in #life6 years ago (edited)

Couple of minutes ago I read an article from @nobyeni whom I recently got to know and with whom I promised myself to stay in a very fruitful touch. She doesn't know that yet, but I hope this is not a threat but a golden outlook for her as well:)

She wrote about "rejection". Big topic for all of us.

I want to quote her - because I cannot imagine to say it better:

I'd rather hear what I should do, instead of things I shouldn't do. Replacing a destructive habit with something constructive is easier than simply having no more habit.

She is using to a remarkable extent what I call "systemic approaches on life" - like the one above. And also her recommended to do's after getting a rejection from a publisher I can lay warmly in your hands.

Instantly this reminded me on my own experience of rejection. And how I became a pro in consulting people in family- and social affairs. So this is a record of my journey in my professional life and how I dealt with rejection. It hears and perhaps reads itself easier than it actually was. But I would like to encourage you with this experience, if you intend to follow similar paths.

The story goes like this:

After I had quit a miserable job and there was no prospect of a new job yet, I contacted the Employment Agency. I immediately told my consultant: "I'm not going back to the PR and advertising industry. I've been there, done that and with child and part-time work: no chance and no desire! I want to do something new, I'm not quite sure what it will be. But I think I'll be back soon with a good result."

You don't expect much from the employment agency, do you? Anyone who has been a "customer" before knows this or has at least a clue. Well, yeah. As it is with prejudice. You should always throw them over the top, you should roll the dice again every time you make a new encounter.

A letter flew in from the agency.

With an invitation to an education fair. I thought, "Huh? What kind of nonsense is that? Do I need this?" But now that I was invited, I also went there. With zero expectation. Small, manageable fair. I strolled from stand to stand. Nope. No, I didn't want to be a technician. Also no european secretary (the professions I have just invented now, because I really have no memory of the other offers:).

Then there was a stand that didn't make sense to me at first. In any case, I read "advisor" - that's what I had been doing all my professional life. In an insurance company and then in a PR agency. Among some other things, I will probably talk about on a future occasion (only that much: it has to do with vacuum-cleaners).

As I found out, it was a training as a systemic-integrative family and social counsellor.

I'm like, "Wow!"

And the second thought: "That's what I want to do!" The employee at the booth had time for me and so I asked her out. When it came to the prerequisites for access, the blow hit the pit of my stomach: Not possible for me. I asked again:
"Really not? No chance?" The lady shook slowly her head.

There I was. Within five minutes I had developed a huge motive, interest and enthusiasm and immediately afterwards I felt the disappointment of everything that wasn't supposed to come true.

I turned around and left.

Thought so, too: How stupid. First you didn't want to come. Nothing here has been of interest to you. Only this one small stand with the academy, which would have been good for you. Why did you laugh at the letter of invitation? Another one shakes me up. I myself, of course: No! You want to do this! Absolutely! Now you go back there again!

I turned around and went back.

Once again, the lady stood in front of me and I said: "Listen, this is really important to me. I want to do this! Is there really no possibility of being accepted at the Academy? I'm confident it's definitely something I can and want to learn. I believe that my consulting experience makes up for the lack of social education training. I also completed my business training at a social security company. This has something to do with "social". I know the legal basis. Who can I talk to, who decides on the acceptance?"

The addressed smiled and said she would give me the number of the course- and office management.
Just like that. Only with a phrase that said, "I'm apparently serious about it," did she give me the business card.

This was the first rejection and then the first recovery of a thing believed to be lost.

We're moving on.

The call to the Academy office was then quite unexciting. I made an appointment with the management and in the conversation he was quite relaxed and confident that my reception was not a problem at all and that he could not recognize where I was lacking in skills. That's good! But it was already clear that the costs would have to be covered by the employment agency.

I saw the next hurdle coming.

In the employment agency's office. He's listening to my report: The fair, my courageous fight with the rejection, the appointment with the school management, the promise from there, the trembling and now I: here with him.
What does he think? After all, I wouldn't have been invited to the fair for no reason at all.

He listens attentively. Nods. But watching his body language I can sniff that he is not convinced.

He rejects my idea.

Again this is happening. But I am recovered within seconds.

He makes objections to my lack of educational background. I've met it before. I have long since refuted it and wiped it aside because of my determination. He even tells me about his wife, who is a teacher and has a hard time finding work!
I express my sympathy, but remain otherwise stubborn.

I'll ask him at the end: "I know you'll have to justify this well if you want to finance me. But I am really convinced that I will both find a job and be successful. I want to do this so badly. Please put in a good word for me at your next team meeting."

He nods again and is friendly to me. But he makes no specific statement about what he will do.

Have a nice day.

