Do we create our own suffering?

in #life7 years ago

A story of a very wise man-

A very long time ago there lived a King and a Queen in a big castle far far away.  The King and the Queen were expecting their first born son.  They waited for a very long time to have this child, so the King made up his mind to give this child everything in life.  The child would never be exposed to any suffering.  He would know the riches and luxury and would at no time be exposed to any miseries in life.  All his heart's desires would be fulfilled at all times.  

Now there is a saying:  


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So when the baby was born, the King build high walls all around the palace and the child grew up knowing nothing of the outside world.  The King spoiled the child giving him everything that he wanted, and as planned the child grew up totally unaware of the outside world.  He was not aware of poverty, death, or the cruelty of human beings. 

So despite all the wealth and luxury, this child grew up with a feeling of meaninglessness.  He felt empty.  He grew up to be a somewhat pissed off person. Nothing anyone ever did for him was quite enough, because it did not mean anything.  The Prince wanted to explore what was behind these walls, and one night he snuck out of the palace to see what was beyond the walls.  

For the first time in his life, he saw human suffering.  He saw neglected old people, he saw poverty and he saw how cruel life could be.  He was absolutely horrified.  

Now the Prince was in a personal crisis.  He didn't know how to handle everything that he saw on the outside of the walls, so he started complaining and ended up blaming his father for the very thing that his father tried to do for him.  

The Prince firmly believed that it was his living arrangements and the luxury life that caused him to feel this way.  He blamed his father for having a meaningless life.  So... the Prince ran away.  

He gave up all the money in the world to live as a beggar on the streets, and boy did he suffer.... he believed that suffering would give him a meaning to his life.  

Many years passed and the Prince still lived on the streets, still searching for meaning to his life.  A few more years passed and then...... NOTHING happened.  The Prince realized that suffering actually sucks and that it doesn't matter whether you are rich or poor, the suffering is exactly the same.  

The Prince cleaned himself up and went to sit under a tree.  There he went into a deep meditation.  During his time of meditation the Prince came to the conclusion that we all suffer from time to time. Life is full of people suffer because they don't have meaning in their lives, and poor people often suffer because of their desire to be rich.

This Prince would later become known as Buddha.


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Are we ever truly happy?

Problems are everywhere around us.  We all encounter some type of problem every single day of our lives.  What we don't realize is that problems keep us alive and thinking.  Thinking about problems keep our brains alive, and happiness comes when solving a problem.  

Solving problems = happiness

Think about this..... we create most of our own problems.  Yes, most of the problems we have in life is because we create them ourselves, and a problem is only a real problem if there is a solution.  If you can find a solution then that problem goes away.  If there is no solution then it was not a problem in the first place.  

We create our problems because our subconscious minds need some excitement to keep us going.  Does this make sense?  Happiness is a work in progress. To solve our problems is a constant work in progress. Happiness is not given to anyone on a plate.  We need to work to be happy.  

Many people are in complete denial and can't admit that they have problems in the first place.  They are distracted from reality.  They feel "happy" in the short term, but because they refuse to believe that they have problems, they get depressed and start to feel insecure.  

Then there are people who play the victim.  They have so many problems and they don't believe that there are any solutions.  Problems are just ignored and they carry on with life as if nothing is wrong.  They try and bury these problems and make it go away on it's own.  BUT problems ALWAYS come back to bite you in the BUTT!  


Problems are everywhere.  Sort out your sh*t while you still can.  Happiness and peace only exists if you solve all the issues you have in life.  We all strive towards happiness and there is no way that we can be happy if there are obstacles in our way.  Don't make yourself believe that you are happy with all these self-help books and motivational speakers telling us that we must tell ourselves that we are happy

Would it really help to stand in front of a mirror telling yourself to believe that you are happy ?  Solve the issues that are right in front of you, and then, you will feel happy.  Even if if is only for a short time, because guess what, more problems will appear.....

Don't be like that little boy in the story above.  Be aware of what is around you and start to work through all your issues one by one, and ultimately you will find happiness..... until the next problem appears.... 


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The desire of the king not to let his son to suffer bad things is a good motive but his method is wrong. What he did from the start will lead to a more suffering, a suffering from not knowing a thing.

Lots of parents have this desire towards their children. There's nothing wrong about it, but we have to understand also that the only person who is capable of shaping oneself is itself, people around him/her should only act as a support to be able to shape a good life.

Hi there @dainargenti it is very true what you said. We all want the best for our children, but we also have to realize that our children must explore life on their own and make their own mistakes. I often see this with my own child. He went off to university this year, and it has left me lonely and worried. I have taught him well, and I know he can stand on his own two feet but I am still his parent and would give the world for him to be safe and not get hurt. So I am struggling to let go but I know I have to. The bond between a mother and a child can not be explained..... thanks for your comment.

Yeah right, letting go of our kids to make their own life is also a test on how good parents are. Through this we can measure our performance in upbringing them. We are not perfect and so as our children.

nice post @giantbear

Thank you @silvia. I don't often post over weekends but decided to change my ways a bit. Thanks for your comment.

Love this post a good think first thing in the morning! Followed!

Thank you @gingenetwork! Will check out your profile now. Good luck here on Steemit. Perseverance and hard work is the key here. Just keep posting.

Thank you so much!
I've got some ideas in the pipeline just don't want to flood steem with my posts haha 😂 @giantbear

Just keep them going...the more you post the more you will be recognized. Once upon a time I also had ideas and then it ran out. I am posting less where I used to post at least once a day. I will get back there though...writers block is a bitch...LOL

The plan is to do a competition a day (or 2) depending on time! Gives people the opportunity to win something and keeps me busy replying to people :) I have many photos and stories to share too

I found changing my reaction to sense data greatly reduced my suffering. I can't avoid, illness, death, aging, but I can change how I react to the unavoidable. Great post!

Sadhu...sadhu...sadhu..! (Pali language) sabbe satta sukhi hontu, nice !

Thank you @happyphoenix! No idea what you said but thank you! LOL! :)

Ha..ha.... Nice ! That's mean sadhu, is mean similiar with "agree". Sabbe satta sukhi hontu is mean "wish you luck always". Nice !

Thank you! Sabbe satta sukhi hontu!

Great Post ginatbear!!
But my belief is that the suffering is caused by our own bad deeds. If we start to focus on our mind and start to observe it, all our thinking process is about the creation and we seldom think about The Creator (when I started to do it, most of my thoughts were bad as most often my mind was on lust and greed).

Once I recognized it then started to work on these problems; the only way was to connect my thoughts to creator and these problems started to abolish.

Creation is full of problems, we will solve one and there will be 2 more standing in front of us.
Bliss, joy and happiness is our right, but the ways we want to achieve these are wrong as in case of the King. Our creator is ocean bliss, joy and happiness.

For me it is to give different direction to my thinking process, slow down my thoughts about the creation and focusing my mind on creator. In Sikhism this is the main focus.
I don't know much about The Great Budha but I know this with very certainly that once he realized that the whole creation is suffering and so he connected himself (his mind) directly to the creator and found bliss, peace and happiness.
God Bless
Bliss, peace and happiness all over the world.

Hi @giantbear, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

mango's...that is all

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