Understanding Belief

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Understanding is built, knocked down and rebuilt upon experiences.
With focus on sensitivity, we may come to embody functional skills.

These skills with the hard won wisdom of how to apply them gracefully,
enable us to become valued members of our species.

Abundance is available to the degree to which we understand our habitat.

Experience engages ones nervous system and other tissues directly.
In the absence of sense, there can be no understanding,
There can be no skills,
there can be no inherent value
This leaves us, insecure, un-validated.

This leaves us ripe for belief.

Where Understanding offers the possibility of response to reality - responsibility
Belief offers only, reactivity, up-set and more insecurity.

The cure for fear, is stepping out of time.
Ceasing to compare future to past or fantasy.
Completely accepting what is actually present,
without any personal perspective about that.
Fully sensitive to it, yet equanimous about it.

The experience of full unconditional aliveness,
Is the gift of acceptance, there is zero morality in this.
How could there be?

The possibility of compassion is born of appreciation.
Appreciation is possible with acceptance, (the opposite of judgement).

Direct sensitivity is possible with focus
Focus is possible when we come out of our memories, our strategies, our endless "neediness" for conditions to be met.


Without understanding their is only belief.

Belief may use stories to offer temporary relief to fear, doubt, insecurity of uncertainty.
With Belief, there can only be conflict, as it will never match reality, can never update to it, or remain present to it.
Belief is at war with everything that does not align to it.

Either way we will pass when our time is over,
understanding can bring joy and appreciation
of the life we all have remaining.

To choose the path of understanding is to recognise "upset"for what it is.
Upset is often when we are using opinion for personal advantage,
then feeling insecure when challenged.

It is normal to use belief and memory to fill gaps in our understanding.
There will always be gaps in our understanding.

Releasing belief is a daily task, like burying kitchen waste.
Releasing upset, takes time proportional to our ability to let go,
equal to our capacity to own our pain.


To recognise that we are all in this together,
that no single individual or guru,
can experience everything all at once,
is to know both compassion,
and appreciation of other perspectives.
Not so much temporary beliefs, but enduring, tested and unfolding talents.

particularly, those, who share openly,
without personal agenda, despite insecurity
those who give, without thought of return.
out of appreciation of flow

ancient, yet always fresh,
ever new

To all my teachers, which is everyone
Thank you, I hope you also are
enjoying the ride of our lives.


Todays blog was a stand alone, but if this resonates with you and you would like to know how I arrived in this place, perhaps you may enjoy the series below, if not, thats also totally cool, thanks for stopping by.

Wisdom as Action Series
Act 1 - Do you remember?
Act 2 - What is Love?
Act 3 - Feeling Swell
Act 4 - Bound to be Free
Act 5 - Trust Issues
Act 6 - Knowledge
Act 7 - All you Desire
Act 8 - Virtue Reality
Act 9 - @tension
Act 10 - Rote learning vs Understanding
Act 11- Morality Paradox
Act 12- Body Language
Act 13 - Adaptability pt1 - survival
Adaptability pt2- attunement
Adaptability pt3 - focus
Adaptability pt4 - nutrition
Adaptability pt5- sex and intimacy
Adaptability pt6 - shelter
Adaptability pt7 - beauty


"What is mysticism? Mysticism is the acceptance of allegations without evidence or proof, either apart from or against the evidence of one’s senses and one’s reason. Mysticism is the claim to some non-sensory, non-rational, non-definable, non-identifiable means of knowledge, such as “instinct,” “intuition,” “revelation,” or any form of “just knowing.”

Reason is the perception of reality, and rests on a single axiom: the Law of Identity.

Mysticism is the claim to the perception of some other reality — other than the one in which we live — whose definition is only that it is not natural, it is supernatural, and is to be perceived by some form of unnatural or supernatural means."

Ayn Rand, Philosophy: Who Needs It, 62


Long but a good motivational story....... Even i checked out other stories from you, all are heart touching and worth reading..