I'm leaving. Outside, I'm torn. Was that good or not? I'm already about to let go of all this. When someone reacts so hesitantly, it usually means nothing good. My thoughts turn to other things in the next few days.

Three weeks later. Friday in the early afternoon.

My phone.
On the phone: the employment agency. A short greeting and then a question from him:
"Should I sweeten your Friday night?"
My heart begins to beat.
I: "Of course. What's it about?"
He:"The financing is through. You can start training in October!"

The rest you can think of: All the screaming and joy - I embraced him through the phone and wished him all the happiness of this earth!

One quick run:

I did the training for nine months. Full-time every day from nine o' clock in the morning to half-five in the afternoon. Tough training, but what great instructors and experiences and the stuff: Made for me! Wrote my thesis on patchwork families and then I was released into the freedom to look for a job!

Two years later

I am sitting in my office in the "Haus der Familie", where I still give an open consultation on Thursdays. I'm thinking of my employment counselor and his unemployed wife. I find out his phone number, and he picks up.
I said, "Do you remember me? I'm her, and this and that."
He: "Oh, yes. I remember you. What can I do for you?"
I: "Nothing at all. You already have. I just want to say thank you again and say that I'm sitting here in an office where I work. I think it's important that you know that your actions have had a great impact on my life."
He was happy about it, but apparently so perplexed that he didn't find many words.
It was all right with me. I said what was on my mind.

There. Now I'm done with my story. It is now six years ago.

Since I wrote it only because the muse kissed me through @nobyeni, I will share the revenue from this article with her. Without this inspiration today, I probably wouldn't have written it.

Hello and wave to you!

What a great write that was for me. It was fun. ;-)

Last words on rejections

Rejections feel bad.
But if you always make sure that not you, but possibly only something that has nothing to do with you is rejected, you are on the right track!

Of course, sometimes you yourself are rejected. But even then you are not meant as an entire person, but always only a part of what is not supposed to be accepted by another person.
Like you borrowed a book and didn't return it. The person who criticizes you for this doesn't find you bad, but only your behaviour in this regard. Don't you ever forget that.

Last advice:

Perhaps, be like a dog. The dog always forgets when was rejected. As if it never happened, the dog comes always back and happily wags his tale. Wouldn't it be nice to be a little bit like a dog?

Thank you for reading.

Photo by Jay Wennington on Unsplash

My questions to you: have you a story of a successful rejection? Or a certain method how to deal with it?

Absolutely. True. Every. Word.
Thank you for sharing. I hope the world will be flooded with stories like this, because they are important, especially in the hectic times of today, where everything needs to be done and fixed immediately. I can read from your story you have great courage, and a huge sense of determination. Bravo! Let us celebrate those qualities! I feel honoured to have inspired you to share your truth like this!

Thank you @nobyeni!

When I browse through the steemit space and I meet people like you from whom I can learn, it makes me feel related. Also, when reading something which inspires me I find it fair to mention the the triggering aspect and the person behind it. Actually I was not very good in praising people and showing my grace and generosity through direct words. It always felt a little exaggerated or forced. Since I am here on the platform, I realized that I can change that and practice that more often.

Have a good day my Netherland connection :)

Meh. Today I got another rejection, and even though I know, knowing is not the same as living and feeling. But it's good to notice the rebound-time drastically goes down, the more rejections one gets. But some jobs or projects would just be a perfect fit, and I never seem to find the right way to let people know.
Or of course, they are not the right fit, and something else will be coming along the way. There is always also that.

Oh ... I feel with you. Let the disappointment hit you. Do you do that sometimes? And when it stayed with you for a while and you embraced it and said "well, okay, I take you" than it gets good?

Oh of course, the perfect fit, the perfect wave, the perfect moment is always a thing which can come around the corner and hit you. And it should! What would life be without?

Or of course, they are not the right fit, and something else will be coming along the way. There is always also that.

LOL! Yes, that's right, Mam.

You seem to be you're your prosecutor and Advocate in one.

Yes, I actively apply ACT (acceptance and commitment theory). to not accept the disappointment and pain as it is, would be harmful.
Why are you telling this to the one person who already understands...?

HaHa, funny, you!

It's for the audience, dear, always also for the audience. Giggle.

That's kind of you to share with your inspiration. Unfortunately my vote is worth 0. But I enjoyed reading your post.

I thank you very much!
Your vote is worth what worth you put into it ;-)

Great read! Funny that I had just thought by myself, that I'd like to know a little bit of your life's story and how you got into your job. Hehe.. not only must the gods be crazy, they always smile upon me too :-)

Of course I hate rejection and as a Bavarian I know how to swear extensively, when it happens to me.

Had to smile, when I read about your determination, and I know I'm the same way, when something is really important to me. Its as if I don't even think about it, it all happens more like on autopilot...

