JIHAD | A Journey Towards Nirvana | Episode 7steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

While coming out Washim told Shoaib that Moulavi sahib is the one who will be taking care of the finances and his men will come prior to two days of attack with all the required supplies. You have thirteen days. You should go and study all marked venues and I will ask Noori to take you around and you will have to make it sure that Noori should not know about our mission as she does not know anything about it and moreover it will not be safe for our mission. Going with Noori will give you an advantage as nobody will doubt you and her being a medical student will help you at one of the venues.

Assalam wale cum Shoaib mia, Abu told me that you want to see Newyork.

Shoaib- Yes, as I am very new to this country and this is my first time out of Pakistan, I shall be very thankful to you if you can spare some time and can show me around.

Noori- Ohh, you are talking so formally you need not to, you are our guest and we will feel honoured by helping you and moreover it is our duty to show you around so no thanks from now on, okay! She said smiling. Now get ready and let me show you the city. I am sure that you will like it.

Shoaib: Thanks, Noori. I shall be getting ready in 10 minutes.

Noori took him to Time square. She told him that it was one of the most happening places in States. Also, this is the Financial hub of the world as U.S.A stock exchange is there with all the branded showrooms and high end restaurants around.

Noori was showing Shoaib around but Shoaib's concentration was not on the site seeing. He was calmly analysing the target. He was trying to finalize the spot to plant the Bomb. He saw that there were street vendors too. Soon it was the lunch time and all the vendors, restaurants around were mobbed by hungry people. If he can plant his Bomb inside one of these restaurants then it could cause a serious damage and being the financial centre of the world, if an explosion happen here it would send a message throughout the world to stay away from Afghan and Pakistan as their Allah does not permit any qafir in his courtyard, "Shoaib thought to himself"

What are you thinking Shoaib? You seem to be somewhere else and I think that it is a cultural shock to you to see all the girls working and in brief clothes. She winked at him. Shoaib did not like her behaviour being so open with him.

Shoaib- It is just a new world to me and I was thinking that people seem to be so busy here and everybody is just in a hurry as they are going to miss the train.

Noori -Life in America is very fast Shoaib. People work here for 5 days but those 5 days they work really hard and on Saturday Sunday, everybody lives there life to fullest.

Shoaib- Yeah I can see that but they still have time to step in the matters of other countries and try to suppress the Islamic countries. Try to intervein their lives and make it miserable. Shoaib thought to himself.

In the evening they came back home. So, how was your day Shoaib Mia?

Noori- He is so quiet and all the time while I was showing him places, he was somewhere else. I think he does not like my company(Noori said in a cunning tone as if she was trying to tease Shoaib).

Shoaib- No it is not like that. I don't speak much but Wherever you took me today, I really liked it and I am thankful to you.

Noori- Mashallah, thank god that you liked it else I was nervous that it could be a cultural shock to you.

Shoaib- No Noori, why would I not like it. It is just that it is a very new country to me and the whole culture is so different. I had never been out of Pakistan so it is kind of confusing for me.

Washim: Shoaib I think that you should also see the subway here and also tomorrow is Saturday, so you should go to a theme park. It is really a happening place on the weekend.

Noori: I was thinking to take Shoaib to shopping tomorrow and I will take him to a nightclub in the evening. He would like to see the nightlife of Manhatten.

Washim- Ohh yes, why not then you can go to the Theme park on Sunday. What do u say Shoaib?

Shoaib- Yes it is fine for me as I want some clothes also. Right now I look like a clown here with all these Pathani suits I have. I do not fit in the society here.

Noori- That is the spirit Shoaib(winked) and she left.)

Washim- Shoaib, u must go as it could be the chance for u to Reiki the possible spots there. I am sure that it could be a good spot. You think over it and have some rest in the meanwhile I must go to Masjid and meet Moulavi sahib. I have received a message. Something has arrived from Pakistan.

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I am eager to see in what way u r going to touch the tender heart of a beast.
Keep up the good work honey one day you will surpass all.

I shall try my level best. The second half of your comment is very flattering. I don't know if I deserve it. @shagungupta

Your story is very easy to read and easy and easy to understand the contents of the message. As we know it, the word Jihad is full of positive activity that a Muslim must perform and we must all act as Mujahids who are istiqomah improving themselves.

Fighting for the sake of God requires determination and determination, which is impossible without faith, understanding and confidence essential to Almighty Supreme Being and certainty of life after death.

If a Muslim I believe his faith is true, his religion is also true then he should not be afraid of those who try to pull him out of his faith. Instead, he must accept them at home with pleasure and through righteous deeds and words, inshallah, can draw them into his religion.

Good work .... I'm waiting for the rest.
Thaks you...

Amazing story ...love your creativity and most importantly in story you used muslim names.Are you from Pakistan?

No buddy, I am from India. Same land :). @barbie.doll . I am happy that you liked my story.

You talked about pakistan in this story that's why i thought.anyhow we are from asia☺

yes, infact we are neighbours.

I have a feeling that Noori will come to know about Shoaib's motives and will make him realise things. My weird thought!

I truly love your writen!! You have me hang since the begining, i've followed u for a time and i have to congratulate u for that hability you have to create something that can touch any heart and interese every mind no matter what. I personaly love writing storys since i can remember maybe that's why i feel such joy while i think in the potencial i belive you have. I really think you'll be rising up and up without hard times. I identify with Noori so much that scares me a little. Again, congratulations i wish you the best!!

@trainingwriter I am glad that you like reading my stories. Thank you so much for your comment. It is so inspiring to me and yes she looks very much like you :)

very interesting story, I liked the character of nOori :)

Yes me too. She is very humble and loving and at the same time very progressive too. @sanach

Yeah! is it like me ;)

not exactly but very close :) u must be better.. ;)

great writing content a great story part 7 Thanks for sharing keep it up
I am waiting for its upcoming part
God bless you

Thanks @travellingwomen I am glad that u liked it. :)

Cool story, nice for being consistent with the weekly episode of the story. Keeping tap on the story, look forward to the next episode.

What? Is it real story? Literally, Shoaib was going to place the bomb after targeting the place?

Yes, he is planning to :) @ikrahch

Here Washim charecter is quite confusing.on one hand he seems to be very extremist when he talks about Jihad and all,on the other end he let his daughter in medicine,and the way he let her to mingle with Shoaib is quite confusing.lets see how story falls in next episode.

Sir, Washim is acting as a sleeping cell in the story. The sleeping cell is the people who mingle in society but work for xxx. The got eliminated in the United States after 9/11. Shoaib 's confusion can be understood. Those who are brainwashed can be brought into the mainstream with a dim flash of goodness. Well, i cannot say much right now. @iamanwaar

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