After A Couple Of Years Thinking About It We Finally Made A Decision

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Major Plans, Major Excitement!

When I first got on Steemit back in November 2016 I was a wreck. Financially and emotionally. Fast forward to now and I never would've imagined I would be making money from it and being able to do work that I love all at the same time. All this is only the beginning of what I believe to be an even more fulfilling journey. One goal accomplished after another and slowly but surely things seem to be headed in the right direction. Now let me clue you in on to what's currently going on in the world of HumanEarl.

I've made posts before like The Freedom Of Nature & Financial Freedom & When Pipe Dreams Come Alive laying out some goals we have. Mainly these goals are financial in nature. Basically I want to become financially free from Steemit/Dtube and ultimately save enough money to by a travel van in which we plan on living out of. Right now we are still pushing to get the van in the long term although we've decided to delay it for now. Why? Because we have a short term opportunity that we didn't want to pass up.

The Big Announcement

As of right now our plans are to move to Las Vegas! Yepp. That's what I said. We have actually been brainstorming places to move in the last few years but we never came to a decision on it until roughly last week. There were other places we had in mind but after visiting Vegas last October a strong case was made for moving there. To do this we plan on saving around $15K. Basically that will give us roughly a years worth of rent which would be a major load off of us financially while we continue to save for our longer term goals. I'll go into more details about what made us want to live there. I know, crazy right? Most people only think of it as a place to vacation and not a place to live.

It is official people! That is the plan for us right now. There's much more I want to share on our reasons for making this decision. We feel at peace with the way things are headed. Now it's just continuing to put in the work and also hoping for steem to moon soon. Man oh man if that happens we would hit our $15K goal much sooner than expected. Well... let's just say I'm a dreamer. Peace. 

What big plans do you have right now?

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2016? Wow, sometimes I wish I had joined that early but then, it isn't late and I still have the chance to start living the dream right from now.

Currently, I'm looking more into the blockchain technology beyond Steemit. I wanna understand how it works, what can it do and how can I use it to solve the many problems we have in Africa and the world as a whole. I put in 4-6 hours a day studying and reading materials on blockchain tech - not on the technical level but more on business model.
I have also taken some courses on Edx and coursera, I hope to achieve an intermediate level by end of this year.

Man that's some serious dedication to studying about it. Much respect for that. Keep me updated on your findings or ideas about helping the Motherland with blockchain tech

I sure will, I've dedicated a lot more time for the @wafrica community. It's little by little and I believe the greatest impact we'll have is to grab this tech while it's still early and mould out some cool solutions for ourselves. Little by little, we'll get there brother.

Perfect solution. You are a great young family. I think that this decision to move is not an "easy" life choice. But often this choice drastically changes life.
I also want to move to another place. We considered a lot of places and countries. But while this desire remains unrealized. There are some factors that prevent it from doing. But of course the main one is money issues.
I wish you to carry out your plans and collect the necessary amount of money. You have made a decision, which means that you will succeed. Peace

Where do you want to move to?

we saw the nearest southern Slavic countries. I have long liked those picturesque and beautiful places.

Wow! Thanks for letting us in man. That's a beautiful family. It's amazing the many things Steem is helping people do, the lives it's fixing, the dreams it's facilitating, the joys, the freedom.... How can we not love this awesome movement?

I believe all will work out fine pal. If you came this far, you can reach sooner. Good luck with your dreams. And u ain't just a dreamer! And I'll pass on the bottom line question or your eyes will roll and your head spin from reading... Lol...

Lol. Answer it! Haha. You just made my day with this. I wish much more success to you.

Lol.. OK. I'll just give you what seems like a hint. When my Android went bad, I had nothing doing anymore as I was off steemit, so I got a job, the pay is little but it takes all my time, literally all day. There aren't much job opportunities in Nigeria so you consider yourself lucky when you get one. Not that I thought the job could help me get a better device sooner, I'd have to save for like four months for that, but I just didn't want to be idle, at the same time, I had to earn money somehow. Sorry for this preamble, lol..

I want to start up a business of my own. I have the structure and plans already, just waiting for the funding, which I believe will come soon. Then, move out of my family house soon, rent an apartment, and start living independently. I want to appreciate the responsibilities that will roll in, and grow with them.