Back in 2015 I organized a huge exhibition with 70 professional female artists from around the world. There were a few big names of women working in my genre on my list and of course they weren't really knocking down my door, to exhibit in a small town in the Bavarian Forest. To make a long story short, we pulled it off in the end.... when I didn't get a reply to an invitation, or someone turned the offer down, I tried again and looked for ways to make it more appealing to them. Some of the Ladies must have gotten half a dozen invitations or more. It was funny, when I finally got a positive answer from one of the really famous artists starting with the words: "Thank you for your friendly persistence"... (she accepted)

I think, persistence, determination and passion take you a long way. Your story proves that nicely again :-)

I think this post deserves a lot more rewards than I can add with my humble upvote... found a way, to "fuzzy" it up a little ;-)

What a generous gesture, Reinhard!!!!

It was you with the fuzzyvest! :-)


You really also know how to sweeten ones day! It reminds me on our first encounter. Smile. And smile again.

"70 professional female artists": sounds like paradise.

I tried again and looked for ways to make it more appealing to them

Great example, thank you. I think that is another nice secret in handling rejection or ignorance: Make it more appealing. Instead of reacting hurt or aggravated it's good to find out what exactly there is what makes another one wanting to engage. People have their spots and mostly if you have a sense of what it probably can be, it goes very well. When the intention behind is truly positive it's almost always a win. Exceptions confirm the rule.

I think, persistence, determination and passion take you a long way.


I had to upvote my comment in order to place it directly under yours. :)

Erika, I see you are always generous, so its easy for me to share a little something with you! @officialfuzzy was very generous the other day with me, and I thought this is a good opportunity to give back a little and show my gratitude.

I don't know, what your idea of paradise is, but I can assure you, that organizing such a project is not. Although I have to say, that I met some really outstanding artists and wonderful human beings with that show. It definitely was a great experience 🙂

Did I mention, your picture is on the way?

I am practicing :) Sometimes it stresses my capacity and I cannot catch up with giving votes & comments.

I tried to understand @officialfuzzy but I am afraid it is too late in the evening. Will read it again tomorrow.

HeHe, I was actually thinking to put a smiley to the paradise statement but decided against in order to see whether you will get my slightly ironic intention. I did organize similar events and I can tell the effort:) very intense.

The picture! Yes, I am happily awaiting it and I am very much exited! This is actually the first picture I am purchasing directly from an artist! That makes it special to me.

Just check out his blog and discord channel and you'll get the idea :-)

Hey, of course I got it, my little soul sister 🤭 But it did inspire me to today's post. What events did you organize?

First for both of us, my first one sold for crypto! The fact, that it will be in your home, makes it special to me 🤩

I'll keep that in mind... great way to respond to someone... "thank you for your friendly persistence"... Believing in one's own strength, and daring to shape that the way that is authentic, takes a lot of courage and persistence. Great autopilot to have!

Haha, yes, I thought it was nice, when she called my "nagging" friendly persistence.. but like I said, I didn't even do it consciously. Just had my goal in mind and the rest just happened. Its like raising a glass of water to your mouth... you don't have to think of which muscle to use or which joint to bend, you just do it...

Thank you for sharing your story of rejection with us! I love how you said being able to bounce back from a rejection like being a dog, and that's so true! Yes, rejection hurts, but how we respond that rejection is what makes us who we are. :)

You are more than welcome!

:-) bouncing back, I like the term. Seems we have something in common.

LOVED this story @erh.germany. It really does prove that just because someone says no, it doesn't meant that the door is shut.

If the will is there, anything is possible! And I really like how the more convinced you were, the more convincing you seemed to the people you were talking to.

That's such a wonderful and magical story. Props to you for calling up that man who helped you so much and thanking him. I think that's a really noble thing to do.

Thanks for sharing this awesome story! Really enjoyed it!

Thank you, @axios!

I do like that you mention the man from the employment office as I did my call for the reason that sometimes an evidence is needed that people ARE graceful for what they were supported with. I also did it with my former dentist, who saved a tooth of mine. Sent him a fax and told him 20 years later that I still appreciated his work. LOL.

Have you ever tried that out yourself to surprise people when they don't expect it to happen?

Good night from me to you. It's very late here.

What an inspirational story! I loved this and it reminded me a little bit about my own visits to the employment counselor. Your story is a great lesson in determination. The analogy of the dog is sweet, yes maybe it would be good to become like that...2018 is the year of the dog after all!

Thank you!
I didn't know that we are having a dogs year. :) Yes, employment counselors are just humans and they need to be talked to like to an equal human - neither they are superior nor inferior... which ... actually fits for all of us.

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Excellent work I like it. Keep it up. I follow you

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