If I Were To Make A Christmas Wish It Would Be ...

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Do you observe Christmas? Have you put up and decorated your Christmas tree? Have you changed bulbs on your blinking lights? Have you been pretty busy shopping for gifts these days? Have you been cooking all day for the Christmas Dinner tomorrow? Have you been writing special wishes to family and friends on Christmas Cards? Have you been playing the Christmas Carols? Aside from the later, I don't do any of the rest for ... if my Math is right - 19 long years.

I am not the only one who doesn't observe all those but anyway, I am a Christian, just to make sure nobody mistakes me for a Buddhist or anything else. I also don't attend the Christmas masses or what they call in my country; "Misa De Gallo." but I do believe in the Spirit of Christmas. For what I have been thought - it's that ...

"Letting Faith, Hope and Love reign in our hearts."

Perhaps you have a different one and that's alright some say, it's the season of Giving. Some say it's that Peace you have among everybody. Anyhow, I like the idea that because of this celebration, this side of the earth which gets pitched black in winter gets well lighted - thanks to all the blinking lights the many put up when December comes. Where I come from, as soon as the "BER" months start, you'd see flickering lights on the streets and they're a feast to the eyes.

What I love about the Christmas are the carols. Not only because there are attached memories when I was a child. We used to collect flattened soda and beer bottle caps to turn them into tambourines and go around the neighborhood happily singing Christmas carols - door after door getting 0.25 cents, 0.50 cents and if we get lucky, we could get as much as 5.00 Philippine peso. Just so you have an idea of how much its worth - 1 USD = 50 Philippine peso. There never was a bill since I grew up in the countryside. Night after night, my friends and I - and we're like 20 to 25 kids would divide the caroling fund among each other. Each of us would get 0.50 cents and we're happy because we're kids we didn't really have any idea of what money could do for us but later on we stopped when we were already adults. The 0.50 cents doesn't get us much anymore but candies. Candies don't appeal to us anymore.

Later on, my parents taught us about Santa and that we could make a Christmas wish of the things we'd like to have for Christmas and that it shall be granted. Of course, it was all just BS but okay, my parents were conditioned the same thing back when they were young and maybe unlike you and me, they didn't think of breaking away from such ideology and they've passed it on us. Unfortunately, my sister and I decided to recondition our thinking and have chosen the path we'd like to walk on to - so as to about - Christmas. I think among my family, extended and close ones, I am the most stress free when this season comes.

However, since the many of you are celebrating and observing it, I'd like to make a plea -and perhaps to you all it's your version of a Christmas Wish. It's realistic, doable and you hold the key to make it happen. I do hope you do.

My wish is that you please read articles written in foreign languages other than English and consider casting your vote on them, commenting on their post and suggesting how to make it better?
There are so many ignored articles written in (I wrote them in order).

... and maybe there's more. Do write it below, please.

If you'd go to their trending pages you'd find that most of them are getting cents. The most of them are written in simple sentences and actually, if we just use google translate, we'd get to understand them. I can claim this because I have often done it. Don't get me wrong, I am not tooting my horn about it. In order to make something a reality, most of the time we have to experience it. That's my experience. Perhaps @stellabelle could attest to that, too since, she has checked out one Korean post, commented and upvoted it (yes, I checked on steemd.com) in reply to my comment on her post about her offering for help the other day.

Some of them really have interesting posts, some needs help on making their posts better and some are really doing their best but not getting interaction or barely.

I hope that some of you would grant my Holiday wish and in doing this, we won't be just doing good to ourselves knowing we have helped someone in the community but also the whole community because most of them are actually investors. It's not only that, some of them must have been upvoting you and compared to your upvotes theirs probably have more bearing than yours so it's but fair to give them something back.

If we are lending help to people who are not Steemians more so - we should also take care of our very own folks, too and first. As the Dutch says;

"Eigen volk eerst." = Our People in the Steemit Community First."

Many of them are already getting discouraged, frustrated and already sad about it. We've all walked that path,too, we all know how that feels. We're inviting others to join us and even invest here but if this is the sight they'd see when they clicked - do we think we'd achieve our goals? It's almost 2017, how about we turn it around and start taking care of this. We don't have to complain about it - because we hold the key to solving it.

Would you please help my wish come true? Would you please do this not only this holiday season but perhaps once or twice a week from now on if you decide to do so? Isn't it that the Christmas Spirit should actually reign - all year through in our hearts? And if it's really that spirit of Giving isn't it that it's but right to those who do that to also be receiving?

Except for the pics I sourced, I took the rest using my Samsung Galaxy A3 2016 edition.

I usually blog about cooking, gardening and photography and if you happen to be interested in all of those, too .




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I speak Ukrainian and Russian fluently. Also, some basic German, French and Spanish. Since, I have much more power on Golos platform for any Russian or Ukrainian speaking people I may propose much more support there. Feel free to contact me (I'm richman in both chats) for support :D

@richman, That's great!
Unfortunately, the #ru seems inactive, i checked if you click on the blued Russian up there, you'd see.

This is the tendency when the authors get ignored, they stop - although, that's also their "weakness/err"? Can't think of the right word.

As for the German, French, Spanish specially the last, they are active and somehow well blessed. It's the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans and Russians that really needs help most of the time.

I wish I wrote this yesterday, there were more interesting stories yesterday on the trending posts yesterday than today. Well, there is still hope, I've been seeing ned supporting them, too.

