A quick message before I go! WednesdayYellow, to keep me mellow ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’›

in #life โ€ข 7 years ago (edited)

me flower.jpg

Two days ago, I told you all I had to leave my home... so.... that's now for me.

Scared, procrastinating the inevitable, and heart in my stomach... I saw some comfort on the horizon. Something that soothes me.
You might have noticed something that is almost always in my posts...


I was looking out my windows, the windows of my bedroom and my office have amazing views of palm trees swaying in the wind and lush tropical forest with greens reaching into the blue for as far as I can see.

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One thing that always stands out is the yellow frangipini flowers that grow on beautiful trees, all around Bali.


With saying goodbye for this time while I take off on my adventure, I wanted to share their beauty with you as they serve as a constant reminder to me to stop and smell the 'roses', though of course in this case, the frangipini.


Their smell is so sweet but it's also an exotic blend that uplifts my spirit and always makes me warm and fuzzy inside.


For me, the frangipini is a sign of home and I am excited to have them to come back to.


For now, I leave you with my flowers as I go board the plane on my way to Malaysia! Thank you all for your support, I will definitely check in with you from over there! ;)

Sending love from above!

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I was wondering what kind of camera do you use for the photos, and with what kind of lens!/? Those shots look absolutely gorgeous :)

Hi! Thank you so much! It's a Canon EOS 600D, it's been through some travel pains and needs a new lens but it's a great camera and definitely captures the moment! Some of the photos were taken with my Vivo V5S as well :)

A lovely parting gift for your Steeman friends. These blooms remind me very much of the jasmine I have. I don't have nearly enough yellow in my garden.

Enjoy your adventure @heart-to-heart...safe journey...and safe home again.

                  ~smiles fer miles~

Oh how beautiful! I would LOVE to have some jasmine in my garden. I often have jasmine incense though so I guess that's better than nothing, right? :)
I try to have a little bit of every color to brighten my day out there, it always makes me feel so much more at ease when I see their vibrancy and smell their lovely fragrances.
Thank you for your kind wishes, I just got back and am so happy to be home! Back to my flowers like I hadn't been gone at all!
Sending smiles right back at you!

Jasmine incense is nice. To get the absolute oil takes some serious research and a pretty packet of Steem but well worth it if you can find it. I think you should try.

Some folks call jasmine the queen of the night because it's fragrance is strongest then. I once was gifted a true queen of the night cactus, sort of a orchid but it blooms one night only each year.

The smell of vanilla lingers for days as if the walls were sprayed with it's nectar. Every year it's a celebration, a gathering of admirers to await the show over wine, cheese and good conversation of garden lore.

Mine, sadly, didn't make it through a particularly cold spell uncommon for where I live. But here is a picture I found in case you've never heard of it.

right click image to view larger
image source pixabay


That is stunning! Wow! I would love one!

About the incense, I get pretty motivated when I want something - I think I'll be able to work it out one day if I put my mind to it, I'll keep you posted :)

I just love the smell of vanilla as well... maybe that's why I put it in so many of my treats... just to smell it in the air ;)

Hope you're having a wonderful weekend and that the sun is shining for you! ๐Ÿ’™

keep posting and wish you safe travel

I just had to take some time off while I was traveling but I am back, safe and sound =D
Thank you so much for the lovely message- I hope you're enjoying your week so far!

Awesome Flowers... Have a safe trip to Malaysia :)

Thank you! I am back :) Super excited to be back on the ground, back to my lovely flowers and of course, my keyboard land of dreams ;)

Start posting that great content lol . :)

Very touching..??!! hurry back in bali..!

Thank you! Being away always seems to long! I love Bali!!

A great big bear hug and wish you a safe trip.

Thank you :) I sure needed it! I am back safe and sound now, so am just getting to read this! Thank you so much! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Good luck back home, sweet girl. Beautiful flowers and post.

Thank you so much, it was a little jaunt but I am back at home now (finally) even though it's only been a little under a week, it felt like forever to me :P

I snapped tons of photos along the way, so there's an upside ;)

I hope you enjoy your time away and I love the photo ops!!

Good luck, safe travels. Post those terrified aeroplane selfies when you're back on solid ground! :)

I was soooo scared but I learned how to deal with it along the way! So I do have some legitimately terrified selfies for you, I also have some nice, happy, "this isn't so bad" ones too ;) But good news is, I am home safe and sound and very happy about it (until next time) ;)

Glad you made it through alive! :) I'll read the write up when I see it in my feed :)

I wrote a post on not being scared ;) does that count? I wrote it right when I got off the plane, alive :P I am definitely going to have to share the rest of the excursion though.... I just need to get caught up and then I will have so much to tell you haha

Love the frangipini - such a nice flower!

It's becoming one of my absolute favorites! I just love the smell so much! Thanks for sharing this lovely photo! What a wonderful message! Have a fantastic week :)

Frangipani is really a very beautiful flower with such a sweet smell!
I would just like to let you know that please don't let the milky sap touch your food, they are poisonous actually!
Come back quick!

Really? I eat them -_-
Hmmm... I must be a super-human ;)
I read that they were edible... now I have to check this out! Their smell always tempts me to eat them!

Oh please don't eat them , never do this! Their smell are really great, but just be careful, ok?
Btw you are really a super-human, after all that you went through!

I looked it up and they are said to be edible! Maybe I am not as super-human as we thought! :O

Yeps I checked it again @heart-to-heart! The flowers are edible just beware of the milky sap though! I hate if anything bad happens to you!
Take care

Don't worry chef, I try not to drink or eat anything too harmful anymore! Had enough of that back in my younger days ;)
Thanks for checking for me!
Have a lovely day my friend ๐Ÿ’œ

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