My current job can't help me with those anytime soon, but I believe steemit can go a long way. I have other plans, but these are the primary ones I am dealing with for now.
Thanks for the wish!

The great thing is that you got a plan. Going into business is tough but its worth it if it works out. Go for it!

Thanks man. I just want to build my own dreams, then I can help others build theirs.

Man I am indeed really happy hearing that ;)

After all patience is all that we need and ultimately we will be there !

You do have a pretty nice family brother :)

All the very best to the life awaiting in Vegas for you three :)

Man I sure hope so. It's been on our minds for a while to move there but now we have made up our minds

That's really exciting, man. I'm stoked for you. Looking forward to hearing more about the details of the move. I hope that it helps you and your family move forward into the plans and dreams that are in store for you. Blessings and safety in your move.

I'll share more over time but now the big focus is stackin the dough for us to move there 1st qaurter 2019.

This is why i sometimes hate dtube, it doesnt play any sound to me on your video... it's probably a problem on my end since i don't see anyone else complaining about it...

What big plans do you have right now?

Conquer the world xD too big? Finish college, invest into the crypto market, read more books, go out more, increase my muscle mass and get ripped, i could be here all day long talking about my plans, but the end goal is to conquer the world xD it's just my opinion but i would be a much better politician / ruler then the ones we have atm, but i guess im biased xD

The leaders we have now are leading us into world war. Its crazy

Word war, hunger, torture, taxes on top of taxes to keep the simple man under control, people should be happy that they are alive, but instead most of them are depressed because they are alive, working a 9-5 job almost not getting paid, just to end up with 70years, retire, and have no energy to go and see the world!!

Vote Teutonium for President Of The World - 2025 ( starting my campaign right now xD)

It's a shame people even still prescribe that kind of living and life track to us still. The old ways are not working. We have to make new moves. Otherwise this world will chew you up and spit you out without giving two cares in the world about you.

Woooah, You mentioned you really wanted to move out to the desert a few months back Earl, that's amazing that you're actually doing it. exciting times ahead man, congratulations.

I'm surprised you still remember that. Haha. I belong in the desert and plus it's another step forward for me and my family.

Of course I do, you're one of the first people on here I considered a friend. I hope the move goes well man, you might be able to catch a UFC event while you're out there ;)

Vegas, believe it or not is a family town in many ways. I lived there briefly and may return now that I am retired once my finances are in order. Its very doable; much success to you in your journey...

Oh thats cool. We spent 90% of our time away from the strip when we went there. We love the people and the culture. Its a hidden gem because most dont realize life outside the strip.

How long did you live there?

only about six months. I was considering living there permanently. The reason I left was the person I was staying with needed to move for health reasons and I had not gotten a job yet. Wasn't the right time. You are right it can be a hidden gem if certain things are in place and it is surprisingly affordable. The summers are brutal though so high electric bills are a way of life. I found lots to do besides the strip also. They are very health conscious and have a strong community in that regard as well...

Funny enough things just happen in our lives which are not planned but perhaps imagined and wished. Steem has given me back what I lost to Ponzi and has given me what I never imagined I would have in three years combined from my work. I never knew I would find steemit, I only lived my life each day as it came and here I am. So with this little experience of mine, I know that absolutely nothing is impossible. It's just a matter of time and soon, real soon, you will hit you $15k Mark and you will definitely invite me over to you New house in Vegas. Lolzz. Stay blessed.

It's amazing to hear about your journey. I think you will have much more sucess from Steemit. I also think the steem price will go up like crazy. This would help us reach our goal faster.

Good for you man, your ultimate goal should be a long term one and that is the van and I like how you realized that you need more time for that and made an alternate decision for the time being. That is really hard to do, my goal from now is to complete my graduation and apply for masters in mechanical engineering. from a reputable university hopefully in USA Germany or Australia. Right now I'm studying in Karachi Pakistan. Thank you for your goal and I hope you'll give your critique about mine.

Awesome that you have that goal. Take it one day at a time and enjoy what you do. Which country do you want to go to the most?

Germany because of the technological aspect and working environment.

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