The Shoes That Take Possession: It Wasn't Me, The Heels Did ItsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life5 years ago

I hate valet parking. The entrance to the parking garage was twenty feet away. I was pretty good at getting my vehicle between the lines, and pretty light on my feet, but no matter. I sighed and slipped on my heels, because nobody can drive in those kind of heels.

They were the kind of heels that transform a person. They take possession. One minute you are the sort of woman that doesn’t go places without children and hates valet parking. Then those four inch heels slip onto the feet with their buckles clasped and—


The next minute a mother with the persona of a normal adult woman steps out of her vehicle with a certain twist in her step, muttering: I’m back!


I walked into the resort through freakishly posh looking doors with ridiculously long door handles, which were whisked open for me. At the reception desk sat a woman with blindingly white teeth and hair in perfect ringlets. I was sure those sort of springs would bounce off her head if tested. She began to tell me where to go to find my party.

Her description was elaborate, but I just kept thinking about those ringlets. Yep, those things just need one little pull back and they would hit the ceiling.

Suddenly her talking stopped, and she concluded it with a hand gesture to the left. I had no idea what she said, but decided it was an excellent day to wing it. The heels, in possession of me, walked me in the direction of that hand gesture.

I found the party. There I stood with a bunch of other writers and I felt fancy. Maybe it was the heels, maybe it was the view of the ocean glistening right outside those big glass windows—windows I had walked by many times, from the other, not fancy, side.

Someone Up Front Began a Speech

She was thanking us for our contributions, et cetera, but slowly the scene of fancy surroundings faded. That’s the thing about possession by heels—they just can’t take all of a person. A bit of free will remains. And so my normal adult woman persona began to fade a bit as I thought about real life back at home.

I thought about the carpets in one half of the house decorated with a maze-like trail of diarrhea. The solids were removed, but the stains remained, awaiting the carpet cleaner. The smell lingered despite my best efforts at cajoling it away, like a defiant toddler shouting “no!” when told it is time to leave the park.

I suddenly had an image of how it all went down: there was Big Dog, guts full to bursting, and no one home to allow him to relieve himself in the comfort of his outdoor toilet—the wide expanse of grass. Instead, he decided he’d better find a surface comparable to grass. Despite all the main living quarters being made of tile, of course he would need to soil the carpet.

I shouldn’t do it! I shouldn’t do it! He chastises himself. Oh god, it’s coming! Oh no, must make it stop, must make it stop! Big Dog then begins to run in circles through my husband’s carpeted office, splattering poop in elegant swirls covering the available floor space, in addition to some nearby furniture.

He then casts a look back at his rear end and thinks: Oh no! The poop is chasing me! And in a panic he abandons the office, yelping as he dashes down the hall and enters the children’s room. The poop proceeds to chase him as he makes loop-de-loop poop art all over their floor, which splashes onto the closet doors, on top of various toys, and several of the tot’s lovely dresses.

Suddenly a Woman Said My Name

My head jerked to attention as I processed her mentioning my writing. I made a polite nod, no doubt looking like every kid that has ever been caught daydreaming in class. The speech ended, and the people disbursed once more. The heels had me again, and they walked me to the open bar, like a proper heels wearing normal woman.


I eyed a woman standing next to me with a champagne glass and a popsicle sitting in it—a gourmet eight dollar popsicle from a local shop in a very fancy part of town. The mother in me shouted internally: We will take one of those in every flavor, but hold the champagne. The heels tapped testily, so instead we accepted both popsicle and that sad, bubbly alcoholic liquid.

I Started to Drift Back Again into Mother Territory

I remembered my conversation earlier with a friend who, not surprisingly, had decided she could no longer keep her hen on her apartment balcony. She brought it over to join my flock in a cat carrier with her boyfriend in tow.

“What is the chicken’s name?” I asked as we walked through my property to the coop.

“Sex,” the boyfriend answered. It was in the same sort of way someone would say “Sally” or “Sam,” which seemed quite natural given his many piercings and air of eccentricity.

I glanced downward at the children trotting behind me.

“Okay, we will probably change that,” I said quite naturally also, like maybe we really disliked common names like Sally or Sam.

“She also goes by Pecker.”

“Oh, well isn’t that contradictory.” I said it like maybe he had suggested it would rain when the sky was clear.

It was an hour after he left that I realized he was not referring to male anatomy, but actually “One that pecks.”

I Finished My Gourmet Popsicle

Enough daydreaming, let’s do this already! The heels were growing antsy. With sad, bubbly champagne as a hand ornament, the heels and I took that room on—one conversation at a time. We worked that room, those fancy heels and I.

And we had absolutely no idea what we did with the valet ticket. We hate valet parking.


This probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you but I’m really big on shoes. A pair of shoes can make or break a person, warned out ugly sneakers will make me feel sooo bad, but a good sexy heel will skyrocket the confidence, and people pick up on those vibes.

Those are some really nice shoes, when ever I see golden heels, I think of latin dancing. I need something similar.

I have some of those ugly sneakers too, and I have mistakenly worn them in public before. People do feel our vibes. I turned into an invisible little mouse.

There is nothing quite like the combination of gold heels and Latin music, which is frequently present in these parts. Sadly I scuffed them a bit that night. What can I say, I can't be trusted with nice things :)

Invisible little mouse, that is a very accurate way of describing the feeling, I’ve been there, but I’ve learned from it.