Russian/Ukrainian community has it's own promising platform currently.
I see many people cross-posting here and on Golos and getting much more support on a new platform.
So, I urge people from #ru to post there, if they are not getting adequate attention. As for the Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other community I have to tell you one thing: I don't have a problem clicking on that upvote button. If anyone needs my minnow support, just tell me.
BTW, @stellabelle is curating posts on golos too :D

@richman, yes. you've been very supportive, I saw
and @bleujay can attest to that, too
but since you asked for it please click here, uhmm... this, too
The Chinese have stopped :(
and would you please drop by this account every now and then? The owner is on a trip where he came from.

He's been helping many people here, a lot, probably need more guidance on posting and he'll breakthrough, too.

I do this for the Spanish posts that I attempt to read :0)

Thanks then, as spanish I'm :P

Wayhay, you're welcome!

Thank you blue fairy, I mean ... @meesterboom, would you please add some more?
Other languages that are written in characters not in alphabets pretty please?

Crazy character posts! I could try!

@meesterboom I am yoda :D
hahaha kidding :)

Thank you!

It is a good ideea @englishtchrivy ! I understand italian, french and russian too. I admit not as good as english, because I learned english from Cartoon Network when I was 7 years old. But to be onest if I see a great post (for example with nice photos, view, sport or cooking) I upvote 100%, I dont care about curation rewards...I mostly earn from posting so I am fine with that...and olso I dont care about the languege...
I seen too some posts in korean for example that were awesome, I mean...really awesome...after 24h they had only 7 upvotes...witch is really sad because they spent time and energy to create those posts. So I upvoted them and olso want to encourege them to post more by leaving a nice coment or following them...BUT I noticed that some of them sadly stopped posting...and that is really sad...

it's not just them, the Russians have ceased, too
I thought the Chinese did but thanks to @ace108 we just found out that they are just using #cn now.

As for the Koreans, it's true, the sad part is - most of those who have stopped are even the ones who make good posts, we just need to translate. I don't think its hard to translate I just copy paste in kukol as @oaldamster calls it, and it works.
I only discovered the Japanese last night. Unfortunately, at that time my voting influence was down to 36% it doesn't do anything to cents :(.

Thank you for your support @cynetyc, watch you Voting power I went down to 27% it's hard to recover. I'd be off for a few days to recharge and attend to personal needs but we'll be back. I'm leaving a message in the SCC chat. Happy holidays!

I wish you too happy holidays and much much love!

The only other language that I am fluent in is Italian.

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

@kus-knee, I didn't write that up there, I haven't seen anyone write Italian yet.

I use google translate to check the post. It takes some time but if none of us would be reading them, sooner or later the author stops :(

Felice anno nuovo!

Merci pour ce post dédié aux auteurs étrangers car c'est vrai on ne maîtrise pas tous la langue de Shakespeare ou alors difficilement (moi y compris).
je vote également pour des post en espagnol et bien sûr en français mais c'est vrai que je passe outre ceux en chinois ou coréen car je ne comprend pas les caractères utilisés. Dorénavant j'essaierai de les traduire.
Je vais utiliser Google Translate pour traduire ce post en anglais. La preuve que ce dernier fonctionne bien.
Merci @englishtchrivy pour ce que tu fais passe de bonnes fêtes!!

Thank you for this post dedicated to foreign authors because it is true we do not all master.. (<- this is the only words I'm not sure with Google Translate) ..the language of Shakespeare or hardly (including myself).
I also vote for posts in Spanish and of course in French but it is true that I override those in Chinese or Korean because I do not understand the characters used. From now on I will try to translate them.
I will use Google Translate to translate this post into English. Proof that it works well.
Thanks @englishtchrivy for what you do have a good holiday !!

@pickoum thank you! that would be a huge help!

Since you’ve been such a model Steemian this year, dear @englishtchrivy, your wish is granted! I’m off to vote for posts in those languages (only two of which I – somewhat – understand).

@oleg326756 Thank you that means a lot.

Some of them translates okay in google translate, it does take copy pasting effort :)
I wish you good karma !

So if I got it do you want us for voting every other foreign languages posts aside from english's, right?
It's a good idea; actually I do upvote some of chinese, korean, German and russian posts with my different accounts.

@dresden yes, please - a lot of them could really use some help.

I wanted to cite one author's post who is really heart broken about this situation but it's probably just not one author.

If we click on each language I wrote up there, they'll lead you to either the trending post or newly created articles and you could see for yourself how many of those are doing good. It's hard to watch :(

Thank you !

I already do, if the post is in Dutch, English, French, or German. I can't read the rest.

@ocrdu Thank you.

That's why I wrote use kukol translate :P

Hahaha, specially for posts in Chinese, Japanese and Korean Characters, they don't use alphabets.

I don't upvote everything, only the ones that are interesting and really gives value, the rest, I curate to help them understand how to post here, some really just don't know :(

I occasionally use Google translate for Russian, as I like learning more Russian words, but the results are very mysterious sometimes. Счастливого Рождества!

@ocrdu That's great!

С новым годом! :)

I wish I had more followers.... happy holidays! Feliz navidad

@aidancloquell I'm sorry am not the blue fairy love but if you get active and keep posting your wish would definitely come true :)
try using steemit.chat

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