Now a days am obsessed due to some personal relations and this blog relaxed me.......


thank you, I am glad you found it worth reading

sometimes when return to some simple movements, trust in the flow of events returns

then I begin to have fun and naturally am nicer to be around

The situations we face when we are born, the conditions play an important role in making our personality. Assuming something about us is different from any other person. Our decisions are about to look at the situation. It is the real art to know the truth of the situation. I think research is a human development. Knowing the truth is always good to stay on. And I'm also looking for one of them to wait for your writing. Thanks

Our life situations bring us many experiences
The wisdom is in the experience itself
They affect us personally, but they are not personal unless we make them so.

Without story, nothing is personal.

Story is not bad, story is just a temporary framework for "storing" or sharing concepts.

We can never share sensation, however, just as we can not pass a skill.
Skills must be learned directly
Wisdom is much like this.

Stories are no substitute for wisdom
The wisdom is an invitation to live your own experiences

Rich in sensation, devoid of opinion
understanding is bound to arise :)

@freemoceanisnow yes road can be long but road should not be lonely bcoz we can pass the road with togetherness but lonely it's too hard to pass the road.

We have almost everything in common.
When we celebrate and are curious about the differences
life is rich

What we do not have in common, is mostly belief,
Which is most likely the glue we use to fill the gaps
in our understanding.

Which is totally cool,
so long as we remember that
glue can be hard to let go of

Now days m going through very bad situation ,sometimes it's feel very frustrating when life going really with really bad times. I couldn't find out the a simple way for happy living life . But life is going on and on.
Your stories is such a nice for motivation I believe it can be help me little bit to fight in this bad times . I m trying very hard to make my life feel alive .

Hey there, these seasonal lows, allow us to have compassion for others when they too feel down. It will pass.

Life is simple, relationships are not.
Life is eat, breath, sleep, do what is required to get food, energy, money, entertainment etc.

We share the same reality, its the perceptions we add to it, (meanings) that we do not share.

Trying to update someone else's meanings is the biggest mistake I keep making.

What returns me to feeling alive again is coming out of my thoughts and meanings. There is no aliveness in my thoughts.

Taking some action that forces me to pay attention to actual sensation - this is the only way we can ever be in relationship with reality.

We all find this in our own way. If your lucky you can return to it by taking a walk.
If your less lucky, you will need extreme sports lol..
Same thing though, wether feeling the breathe or screaming towards hard objects at high speed.
Attention in the now, through the senses is the on-ramp back to the aliveness that was always there...until it is not

dont waste a drop :)

If pain is all you have right now, then sit with pain, be curious about it, but do not judge it, simply allow it to be as equal to any other sensations that are arising and passing - this is the most difficult and the most rewarding action I know of. It is the complete opposite off and the deepest cure for, addictions.

Good luck Brother

Thanks dear ..........

I m also hoping for good in future .....let's see

Outside of mind, where is future?

Dont meant to be a smart ass, but personally the only place I have ever known joy, peace or happiness, was in the present, which not accessible via mind, memory and thought.

Sound sense-able? :)

Consequence is real, and it is the result of the quality of our actions,
Quality actions arise from understanding and skill
Both are qualities, not of thought but of paying attention
attention in sensation
which is the only place we are free of story.

Without story, "negative" emotion is simply not possible

Aliveness - its now or never

nuff said...time to move :)

Hello @freemoceanisnow
I am back on steemit after a long period, actually i was in some problem. Just looked at your blog and found lots of interesting articles and will try to read to get benefited from it. Thank you.

Welcome back, good to see you again.
Relationships are very difficult,
Sometimes I feel it is better to focus on the actions that we enjoy

The ones we want most to appreciate us, rarely will.
It can make us really crazy when we believe we deserve their

We do not have to agree with people but everyone needs to be felt "heard" by someone.

It is a bit sad that we tend to become addicted to people who do not accept us. Praise from anyone else is not worth as much.

Really, that underlying "need" to be validated is our own.
Nobody can take that away, no matter how much love they offer.
Only we can let go of the "feeling" that there is something missing.

Peace be with you.

You are correct @freemoceanisnow. Its true that relationships are difficult and many a times i witnessed it in my life. But at the end everything happens good i believe.
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