or other).

Yesterday I made a decision that set in motion a cascade of altered plans for me and others. At times I was a bit worried that I would inconvenience someone, miss out on something, etc., but I kept returning to a center in this sense of stillness and trust in the flow.

And somehow not only did everything get done as it needed to and when it needed to, but some unexpected blessings also found their way in for me and others as a result.

What are you blocking?

What if incredible things were trying to flow through your life to benefit you and/or others, but you just weren’t leaving enough space in your schedule to let them in? What if there were all sorts of chance meetings with strangers who would become life changing friends, collaborators and such, that weren’t happening because you kept choosing to plan so tightly and “keep your word?”

Being reliable is important, which is why you should fill your life with people who get the blessing of flow, so include your responding to that as part of being reliable for them. They know that they can trust that if a great benefit to someone relies on your changing your plans with them instead of doggedly clinging to what you first said you would do, you will do what is best for all.

Is there anyone in your life who appreciates that about you?

Are you that flexible, understanding friend for someone else?

Do you even give yourself this depth of freedom and trust?

So here’s today’s reminder that blessing really is always trying to make its way to you. Your #1 job is getting better and better at letting it in.



Such a great reminder, @indigoocean. You make several really key points for me personally here. It really resonated when I read the part of

people who are in a position to focus primarily on how good for the world can flow through them, instead of focusing on how they can make it happen (for self or other).

Man, that is so much my heart. Yet I find myself often overwhelmed juggling Minds, 3 accounts on twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Steemit, along with multiple other things, including preparing for a possible Online Digital Library/Study Center ICO. In fact the last few days I have found myself loosing time in pointless conversations on Minds, where so many seem to be flocking from Facebook and Twitter, that led to their wanting to start arguments.

Then your sentence really hit me and left me reflecting of

What if incredible things were trying to flow through your life to benefit you and/or others, but you just weren’t leaving enough space in your schedule to let them in?

It felt as though you wrote this piece just for me to really reflect and focus on... Which you had worded so well before of

...but I kept returning to a center in this sense of stillness and trust in the flow.

I love that reminder of all the times I am really in the flow of "things", feeling my heart in the center of the balance of "Time and Space" in such a way as if doing a Tai Chi dance of sorts, where their is harmonious movement and a centered stillness all at the same time. Ahhh... Thank you, @indigoocean, for this reminder of this present of the eternal moment of "Now" and it's harmonious flow of stillness.

I totally get the pull toward ample activity, especially the “always on” internet world. I’ve had to cut way back on everything to make adequate room for even just steemit. These things can come and go in waves though. So maybe you’re just in a prolific “get it done “ phase. Just important not to normalize it.

Absolutely, in waves, especially when I remember to keep returning to a center in this sense of stillness and trust in the flow. I've lived in this “always on” internet world since the mid 90's when I published 2 magazines and moved them online. A real key has been "self employment", but still in many ways it's become a normalized addiction all too often. In fact I don't think I can remember taking a full entire day off the net the last decade. Still generally speaking the universe always has a way of keeping me in balance one way or another and this time part of that came through you :)

Then yesterday the new EU Copyright Directive Articles 11 & 13 passed a Legal Affairs Committee jury vote. This is the first step that, if not stopped, will see the implementation of widespread internet censorship including linked taxes and upload filtering of content thus destroying the very notion of fair use online. It is a huge hurdle for both my ICO project, as well as Steemit, Minds, and all social media sites. Final vote is expected around the end of the year/early next.

This is how the universe always flows in my life, as just another reminder to remember the vision quest I've felt a desire for weeks now that higher guidance is leading in. So, I'm turning the computer off and off I go to catch some rays, meditate and reflect some with my agenda/journal. Many Blessings

I've been in this position for some time now @indigoocean.

The biggest challenge I find, with living life this way, is when nothing appears to be happening.

I get up in the morning and there is nothing I have to do and nothing I want to do. That can feel a bit uncomfortable at times.

In answer to your questions:

Is there anyone in your life who appreciates that about you?

Pretty much everyone.

Are you that flexible, understanding friend for someone else?


Do you even give yourself this depth of freedom and trust?

I try to live from this place as much as I can and usually manage it until I get caught up in thinking.

Glad you are being presented with lots of fun choices!

Have a wonder full day! 😍

Awesome and thanks for answering the questions. I’m new to this so good to hear from someone who’s been at it for a while.

You're welcome @indigoocean. I enjoyed pondering upon and answering your questions. 😊

A very good thing that you mentioned above is not to make adverse choices but let the life come to you. In actual, that is a choice too. To chose to let the universe act and trust your abilities to follow up and that can be one of the most valuable ones. Good luck with new home :)

Very good point. That’s the meta choice

Your #1 job is getting better and better at letting it in

Really well said!

I think your blog is amazing. 🙏🏽

Thank you. Nice to meet you.

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