While one wants to keep the nice things looking really nice, I do think nice things should be used more. Use the fine china, wear the jewerly, put on the heels, live a little.

Absolutely. I broke a tea cup from my grandmother's china already, and scuffed the heels...but it was worth it :)

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Legit shoes...

OK. I was going to leave it there but figured that would be dumb so here's some more. Isn't it funny how something as simple as a pair of decent shoes can change a person? I guess it's similar for me when I put a suit on for work...The weekend sees me in 5.11 gear at the range shooting, feeling a certain way, but the working week is different...Suited. I think maybe for a woman make-up has the same effect?

As a reasonably socially shy person I find my suit (work attire) tends to be a bit of a suit of armour protecting the real me from others and allowing me to be the me I have to be at work.

Interesting how that works.

Anyway, really legit shoes. I like how you placed the straight-up photo first then the more haphazard one second...Sort of brings to mind the start of an evening, with gold strappy shoes...And then later, after a few champagnes.

P.s. Curangeled this...Have to get in early or another curator will get it. I like to promote my peeps.

I love that adults have magic at their fingertips, all it takes is a bit of time in the closet. In that sense we all are a bit like Superman and his phone booth.

Makeup does a little bit of transformation mentally, but it is the heels that do it all the way. It must be something to do with an increase in height, but most importantly the elegant steps that are a requirement of keeping balance when wearing heels. In this case the saying is opposite: Walk the walk, and talk the talk. Maybe it is similar to how certain postures and movements reduce anxiety - the body understands its own body language and blindly believes it.

This is the first time it has occurred to me that men would have the same experience. I don't think I have ever observed the clothes altering behavior in a man, although it seems the norm with women. Maybe I haven't spent enough time around men in suits. It makes sense though, especially if you are wearing dress shoes that are crushing your toes :)

There is something about how the heels look tangled on the floor. I always leave them for the night after coming home. They are a pretty mess.

Thanks so much! How sweet of you to look out for us. I mostly follow folks that don't earn much, and was surprised to see so many posts that were actually earning something.

I can't speak for other blokes but clothes certainly make a difference. I wear certain suits depending on the meetings and I each makes me feel. Same on the range, or when just out and about. I think we are all the same in that. Or mostly anyway.

Yep agreed, something about strappy shoes huh, discarded as if in haste upon the floor...

P.s. 14% Ginny.

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Hahaha! In this case that 14 percent is on you. My comment was actually an innocent zero percent :)

Yeah, ok I'll accept that.

My bad.

Or, my good.

Or, my good at being bad.

Take your pick.

Posted using Partiko Android

I always pick good at being bad ;)

Takes one to know one...

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Only you could combine killer heels with a dog pooping and a chicken called Sex. Please at least call it Pecker. I see euphemisms in everything.

Ps. At 40 I bought cowboy boots. Boy they made me feel infinitesimally more kickass than I was. Or am.

We have decided to stick with Pecker. As it turns out, she is very appropriately named. She does not have a penis, but she does peck more than a normal chicken. Every time I pick her up it is like Armageddon to my wedding ring.

I am visualizing you in cowboy boots now, and you are right, totally kickass. Maybe I should get some too.

Wow, I relate. Yes, shoes do it for me too. Coincidentally, I just pitched the first pair of really nice sexy heels that I ever owned. I hadn't worn them in years, probably since the 1980s... but I could have. (That probably sounds horrifying.)

They were classic black leather sandals, very strappy, and 1/4" higher than any other shoe I have ever owned, making them somewhat uncomfortable. I tried them on, somehow thinking they would no longer fit as though my feet had grown like the rest of my former 20 year old self. Still okay, but then I let them go, the last vestige of... Well, I have a significant birthday this fall.

Doesn't sound bad at all, or more specificially, it doesn't sound unrealistic having the opportunity to wear them, but not. Time passes so quickly. It is actually a really good thing to not feel any need to be possessed by the things. I manage without them for long stints, but then come back at some point for my little high.

The more uncomfortable, the more beautiful :) I let my first pair go too. They just felt like a former life. Who's to say you can't buy a replacement pair should the mood strike, significant birthday or not.

A former life, yes, but I will always have a few sexy pairs!

There are always other sexy materials to make up for heels anyway ;)

Very true. lol

I laughed until I cried during the poop bit. The juxtaposition with the fancy surroundings just made it that much funnier. And the chicken at the end. That is too funny! Thanks for brightening up the day!

The phrase stranger than fiction really rings true in these parts. Sometimes more than is preferred :) I'm so glad you liked it.

Shoes certainly can change a woman.

I had some bright pink Candies years ago and I was always up to no good when I put them on. LOL....

That is kind of wrong that thoughts of swirling poop dominated your fancy evening. I mean, you were a hot tamale for the night and should have been soaking it in before returning to reality....LOL !!

I always enjoy your writing.

Oooh bright pink Candies. Those sound exciting. I can only imagine what being possessed by those would do.

The stench of poop just has a way of saturating the mind so well that it seeps into the thoughts even when keeping a five miles, across a bridge, into a fancy resort sort of distance.

Hot tamale. I love your vocabulary :)

Great write up ginnyannette. What WAS that shindig?

Thank you. I love going to those sort of things. I get to step out of character a bit.

A bit yes! lol. It doesn't fit you but I guess it fits some part of you!

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