Autism: A personal note

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Blue Butterflies

On a walk the other day, I had the desire to try my hand at some street photography after being inspired by the beautiful shots of my friend @countrygirl. I came upon this precious piece.

Today, @laviniatherapist reminded us all that it is Global Autism Awareness Day. In honor of this day, you can see some beautiful buildings and wonders bathed in blue light. If you've seen a blue butterfly today, this is the reason.

How wonderfully timely that I had this picture on my phone!

My favorite posts are posts that reveal a little peek into the author's life. Research is valuable, and facts are important - but when I spend my time reading a post, I want to walk away from it with my world gently shifted. I want to feel something. I crave that connection, no matter how slight.

In the spirit of that, I'd like to share a mother's perspective on loving my autistic child.

I remember crawling into his world, waiting to gain his trust.

I remember eye contact.

I remember holding his hand, as we walked together to join the "scary world out there".

I remember the day when he said I love you for the first time, and meant it.

I remember teaching him the difference between feeling scared and feeling excited.

I remember when toys became objects of play, and not just objects of sound.

I remember learning that black and white can be comforting, while grey is scary and unpredictable.

I remember when hugs became desirable and not avoided.

I remember when eating lunch at 12:01 became acceptable.

I remember watching the realization that letters made sounds... made words... made communication.

I remember when he finally realized he was brilliant.

I remember the first joke that didn't need to be explained.

I remember the giddy laugh that followed.

I remember the first joke he created.

I remember aching when I saw him eating alone.

I remember understanding his preference for solitude.

I remember panicking about age 3, 12, 19, 25, 36...99

I remember breathing and taking it one day at a time.... still.

I remember this gift, everyday, and for the rest of my life.

April is Autism Awareness Month.

*All images were created by me.*

I want to walk away from it with my world gently shifted

And this post definitely shifted my world.

Thank you Vanessa :) This makes my heart happy. <3

I have a dear friend whose son is autistic and I know how much love and time she has poured into him. It hasn't been easy for her (or the rest of the family) but it has paid off, and he's a lovely young man. I just know that you'll have done a similarly wonderful job, and have come through it with your sense of humour intact and with a huge heart. I can see too why connection is so important to you. Blessings to you all. xx

yes... hes 17 and I'm so blessed to see this young man that he has become!!! I still have those moments of panic hehehehe but the joy overflows everyday.
and yes - connection is so important.... i just finished a post on that tonight... but need to make it prettier hehehe Blessings to you too my sweet birthday MONTH friend ;)

I remember the first joke that didn't need to be explained.

A very beautiful post.
I wore blue for it. A friend at work told me about autism day.

Thank you friend 💙
I think the human brain is one of the most fascinating things on the planet :) It's such a delicate, complex blob of mystery! hehehe

I remember meeting that strong, smart, and funny young man.

What a proud mom you must be to have such a kind gentleman, for a son.


My darling boy man hehehe

I can't believe how time has deepened our journey!!! So glad you appreciated his heart ❤️

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Good work!

Ah kids! Whether there's a name for the way that they're special, or not, they're truly what we're here to make and live and learn through.

MIne are amazing me as adults as they did as children and I expect they will continue to do so.

PS, I met a metal butterfly today too!


I love this :) thank you for sharing!!!! now every time you see a metal butterfly - you can smile! (i hope!)

this one is 17.5..... hehehehe so he is almost an adult ;)

i'm sure he will continue to amaze me!!!! Thanks for coming to visit my post "Uncle" Lloyd hehehehehehehe

( i swear you remind me sooooooooo much of my favorite uncle. LOL i'm just going to adopt you. Done.)

wait, do I get a certificate of unclery or something?

Funny you should ask Uncle @lloyddavis!!!!

That's going on the wall, next to my 75 yards swimming certificate.

I'm so qualified!!

Hahahahhaha!!!! Well.let me just tell you!!! You are the only one who was even in the running to be adopted as my favorite steemit uncle.

I'm not sure if that means you should be pitied??? Or if you should be proud!

My vote is... A little of both 😂

Let them not pity me! 100% PROUD!

Starting my day with a good chuckle... What a good uncle!!!! 😁

Thanks for posting and for raising awareness about Autism. I dropped by from the S.U.P.A. discord group to visit everyone's blog and get to know them. Hope to see you around.

Hi there :) thanks for reading! What is the SUPA discord group? Not sure I've heard of that one before (or not recognizing the initials at least hehehe)

There is no doubt in my mind you are an amazing mother to your son. I enjoyed reading your post, but I loved hearing you speak about it. You are like I always say the most enthusiastic person I heard speaking in a long time and your positive energy is amazing. :)

I completely agree with reading something which can connect you with the author. I love those posts which come from a heart and soul of the author. Just like your post today.

I think your perspective of the mother loving you autistic child is a great, personal, heartwarming, poem. You said it was not a poem but it sure did sound like one to me. These words are your life with your son. All those words represent a memory you shared with your son. And, it is amazing. :)

Ok I am gonna stop talking now. lol I really enjoyed your presentation today and I thank you for participating again. One big arggggg hug for you from Italy. :)

It's always a pleasure to talk to you as well! and its my joy to talk about being a mother! There are so many ups and downs.. heartbreaks and delights... but everyday it's still a gift.

It doesn't surprise me that we both enjoy the connection that is made through reading posts - we're always so alike.

You know - i suppose that was like a poem! You're right :) I'll have to submit it to @damianjayclay hehehehe

I felt that argggggg hug and sending one back to you!! :)

My sweet friend! Thank you for bringing me here to read this. You have been on such a journey!

I remember the day when he said I love you for the first time, and meant it.

This really effected me. We can say I love you and pour it out, but the moment that love is genuinely given is so beautiful! I think about how you must have cried (because that's what I would have done!) and it makes me weepy!

It was beautifully written! Hugs

thank you my sweet friend! I actually have a really good example to compare it to... that feeling that I had - but i'll tell you in DM ;) (and i will come back hahahahaha this afternoon - i promise LOL )

A very touching and emotionally deep reminder.

Today it's difficult to find those parent's, which still remember these huge steps their children took/will take...

I see a world that sidelines their children as second class citizen's and chides them to act right, rather than guide them to enjoy and learn about the intricacies of life.

Deep connections are becoming more and more shallow and it takes people like you to remind US what living is about.

Being the typical 'tough guy' I needed a good tear duct flush.

Thank you for this beautiful post, my friend. More like this are needed...

do you know how much I appreciate you!?!?! i dont think you do. :)

but i do. and tear ducts always need flushing ahahahaha glad that i could make your tough guy ducts get their "oil changed" hehehe

Sending JOY to you my friend

That list of connections is beautiful! I have a dear friend who looks after a few kids on the spectrum and he has never found more rewarding work. Humans are incredible diverse individuals, recognizing each of us for our strengths is something i wish our society gave more merit to.

Thank you for sharing this with us! Personal glimpses into the lives of our fellow fins are my favorite way to interact with steemit 💖 hope you and your boy share many more blessed years!

thank you so much!!!! i loved getting to talk to you this morning!!! and i couldnt agree more - connection is so key! its what matters :)

One day I believe steemit will return to being more of this .... let's just be part of that change. I think we already are!

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