Standing in Truth: Despite the SWAT Raid on our Sustainable Community, We Remain Committed to Being the Change We Wish To See In This World

in #life8 years ago

Challenging the system and facing down the beast is a dangerous choice. Ultimately, to do anything truly great or revolutionary, you have to take the risk.

We’ve been living sustainably FOR YEARS with a below zero carbon footprint and great proven success, despite the incredible opposition we receive in this part of the country. (Did you know it's actually illegal to disconnect from the municipal water supply/sewer system? Or that it's illegal to feed the homeless without complying with a series of regulations in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area?) 

We have found a better way, so we are committed to creating, living, and sharing it with as many people as possible--and to standing UNWAVERINGLY in the fiery wrath that ensues.

We have been tested, and we have proven we stand for TRUTH.

In August 2013, shortly after our founder Quinn Eaker started making Youtube videos and releasing public content on the way the system really works (check out his Truth About Money series, for example), the beast reared its ugly head and tried to terrorize us into compliance with a $350,000 SWAT raid on our property with fully-loaded machine guns, black helicopters, snarling dogs, blacked out & completely unidentified uniforms & gear, and more adrenaline-charged soldiers than could be counted screaming orders at our adults and naked babies.  

That really happened to our community of free, peace-loving individuals.

The City of Arlington in Texas accused us of being a highly armed drug trafficking cartel and sent in their warriors. They could not produce a search warrant for HOURS, and in the end seized NOTHING named on that bogus warrant. They did, however, destroy our crops, steal our sustainable building material, and hold our people hostage for hours.

Yes it was horrific, but of course we don’t back down. We know the Truth, we're adamantly committed to it, and we appreciate the support that Steemit has shown us towards sharing it! 

Here's a taste of the media coverage of the SWAT raid executed on the Garden of Eden:

We remain committed to transparency, responsibility, and respect, and we hope to inspire everyone to BE THE CHANGE in this world no matter what resistance you might face!


The neighbors complained??!


I swear to god everybody is a handler these days...

Humans are strange creatures. Social interaction is almost feared in the US these days!

wow, I can hardly believe this except that I can. I'm so sorry this happened and good for all of you for upholding your truth and staying with life as you choose it. May the force be with you, the forces of love and truth and happiness that is!

Thank you for your support!


This shows you are making an is an amazingly real threat to the establishment.

Agreed! We know we got their attention and they obviously felt really uncomfortable. We are definitely out of the norm. I am certain they've never had a SWAT raid like this before. we offered them breakfast while they held us at gunpoint, even to lay down their guns and bring their families here and we would feed them, reminding them they don't have to hold guns to people's heads to make ends meet. We are grateful to all be safe. Love and light were definitely on our side! Thank you for your comments.

@everlove is amazing - who else would offer to feed the SWAT team raiding their property???

Hahahaha---don't think I've ever heard of anyone! But it is who we are. I'm sure they could feel it. That's likely why we are still alive. Loving them anyway has made all the difference. I'm certain they would have liked to have just made us go away!! Now they made us stronger. There is no denying we made an impact. Funny how the community loves us anyway--the firemen, bankers, postal workers and other local businesses too. Love is the answer!

Also they don't like anyone who doesn't conform to their idea of what is "normal". It is due to prejudice too plus they are making the authorities look bad by doing some of the stuff that they are supposed to do but don't - like feeding hungry people.

We are anything but the standard definition of "normal". We wonder what the community would look like if the authorities chose instead to use the $350K of taxpayer dollars towards bettering society, like putting in public gardens or playgrounds...or feeding people. This is why we are so vocal about living VALUES!

Yes. It is sad but I doubt it will change any time soon. Keep doing what you are doing - it makes a difference and that makes it important.

I just followed you, the name caught my eye. I am a lover of sustainable (our meaning of it, not the fascist evil globalist NWO/Un type definition of it) - living. I am an activist that has been targeted in #Canada aka #Canadastan for years for speaking truth - so sadly, I am well aware of what the #PoliceState and the #Grid are up to.

UV and RS you --- I want the best for you all, 110%. Thinking of you here in Canada // BD

Thank you so much, your support means a great deal to us! Stay committed to your values, brother - the truth shall stand!

I hear you @barrydutton. That is why it is not happening just to us at the @gardenofeden, but to everyone. It's time for the truth to be seen and acknowledged. Together we can make a difference. We are grateful for your support and sending you ours.

Governments are insane.

One can pretty much rely on a government sucking.

And the crazy thing about that is, it is us! We are doing this to ourselves.

:( please keep us updated!

We have a lawsuit against the City of Arlington.

It's terrible that you had to go through an experience like this, and sad that the authorities are so mistrustful and fearful of people who chose to live differently from others. Stories like this make me ashamed to be a citizen of my own country. But I'm glad that you stood your ground and didn't let yourselves be intimidated! You've got my support and I'm sure the support of many many others on Steemit who admire all the good things your community stands for. Stay strong & live free, and thanks for spreading awareness!

Thank you! It has served to make us stronger, and it actually helped spread our message all across the world. Blessings come in unexpected places!

Situations like this make it completely impossible to believe conspiracy doesn't exist. That's entirely awful and seemingly unlawful that you guys had to go through that.

Sounds like someone was told not to come back empty they grasped at threads (okra?! Fucking parking tickets!? A piano?! Improperly stacked wood?!). Ridiculous.

It was completely unlawful and unjustified. It was dishonorable, disrespectful, and atrocious. Absolutely despicable behavior on behalf of the "authorities", and still no apology!

Prayers and I am devastated along with you!!!!! :-O WOW


Thanks for your support! Thankfully the raid made us stronger and more committed to our purpose, plus the story spread like wildfire so we reached people all across the world!

that's awful, you are doing such a great and important work, they even have no idea how to do this, but they have a great idea how to ruin. what is happening to the world. best wishes to you and stay strong!

Thank you! We exist to show that there is a better way!

Boy difficult times for everyone. Thank you for sharing this information.

You're welcome; we're all in this together!

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